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Gemini Planet Imager Facility and Team Images

Content owned by xzhang

Photo of the member of GPI Pre-delivery Acceptance Review Committee

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GPI Pre-delivery Acceptance Review Committee

Picture of a member of the staff working on GPI at NRC Herzberg (part of the National Research Council of Canada)

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Working on GPI at NRC Herzberg (part of the National Research
Council of Canada)

Picture of the Gemini Planet Imager arriving atop Cerro Pachón.

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Eighteen hours after leaving the Santiago Chile airport, the Gemini
Planet Imager arrives atop Cerro Pachón where Gemini South staff
welcome this next-generation exoplanet imaging instrument.

Picture of the GPI inside the dome of Gemini South telescope as it is lifted by a crane

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GPI inside the dome of Gemini South telescope as it is lifted by a
crane and moved into position for mounting on the telescope's
instrument support structure.

Picture of Gaston Gausachs and Les Saddlemyer preparing to remove part of the lifting hardware before installing GPI on the Gemini South telescope’s Instrument Support Structure (ISS).

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Gaston Gausachs and Les Saddlemyer prepare to remove part of
the lifting hardware before installing GPI on the Gemini South
telescope’s Instrument Support Structure (ISS).

 Picture of GPI after mounting on the uplooking port of the Gemini South telescope's instrument support structure.

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GPI after mounting on the uplooking port of the Gemini South
telescope's instrument support structure.

Picture of GPI on the lower (uplooking) port of the Gemini South telescope in Chile.

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GPI on the lower (uplooking) port of the Gemini South telescope
in Chile.

Photo of the members of the GPI team celebrating with a toast after a successful run of GPI integration with the Gemini South telescope.

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The GPI team celebrates with a toast after a successful run of GPI
integration with the Gemini South telescope.

Picture of the GPI on the uplooking port of the Gemini South Telescope.

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GPI on the uplooking port of the Gemini South Telescope as it
prepares for a night of exoplanet observations.

Photo of the member of the GPI integration team celebrating after obtaining first light images at the Gemini South telescope control room in Chile.

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The GPI integration team celebrates after obtaining first light images
at the Gemini South telescope control room in Chile.

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