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Semester 2003B Important Dates |
Key dates and events in the proposal process are shown below. The Phase I and Phase II deadlines are highlighted.
Individual partner countries may have slightly different dates for the nationally-managed elements of the process such as the Phase I proposal deadline and NTAC meeting. Follow the links to the partner-specific pages for more information.
Date | Event | Comments |
31 March - 15 April 2003 | Proposal deadline | For receipt of proposals by National Time Allocation Committees (NTACs) or National Gemini Offices (NGOs) - see caution above |
various | NTAC meetings | Separate scientific and technical assessment in each Gemini partner |
No later than 21 May | E-transmission | Electronic transmission of proposals to Gemini from NTACs/NGOs |
2 June | Draft queue and classical schedule | Drafts generated by operations staff and distributed to ITAC members |
9 June | ITAC | International Time Allocation Committee (ITAC) meets to resolve issues |
16 June | Final schedule/queue plus ITAC & Gemini feedback to NGOs | After approval by Gemini Director |
19 June | Issue queue and classical schedule on web | |
15 July and 15 August | Phase II deadline | Deadlines for return of completed Phase II Science Programs by PIs to National Offices |
22 July and 22 August | E-transmission | Deadline for electronic transfer of checked Phase II programs from National Offices to Gemini |
1 August 2003 | Start of semester 2003B |
Last update February 25, 2003; Phil Puxley