bHROS References
The primary reference to be cited by users of this instrument on Gemini will be found
here. Until then...
Other papers describing aspects of bHROS are:
- "bHROS: A New High-Resolution Spectrograph Available on Gemini South", Margheim, S. J., Gemini bHROS Team. (2005) Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37, 1439.
- "bHROS installation and system performance", Aderin, Margaret E. (2004) SPIE, 5492, 160.
- "GMOS/bHROS Fibre Connection", Blanken, M. F.; Talbot, G.; Aderin, M. (2003), The Newsletter of the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes (ING Newsl.), 7, 26.
Earlier papers describing aspects of HROS (in the original design as a
Cassegrain-mounted spectrograph) are:
- "Engineering solution for the high-resolution optical spectrograph on Gemini
South", Charalambous, A., D'Arrigo, P. (1998) SPIE, 3355, 315
- "Conceptual design of the high-resolution optical spectrograph for the Gemini
South Telescope", Diego, F., Brooks, D., Charalambous, A., Crawford, I. A.,
D'Arrigo, P., Dryburgh, M., Jamshidi, H., Radley, A. S., Savidge, T., Walker, D. D. (1997)
SPIE, 2871, 1126
- "Active compensation of flexure on the High-Resolution Optical Spectrograph for
Gemini", D'Arrigo, P., Diego, F., Walker, D. D. (1997) SPIE, 2871, 1306
Last update August 30, 2006; Steven Margheim