Gemini e-Newscast #30 -- April 27, 2011
Apr 19, 2011
Science results from GNIRS on Gemini North
GNIRS is now fully back in service on Gemini North. It is a heavily-subscribed instrument, accounting for 35% of allocated time in semester 2011A, and it is likely to remain popular when the final 2011B programs are approved. The first scientific publication from GNIRS on Gemini North is the discovery of a spectral type T8.5 (T = 600 to 650 K) brown dwarf in the Galactic plane by Ben Burningham (University of Hertfordshire, UK) and collaborators, available as a preprint or with summary information from Gemini at
Announcement of opportunity for a high-resolution optical spectrograph
Gemini has announced the opportunity for conceptual design studies for a high-resolution optical spectrograph. Please see the complete announcement at the Federal Business Opportunities site, solicitation number N310386. The request for proposals is expected to be available the week of May 1.
Mirror coating podcast available
The Gemini South primary mirror was recoated with protected silver in October 2010. A two-part video podcast of the process and associated shutdown activity is available in several formats at
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