[Mayan calendar]

Gemini 2002B Execution Details

For each night scheduled for science (queue or classical) observing, the programs attempted are listed in the table below.

The intent is to update the log after each night. At present, collection of this information is a manual process and it may not be possible to update it as frequently (e.g. updates only after every instrument block). As the data processing pipeline is also run manually, the data resulting from the observations will often not undergo the final quality assessment until after the (typically, 10-14 night) block assigned to that instrument has finished. Data packaging and distribution may take one to several weeks longer depending on the size of the dataset.

Jump directly to the night-by-night summary log for:

Not all of the night may available to science use as planned engineering/commissioning tests may also have been scheduled. The weather conditions show the range experienced (image quality at the specified wavelength has not been corrected to zenith). Summaries of the approved queue and classically scheduled programs are available together with their abstracts. Calendars showing the science and engineering blocks for this semester are also available.

The columns in the table for Gemini North are:
Date: the calendar date of the observations.
Usable: the usable science time in hours (defined as nautical twilight, but may be less due to scheduled engineering/commissioning tests).
Lost: time lost due to weather and/or technical problems.
Weather: a general summary of the weather conditions for the night in question.
Programs attempted: the Gemini reference numbers for programs (some of) whose observations were attempted.
Date Usable Lost Weather Programs attempted
02-Aug 9.3 0.0 Thin cirrus; IQ=0.45"-0.6" at i  GN-2002B-Q-31; GN-2002B-Q-51; GN-2002B-SV-73 
03-Aug 7.1 2.2 Very thin, patchy cirrus; IQ=0.55"-0.7" at r  GN-2002A-Q-44; GN-2002B-Q-16; GN-2002B-Q-29 
04-Aug 8.1 1.2 Thin, patchy cirrus; IQ=0.65"-0.9" at r  GN-2002B-Q-42; GN-2002B-Q-61; GN-2002B-Q-29 
05-Aug 0.0 9.4 Thick cirrus   
06-Aug 7.9 1.5 Thin, patchy cirrus; IQ=0.5"-0.6" at r  GN-2002B-Q-80; GN-2002B-Q-61; GN-2002B-Q-29 
07-Aug 8.0 1.4 Cirrus, thickening 2nd half; IQ=0.6-1.0 " at r  GN-2002B-Q-61; GN-2002B-Q-79;  GN-2002B-Q-51 
08-Aug 8.6 0.8 Cirrus, thickening 2nd half; IQ=0.45"-0.9" at r  GN-2002B-Q-83; GN-2002B-Q-44; GN-2002B-Q-25; GN-2002B-Q-61;  GN-2002B-Q-51; GN-2002B-Q-1 
09-Aug 6.2 3.2 Variable cloudiness; IQ=0.6"-0.75" at r  GN-2002B-Q-42; GN-2002B-SV-78 
10-Aug 9.5 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.45"-0.6" at r  GN-2002A-Q-42; GN-2002B-SV-78 
11-Aug 9.1 0.4 Thin, patchy cirrus, thickening 2nd half; IQ=0.4"-0.5" at r  GN-2002B-Q-81; GN-2002B-SV-78;
12-Aug 8.3 1.2 Thin cirrus; IQ=0.5"-0.6" at r  GN-2002B-Q-81; GN-2002B-SV-78;
29-Aug 1.3 8.5 High humidity; IQ=1"-1.2" at r  GN-2002B-Q-54 
30-Aug 1.8 8.1 Cloudy, high humidity, clear patches; IQ=0.8" at r  GN-2002B-Q-51 
31-Aug 7.2 1.0 Variable cloudiness, improving; IQ =0.6"-0.9" at r  GN-2002B-Q-51; GN-2002B-Q-54 
01-Sep 9.9 0.0 Patchy cirrus, clearing; IQ=0.5"-0.9" at r  GN-2002B-Q-83; GN-2002B-Q-51; GN-2002B-Q-54 
02-Sep 4.6 5.3 High humidity at start; variable cloudiness; IQ=0.9"-1.1" at r  GN-2002B-Q-3
03-Sep 8.9 1.0 Patchy cloud, clearing to thin cirrus at end; IQ=0.7"-0.9" at r  GN-2002B-Q-83; GN-2002B-Q-51; GN-2002B-Q-29
04-Sep 8.7 1.3 Variable, thick clouds; IQ=0.7"-1.0" at r  GN-2002B-DD-1; GN-2002B-Q-54 
05-Sep 0.0 10.0 High humidity, fog and rain   
06-Sep 10.0 0.0 Light, patchy cirrus; IQ=0.6"-0.8" at r GN-2002B-DD-1; GN-2002B-Q-3; GN-2002B-Q-29 
07-Sep 5.7 4.3 Clear at start; patchy cloud 2nd half; IQ=0.6"-0.8" at r GN-2002B-Q-79; GN-2002B-Q-3; GN-2002B-Q-29 
08-Sep 9.7 0.3 Very thin patchy cirrus, clear 2nd half; IQ=0.5"-0.7" at r GN-2002B-Q-81; GN-2002B-Q-3; GN-2002B-Q-29; GN-2002B-Q-13 
09-Sep 9.5 0.5 Thin to thick cirrus, clearing to end; IQ=0.55"-0.7" at r  GN-2002B-C-1 
10-Sep 8.9 1.2 Very thin cirrus; IQ=0.5"-0.7" at r GN-2002B-SV-78; GN-2002B-Q-25 
11-Sep 7.2 2.9 Thick clouds at start; patchy cloud 2nd half; IQ=0.5"-0.7" at r GN-2002B-SV-78; GN-2002B-Q-54; GN-2002B-Q-22; GN-2002B-Q-29 
12-Sep 6.3 3.8 Thin cirrus, clearing; IQ=0.45"-0.7" at r GN-2002B-SV-78; GN-2002B-Q-22; GN-2002B-Q-25
13-Sep 9.4 0.7 Clear; IQ=0.45"-0.75" at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-54; GN-2002B-Q-43; GN-2002B-Q-25; GN-2002B-Q-29
14-Sep 10.0 0.2 Clear; IQ=0.5"-0.7" at r GN-2002B-DD-1; GN-2002B-Q-54; GN-2002B-Q-51; GN-2002B-Q-29; 
15-Sep 9.0 0.0 Thin patchy cirrus; IQ=0.5"-0.7" at r GN-2002B-DD-1; GN-2002B-Q-22; GN-2002B-Q-29 
16-Sep 6.8 0.3 Thin patchy cirrus, clear 2nd half; IQ=0.5"-0.8" at r GN-2002B-Q-29; GN-2002B-Q-58; GN-2002B-Q-22 
18-Sep 6.4 1.1 Clear; IQ=0.3"-0.5" at J, K GN-2002B-Q-7; GN-2002B-Q-12 
19-Sep 7.8 1.0 Clear; IQ=0.3"-0.5" at H, K GN-2002B-Q-8; GN-2002B-Q-12; GN-2002B-SV-27 
20-Sep 1.3 6.7 Clear; IQ=0.4"-0.6" at J, H GN-2002B-SV-27 
01-Oct 10.5 0.0 Thin cirrus 1st half, clear 2nd half; IQ=0.5-0.7 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-58 
02-Oct 10.2 0.3 Clear; IQ=0.6-0.8 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-25; GN-2002B-Q-58 
03-Oct 5.5 4.2 Thick cirrus; IQ=0.7-1.1 arcsec at  r GN-2002B-Q-23; GN-2002B-Q-44; GN-2002B-Q-51 
04-Oct 0.0 9.5 Clouds, high humidity, rain  
05-Oct 10.0 0.5 Clear 1st half, cirrus 2nd half; IQ=0.5-0.8 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-25; GN-2002B-Q-3; GN-2002B-Q-23 
06-Oct 9.5 1.1 Thin cirrus; IQ=0.65-0.8 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-25; GN-2002B-Q-23
07-Oct 6.0 4.0 Thick cirrus; IQ=0.65 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-77; GN-2002B-Q-44; GN-2002B-Q-66
08-Oct 1.1 9.5 Thick clouds; IQ=0.6 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-77
09-Oct 0.0 10.6 Thick clouds  
01-Nov 9.8 1.2 Clear 1st half, v. thin cirrus 2nd half; IQ=0.55-0.9 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-11; GN-2002B-Q-41
02-Nov 9.6 1.4 Patchy thin cirrus; IQ=0.5-0.75 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-5; GN-2002B-Q-11; GN-2002B-Q-41
03-Nov 10.1 0.9 Patchy thick cirrus 1st half, thin cirrus 2nd half; IQ=0.6-0.75 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-13; GN-2002B-Q-51
04-Nov 8.9 2.1 Clear; IQ=0.55-0.8 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-41; GN-2002B-Q-44
05-Nov 0.0 11.0 Clear  
06-Nov 8.1 3.0 Clear; IQ=0.6-1.5 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-3; GN-2002B-Q-30; GN-2002B-Q-44; GN-2002B-Q-27
08-Nov 11.1 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.55-0.9 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-35; GN-2002B-Q-30; GN-2002B-Q-13 
09-Nov 9.8 1.3 Cirrus; IQ=0.5-0.9 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-51; GN-2002B-Q-30; GN-2002B-Q-13 
10-Nov 11.1 0.0 Cirrus: thick 1st half, thin 2nd half; IQ=0.5-0.9 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-51; GN-2002B-Q-30; GN-2002B-Q-13
29-Nov 3.0 8.3 Clear; IQ=0.5-0.7 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-11; GN-2002B-Q-20; GN-2002B-Q-58
30-Nov 10.8 0.5 Clear; IQ=0.45-0.7 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-11; GN-2002B-Q-58
01-Dec 9.2 2.1 Clear; IQ=0.65-1.6 arcsec (and poorer) at r, windy GN-2002B-Q-3; GN-2002B-Q-11; GN-2002B-Q-27
02-Dec 11.3 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.55-0.8 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-13; GN-2002B-Q-14; GN-2002B-Q-5
03-Dec 11.1 0.2 Clear; IQ=0.45-0.7 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-11; GN-2002B-Q-14
04-Dec 11.0 0.3 Clear; IQ=0.4-0.65 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-11; GN-2002B-Q-14; GN-2002B-Q-27
05-Dec 10.5 0.8 Clear; IQ=0.55 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-11; GN-2002B-Q-14; GN-2002B-Q-25; GN-2002B-Q-58
06-Dec 7.6 3.7 Clear 1st half; cirrus, high humidity and poor seeing 2nd half; IQ=0.7-1.3 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-14; GN-2002B-Q-23; GN-2002B-Q-11
07-Dec 10.1 1.2 Variable clouds 1st half, clearer 2nd half; IQ=0.7-1.3 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-14; GN-2002B-Q-23; GN-2002B-Q-44; GN-2002B-Q-58
08-Dec 11.1 0.2 Light cirrus; IQ=0.7-1.1 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-14; GN-2002B-Q-11; GN-2002B-Q-23
09-Dec 0.0 5.3 High humidity late in the night; IQ=0.4 arcsec at H  
10-Dec 0.0 11.3 Snow  
11-Dec 11.0 0.3 Light, patchy cirrus; IQ=0.5-1.5 arcsec at H GN-2002B-Q-2
12-Dec 10.4 0.4 Very light cirrus; IQ~0.4 arcsec at H GN-2002B-Q-2
20-Dec 3.3 0.3 Cloudy until end; IQ=0.6-0.8 arcsec at K GN-2002B-Q-46
21-Dec 3.9 7.5 Thin and thick cirrus; IQ~0.55 arcsec at K GN-2002B-Q-8
22-Dec 8.2 1.7 Mostly clear; IQ=0.6-1.4 arcsec at K GN-2002B-Q-8; GN-2002B-Q-10; GN-2002B-Q-46
23-Dec 10.2 1.2 Clear; IQ=0.4-0.5 arcsec at H, K GN-2002B-Q-2; GN-2002B-Q-10; GN-2002B-Q-6
24-Dec 11.2 0.2 Clear; IQ=0.45-0.6 arcsec at H, K GN-2002B-Q-2; GN-2002B-Q-6; GN-2002B-Q-8
25-Dec 8.6 2.8 Variable cirrus; IQ=0.55-1.5 arcsec at H GN-2002B-Q-2; GN-2002B-Q-46
26-Dec 10.9 0.5 Scattered cirrus; IQ=0.4-0.85 arcsec at H GN-2002B-Q-2; GN-2002B-Q-6; GN-2002B-Q-8; GN-2002B-Q-9
27-Dec 9.7 1.7 Variable cirrus; IQ=0.8-1.3 arcsec at H GN-2002B-Q-32; GN-2002B-Q-9
28-Dec 11.2 0.2 Clear; IQ=1.2-1.5 arcsec at J, H GN-2002B-Q-2; GN-2002B-Q-46
29-Dec 10.6 0.4 Clear; IQ=0.65-1.5 arcsec at r GN-2003A-Q-1; GN-2002B-Q-15; GN-2002B-Q-44
30-Dec 9.8 1.5 Clear; IQ=0.8-1.0 arcsec at r GN-2002B-DD-4; GN-2002B-Q-23; GN-2002B-Q-27
31-Dec 5.3 6.0 Clear; IQ=0.55-0.75 arcsec at r GN-2002B-DD-4; GN-2002B-Q-5; GN-2002B-Q-27
01-Jan 11.0 0.3 Clear; IQ=0.65-0.85 arcsec at r GN-2002B-DD-4; GN-2003A-Q-21; GN-2002B-Q-23; GN-2002B-Q-27
02-Jan 11.0 0.3 Clear; IQ=0.45-0.5 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-14; GN-2002B-Q-20; GN-2002B-Q-21; GN-2002B-Q-31; GN-2002B-Q-40
03-Jan 10.8 0.5 Clear; IQ=0.45-0.6 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-14; GN-2002B-Q-21; GN-2003A-Q-22; GN-2002B-Q-31; GN-2002B-Q-40
04-Jan 1.3 10.0 Clear, high winds; IQ=1.1 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-41
05-Jan 0.0 11.3 Clear, high winds  
06-Jan 11.3 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.45-0.6 arcsec at r GN-2002B-Q-25; GN-2002B-Q-21; GN-2002B-Q-31; GN-2003A-Q-22; GN-2002B-Q-14

The columns in the table for Gemini South are:
Date: the calendar date of the observations.
Usable: the usable science time in hours (defined as nautical twilight, but may be less due to scheduled engineering/commissioning tests).
Lost: time lost due to weather or technical problems.
Weather: a general summary of the weather conditions for the night in question.
Programs attempted: the Gemini reference numbers for programs (some of) whose observations were attempted.
Date Usable Lost Weather Programs attempted
05-Aug 7.2 5.0 Thick overcast, cleared 2nd half; IQ=1.2" at R  CIRPASS Demo Science
06-Aug 0.0 11.2 Cloudy  CIRPASS Demo Science
07-Aug 0.7 10.5 Cloudy; IQ=1.6" at R  CIRPASS Demo Science
08-Aug 7.6 3.5 Clear; increasing cirrus at end; IQ=0.8" at R  CIRPASS Demo Science
09-Aug 9.1 2.0 Thin passing cirrus, clear 2nd half; IQ=0.6" at R CIRPASS Demo Science
10-Aug 11.1 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.7" at R CIRPASS Demo Science
11-Aug 2.8 1.0 Clear; IQ=0.5" at R CIRPASS Demo Science
12-Aug 10.0 1.0 Clear; IQ=0.45" at H CIRPASS Demo Science
21-Aug 3.5 5.0 Cloudy GS-2002B-SV-1 
22-Aug 0.0 10.8 Cloudy  
23-Aug 0.0 10.8 Cloudy  
24-Aug 0.0 10.7 Cloudy  
25-Aug 5.0 3.0 Increasingly cloudy; IQ=0.6" at R  Flamingos Demo Science pre-imaging
26-Aug 0.0 10.7 Cloudy  
27-Aug 0.0 10.7 Snowstorm  
28-Aug 0.0 10.6 Iced dome  
29-Aug 0.0 10.6 Wind  
30-Aug 0.0 10.6 Clear  
31-Aug 10.6 0.0 Thin cirrus; IQ=0.65-0.9" at J, K GS-2002B-Q-19; GS-2002B-DS-1 
01-Sep 10.5 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.4-0.7" at J, K GS-2002B-Q-19; Univ. Florida payback;  GS-2002B-DS-1; GS-2002B-DS-2
02-Sep 8.5 2.0 Clear; cloudy at end; IQ=0.5-0.6" at H GS-2002B-DS-1; Univ. Florida payback
03-Sep 8.0 1.0 Clear; IQ=0.7-0.9" at J GS-2002B-Q-19; GS-2002B-DS-2; Univ. Florida payback
15-Sep 0.0 10.1 Thick clouds and high humidity  
17-Sep 0.0 10.1 Thick clouds and high winds  
18-Sep 0.0 10.0 High winds  
19-Sep 7.5 2.5 Clear, variable seeing; IQ=0.8-1.6" at H, K GS-2002B-Q-11; GS-2002B-Q-22
20-Sep 4.0 6.0 Cloudy 1st half, clearing 2nd half; IQ= 0.5-0.6" at K GS-2002B-Q-3
21-Sep 9.7 0.3 Passing clouds 1st half, clear 2nd half; IQ=0.5" at K GS-2002B-Q-3; GS-2002B-Q-10; GS-2002B-Q-36; NOAO Phoenix payback 
22-Sep 8.6 1.3 Patchy clouds 1st half, clear 2nd half; IQ=0.6-1.5" at K GS-2002B-Q-3; GS-2002B-Q-22; GS-2002B-Q-36
22-Oct 0.0 8.9 Cloudy  
23-Oct 0.0 8.9 Windy  
24-Oct 0.0 8.8 Cloudy, high humidity, windy  
25-Oct 0.0 8.8 Cirrus, windy  
26-Oct 3.5 5.3 Windy, patchy cirrus, IQ=0.5" at J GS-2002B-Q-7
27-Oct 0.0 8.8 Cloudy  
28-Oct 7.5 1.2 Cloudy and high humidity at start, clearing;  GS-2002B-Q-14; GS-2002B-Q-1; GS-2002B-Q-5
29-Oct 8.6 0.1 Clear; IQ=0.5-1.1" at J, K GS-2002B-Q-25; GS-2002B-Q-5; GS-2002B-Q-1
30-Oct 8.7 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.5-0.8" at K GS-2002B-Q-25; GS-2002B-Q-5; GS-2002B-Q-1
31-Oct 8.6 0.0 Thin scattered cirrus; IQ=0.4-0.6" at J GS-2002B-Q-14; GS-2002B-Q-16; GS-2002B-Q-5; GS-2002B-Q-1
01-Nov 8.6 0.0 Thin cirrus at start, clearing; IQ=0.5-0.6" at J, K GS-2002B-Q-14; GS-2002B-Q-28; GS-2002B-Q-5; GS-2002B-Q-1
02-Nov 2.5 6.1 High winds, clouds at end; IQ=0.5" at J GS-2002B-Q-16
03-Nov 8.5 0.0 Thin scattered clouds; IQ=0.6-0.7" at J, H GS-2002B-Q-28; GS-2002B-Q-16; GS-2002B-Q-5; GS-2002B-Q-1 
04-Nov 8.5 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.5-0.7" at J+H Flamingos MOS Demo Science
05-Nov 6.5 2.0 Clear, windy; IQ=0.5" at H Flamingos MOS Demo Science
07-Nov 7.8 0.6 Scattered thin cirrus 1st half, clear 2nd half; IQ=0.55" at H Flamingos MOS Demo Science
08-Nov 8.2 0.2 Clear; IQ=0.6-0.9" at H Flamingos MOS Demo Science
09-Nov 8.3 0.0 Clear, windy; IQ=0.55-0.75" at H, K Flamingos MOS Demo Science
10-Nov 7.4 0.9 Clear; IQ=0.37-0.47" at H, K Flamingos MOS Demo Science
11-Nov  8.0  0.3 Clear; IQ= 0.23-0.3" at K, 0.55" at J GS-2002B-DD-4; 
01-Dec  7.5  0.3 Cirrus and patchy clouds; IQ= 0.5-0.8" at K, 0.6" at H GS-2002B-Q-3; 
02-Dec  7.7  0.1 Patchy clouds and cirrus; IQ~0.8" at K GS-2002B-Q-3; 
03-Dec  0.0  7.8 Cloudy, high humidity, windy  
04-Dec  2.9  4.8 Patchy cirrus and windy; IQ=1.1" at K GS-2002B-Q-22; 
05-Dec  7.7  0.0 Cirrus 1st half, clearing; IQ=0.5-0.7" at K GS-2002B-Q-3; 
06-Dec  5.4  2.3 Clear, thin cirrus at end; IQ=0.7-0.9" at R GS-2002B-Q-11; 
07-Dec  0.0  7.7 Cloudy  
08-Dec  3.7  4.0 Cloudy, clearing at end; IQ=0.7-0.8" at K, L GS-2002B-Q-34; 
09-Dec  4.7  3.0 High humidity 1st half, clear 2nd half; IQ=0.7" at H and M GS-2002B-Q-10; GS-2002B-Q-11 
10-Dec  7.6  0.0 Clear; IQ=0.45-0.7" at H Phoenix Payback
11-Dec  7.6  0.0 Clear; IQ=0.45-0.5" at H and K Phoenix Payback
12-Dec  7.6  0.0 Clear; IQ=0.3-0.4" at K Phoenix Payback
13-Dec  7.6  0.0 Clear; IQ=0.4-0.5" at K Phoenix Payback
14-Dec  7.6  0.0 Light cirrus then clear; IQ= 0.32" - 0.4" at H GS-2002B-Q-21;  GS-2002B-Q-11;  GS-2002B-Q-43 
15-Dec  7.6  0.0 Clear; IQ=0.27-0.6" at H GS-2002B-Q-21;  GS-2002B-Q-11;  GS-2002B-Q-43 
16-Dec  7.6  0.0 Clear; IQ=0.4" at H GS-2002B-Q-11;  GS-2002B-Q-61;  GS-2002B-Q-44 
17-Dec 5.1 2.5 Clear, cloudy at end; IQ= 0.35" at H GS-2002B-Q-61;  GS-2002B-Q-11;  GS-2002B-Q-44 
24-Dec 7.6 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.45-0.8" at R, I GS-2002B-DD-??
25-Dec 7.6 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.5-0.9" at V GS-2002B-Q-47; GS-2002B-Q-55
26-Dec 6.9 0.7 Clear; IQ=0.6-0.7" at V GS-2002B-DD-??; GS-2002B-Q-55
27-Dec 7.1 0.5 Clear; IQ=0.3-0.6" at H GS-2002B-Q-2; GS-2002B-Q-36
28-Dec 7.6 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.6-1.0" at H, K GS-2002B-Q-2; GS-2002B-Q-36
29-Dec 7.6 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.4" at H GS-2002B-Q-18
30-Dec 7.6 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.40-0.55" at H GS-2002B-Q-18
31-Dec 6.1 1.5 Clear; IQ=0.30" at H GS-2002B-Q-18
01-Jan 7.6 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.33-0.50" at H GS-2002B-Q-18
02-Jan 7.7 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.27-0.50" at H GS-2002B-Q-18
04-Jan 4.2 3.5 Clear; IQ=0.45" at R GS-2002B-DD-5
05-Jan 7.7 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.6-0.8" at V GS-2002B-DD-5; GS-2002B-Q-55
06-Jan 7.4 0.3 Variable cirrus, IQ=0.32-0.55" at 4.9um. GS-2002B-Q-10;  GS-2002B-Q-26
07-Jan 7.7 0.0 Clear 1st half, thin cirrus 2nd half; IQ=0.31-0.50" at H, K GS-2002B-Q-10; GS-2002B-Q-11;  GS-2002B-Q-26
08-Jan 6.2 1.5 Thick cirrus 1st half, clearing 2nd half; IQ=0.42-0.64" at H, K GS-2002B-Q-26; GS-2002B-Q-44
09-Jan 7.4 0.4 Clear, very low humidity; IQ= 0.35-0.50" at K GS-2002B-Q-10; GS-2002B-Q-11; GS-2002B-Q-26
10-Jan 7.8 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.4" at H, K GS-2002B-Q-11;  GS-2002B-Q-26
11-Jan 7.8 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.42" at K Phoenix payback
12-Jan 7.2 0.6 Patchy cirrus; IQ=0.4" at K Phoenix payback
13-Jan 7.3 0.5 Variable cirrus; IQ=0.7-0.8" at H, K GS-2002B-Q-10; GS-2002B-Q-44;  GS-2002B-Q-53
14-Jan 6.5 1.4 Clear; IQ=0.55" at H, 0.4" at M, 0.6" at K GS-2002B-Q-10;  GS-2002B-Q-26;  GS-2002B-Q-43;  GS-2002B-Q-61
15-Jan 7.9 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.23-0.5" at H, K GS-2002B-Q-10;  GS-2002B-Q-11;  GS-2002B-Q-26;  Phoenix payback
16-Jan 7.9 0.0 Clear; IQ=0.25-0.3" at H, K GS-2002B-Q-11;  GS-2002B-Q-26;  Phoenix payback
17-Jan 7.9 0.0 Clear, IQ=0.4-0.5" at H, K GS-2002B-DD-6;  GS-2002B-Q-44;  GS-2002B-Q-26


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