Astronomical source definition
Spatial profile and brightness:
Point Source
Gaussian with a full-width-half-maximum of arcsec
Uniform surface brightness
Point source magnitude, Gausian spatially integrated magnitude, or Uniform surface brightness in mag/arcsec2:
Brightness normalization: U    B    V    R    I    u    g    r    i   

Spectral Distribution:
Library spectrum:
Blackbody spectrum with temperature: K
Power Law spectrum with an exponent:
Extinction: AV = with RV =

Instrument Configuration
Spectral Mode: Read Mode:
One fiber (R=67,500) Slow (2.5 e-/pix)
Two fibers (R=40,000) Normal (3.5 e-/pix)

Observing Condition Constraints
Image Quality: 20%/Best 70%/Good 85%/Poor Any
Cloud Cover: 50%/Clear 70%/Cirrus 80%/Cloudy Any
Sky Background: 20%/Darkest 50%/Dark 80%/Gray Any/Bright

Details of Observation
Number of exposures: Plot: Autoscale
Exposure time: seconds   Manual - nm

Please copy and paste the following into the ITC example section:
Processed with GRACES ITC v2.1.
A0V library spectrum
r = 10.0 mag
IQ85% CC70% SB80%
airmass = 1.5
NORMAL read mode
1-fiber mode
setup time = 600s
exposure time = 300s
readout time = 25s
total time = 15.4 minutes