Click on the 'Submit Test Query' link to test the connection between your browser and the Guide Star Catalog server of your choice. Examples of the output you should expect from the catalog servers are shown at the bottom of this page.
CADC GSC Catalog Access Test Query Coordinates:
11:00:00, +20:00:00 |
ESO GSC Catalog Access Test Query
Coordinates: 11:00:00, +20:00:00 |
CDS UCAC2 Catalog Access Test Query
Coordinates: 11:00:00, +20:00:00 |
Example output from gstest2 CADC GSC catalog access...
gsc-id ra (2000) dec mag mu d' pa
0143200224 10 59 41.80 +19 57 02.1 10.60 F; 5.20 235
0143500111 11 00 11.95 +20 01 04.2 12.52 F; 3.00 69
0143200489 11 00 17.88 +19 58 53.5 12.74 F; 4.34 105
0143500162 11 00 08.57 +20 04 10.8 12.92 T; 4.64 26
0143500173 10 59 58.82 +20 04 48.9 12.95 T; 4.82 357
0143500162 11 00 08.58 +20 04 11.0 13.02 T; 4.64 26
0143500173 10 59 58.81 +20 04 49.3 13.10 T; 4.83 357
0143200313 10 59 38.35 +19 57 39.0 13.18 F; 5.60 245
0143500149 11 00 06.73 +20 03 40.0 13.58 T; 3.99 23
0143500124 10 59 47.84 +20 02 54.5 13.69 F; 4.08 316
0143200179 11 00 13.21 +19 57 26.3 13.78 F; 4.02 130
0143500149 11 00 06.74 +20 03 40.3 13.84 T; 4.00 23
Example output from gstest2 ESO GSC catalog access...
Center: 1100+2000
gsc_id ra (2000) dec mag mu d' pa
0143500111 11 00 11.95 +20 01 04.2 12.52 F; 3.00 69
0143500149 11 00 06.73 +20 03 40.0 13.58 T; 3.99 23
0143500149 11 00 06.74 +20 03 40.3 13.84 T; 4.00 23
0143200179 11 00 13.21 +19 57 26.3 13.78 F; 4.02 130
0143500124 10 59 47.84 +20 02 54.5 13.69 F; 4.08 316
0143200489 11 00 17.88 +19 58 53.5 12.74 F; 4.34 105
0143500162 11 00 08.58 +20 04 11.0 13.02 T; 4.64 26
0143500162 11 00 08.57 +20 04 10.8 12.92 T; 4.64 26
0143500173 10 59 58.82 +20 04 48.9 12.95 T; 4.82 357
0143500173 10 59 58.81 +20 04 49.3 13.10 T; 4.83 357
Example output from gstest2 CDS UCAC2 catalog access...
#column-units: --- deg deg mag mas mas --- --- mas/yr mas/yr --- mag mag
2UCAC RA(ICRS) DE(ICRS) UCmag e_RAdeg e_DEdeg No Nc pmRA pmDE 2Mkey Jmag Kmag
-------- ----------- ----------- ----- --- --- -- -- -------- -------- ---------- ------ ------
38797389 164.9240003 +19.9505314 10.88 14 18 6 4 -21.9 -20.7 159608136 10.073 9.729
38797390 164.9513324 +19.9186700 15.67 56 27 3 2 -3.3 -6.6 159608091 13.719 13.013
38797406 165.0743648 +19.9816134 13.66 15 28 8 2 -14.7 -8.4 159620325 12.329 11.915
38976616 164.9492545 +20.0485212 14.45 19 15 3 2 -7.0 -14.8 159608288 13.474 13.092
38976617 164.9529898 +20.0307528 14.90 15 17 4 2 -10.1 -2.2 159608268 13.713 13.233
38976620 164.9626862 +20.0529673 15.37 30 20 3 2 -12.3 -3.1 159620219 14.156 13.803
38976627 164.9949618 +20.0803717 13.69 19 25 6 2 -13.7 -6.5 159620187 12.526 12.084
38976633 165.0279306 +20.0612520 14.32 28 15 6 2 -10.3 6.3 159620212 13.099 12.660
38976634 165.0355812 +20.0698028 13.59 19 18 6 2 -11.0 1.9 159620192 12.518 12.068
38976635 165.0463798 +20.0961689 16.12 60 32 4 2 -16.2 -23.6 159620159 13.622 12.780
update 26 February, 2007: Bryan Miller