GEMINI (Mar2002) Gemini IRAF package v1.3 GEMINI (Mar2002) Release date: March 14, 2002 This document describes the revisions relative to the Gemini IRAF package v1.2 PRIMARY REVISIONS: 1) Tasks for reduction of GMOS data (imaging, longslit and MOS). A new package "gmos" is included. 2) Bug fixes and performance improvements to the NIRI imaging tasks in the "niri" package. 3) Support tasks for the "gmos" package included in the "gemtools" package DETAILS OF THE REVISIONS: gmos.gdisplay gmos.gprepare gmos.gbias gmos.gbpm gmos.gmosaic gmos.ggain (hidden task) gmos.garith gmos.giflat gmos.gireduce gmos.gsappwave gmos.gscalibrate gmos.gscut gmos.gsextract gmos.gsflat gmos.gsreduce gmos.gsskysub gmos.gsstandard gmos.gstransform gmos.gswavelength gmos.mostools.app2objt gmos.mostools.stsdas2objt A new package "gmos" is released. It contains tasks for reduction of data from GMOS. The release includes tasks for reduction of imaging, longslit and MOS data. A description of the GMOS data format is available as the task "gmosinfo". This task also describes tasks that are used for both imaging and spectroscopy data. The tasks "gmosinfoimag" and "gmosinfspec" describe typical reductions of imaging and spectroscopy data, respectively. niri All tasks in the "niri" package should be unlearned prior to use in order to implement new parameters and default parameter values. niri.nprepare Task revised to handle modifications to the NIRI array controller (older data is still handled correctly by nprepare). nprepare has been restructured to run much more quickly. niri.nifastsky Minor modification to automatically generate an output file name. niri.nisky Bugs fixed to allow nisky to work better on sky flats and images without bad pixel masks. Minor modification to automatically generate an output file name. niri.niflat Bugs fixed in the sky flat code. Header information is written all at once to improve speed. Minor modification to automatically generate output image name. niri.nireduce Simplified parameters considerably by restricting nireduce to one filter. Now only one flat field image is specified at a time. Other parameters modified to simplify normal use. gemtools.imcoadd Generalized for images with different gain/ron. gemtools.gemhedit Minor bug fixes. gemtools.gextverify (hidden task) gemtools.gemhead gemtools.gemcombine Generic tasks for support of tasks in the "gmos" package have been added to the "gemtools" package.