GEMINI (April2024) Gemini IRAF package v1.16 GEMINI (April2024) Release date: April 22, 2024 This document describes the revisions relative to the Gemini IRAF package v1.15. Gemini distribute and install the Gemini IRAF package with conda. Installation instructions can be found at: A tarball is also available from the Gemini website. Manual installation instructions for the Gemini IRAF package are included in the gemini_readme.txt file. The tarball, gemini_v116.tar.gz, can be obtained from: The Gemini IRAF package v1.16 has been fully tested and vetted *only* in the PyRAF environment. Most of the package works under IRAF CL, however we have experienced irregularities here and there. Therefore, we encourage people to use PyRAF to avoid problems. This Gemini IRAF package was tested with the conda package of IRAF v2.16. The package does NOT work reliably with version of IRAF v2.16 was once distributed by NOAO. The IRAF conda package is a version modified to fix bugs and for compatibility with Gemini IRAF. The Gemini IRAF package cannot be built on Mac OS 10.15 and above because those platforms are not distributing 32-bit compatibility libraries. A VM is available. See instructions here: PRIMARY REVISIONS ================= 1) GMOS package: a) Support for the new GMOS-S CCDs installed late 2023. 2) GNIRS package: a) Support for the new GNIRS low- and high-resolution IFUs. b) Improved propagation and usage of the data quality (DQ) plane. DETAILS OF THE REVISIONS ======================== Only the most notable changes or those more likely to be of interest to the users are highlighted, minor bug fixes are not. 1) GMOS Package ---------------- Instrument: GMOS a) Support for the new GMOS-S CCDs New CCDs were put in GMOS-S at the end of 2023. Following the commissioning and characterization of the CCDs, the GMOS package was updated with revised look-up tables for gain, readnoise, etc, new quantum efficiency correction, new CCD alignment geometric transformation (gmosaic). The package remains backward compatible with all older CCD configurations. 2) GNIRS Package ---------------- Instrument: GNIRS a) Support for new low- and high-resolution IFUs Two new IFUs have been installed in GNIRS. Existing code for the defunct old GNIRS IFU was refactored, fixed, adapted, and improved upon to support the new IFUs. Reviving the old code was the fastest solution as DRAGONS is not yet ready for IFU support. b) Better propagation and usage of the DQ plane Support for the new IFU required some improvements of the handling of the DQ plane. Users might notice differences in the DQ plane of XD data as well. SUMMARY OF NEW TASKS AND NEW SUPPORT FILES ========================================== NEW TASKS: gnirs.nfapsum: Integrate flux spatially oever extensions (IFU slices) to produce a 1D spectrum (mostly for standards). gnirs.nfnormslices: Uses wavelength-rectified data to measure relative slice levels and reincorporate throughput variation between slices into a flat. NEW SUPPORT FILES: gmos/data: New MDFs, new BPMSs for new GMOS-S CCDs lib/gemini.h: New bit definitions for data quality mask. gnirs/data: New L and M-band sky line lists New MDFs for GNIRS IFU low- and high-resolution gnirs/doc: New example for GNIRS low-res IFU SUMMARY OF ALL MODIFIED PARAMETERS ================================== If a task listed below is causing problems, it is very likely that the task is accessing an old parameter file that does not contain the updated parameters and/or values. To resolve the problem, the old parameter files for the Gemini IRAF package must be removed from the uparm directory. To do this, initialize the uparm directory by typing "rm uparm/*" in your iraf home directory (ie., where you ran mkiraf / where your file is located). NOTE: if you wish to make a note of any stored parameters, please do so before running this command. If it is not desirable to remove all the old parameter files for the Gemini IRAF tasks, it is possible to "unlearn" the individual task. Please see the appropriate help file for more information about the specific parameter changes listed below. gmos.gfcube - New parameters: dqthresh gnirs.nstransform: - New parameters: dqthresh gnirs.nsextract: - New parameters: fl_corner