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Asteroids for Calibration of MIR Spectroscopy

Below is a table of asteroids with radii greater than 50 km. Approximate coordinates are given every 0.5 years. For accurate coordinates the observers will need to obtain orbital elements (e.g. from the JPL Horizons website).

The observer should pick the best asteroid for the time of the semester during which the observation is most likely to be performed. Asteroids move rapidly across the sky at times; thus it is possible that the observer will decide to substitute for the asteroid picked by the PI.

Asteroids are useful telluric standards for medium-to-high resolution N and Q band spectroscopy because they have no narrow spectral features. They may have broad (FWHM~1um) features with strengths as much as 5% of the continuum (see e.g. Lim et al. 2005 Icarus, 173, 385 [ADS abstract]).

At opposition a typical asteroid is ~1.5 AU from earth. An asteroid of radius 100 km at this distance will have an N magnitude of ~-0.2 mag and a Q magnitude of ~-3.0 mag. A program that uses the echelle should select asteroids at least 75 km in radius, as smaller asteroids require longer integration times. Experience with observations at the short end of the N band window (~7.7 microns) has shown that asteroids tend to be fainter at these wavelengths; PIs planning observations at short wavelengths should pick the largest object possible.

ID#	Name	      Radius (km)      RA 2006.5 DEC   RA 2007.0 DEC   RA 2007.5 DEC   RA 2008.0 DEC   RA 2008.5 DEC   RA 2009.0 DEC

1       Ceres           474             22.2  -23.3     22.4  -19.5     2.6     6.7     2.6     9.7     6.7    25.5     11.3   18.1
2       Pallas          266             18.5   23.4     19      0.5     22.9   10.9     22.8   -9.5     3.3     0.7     4.8   -31.4
4       Vesta           265             9.2    20       14.8   -9       16.1  -15.8     20.6  -21.4     2.1     5.5     2.1     5.1
10      Hygiea          203.6           19.6  -21.1     21.1  -14.7     0.7     8.8     0.3     6.3     3.9    22.8     4.3    23.7
511     Davida          163             21.2  -22.8     21.6  -23.6     1.8    -5.4     1.7    -7.1     6.2    19.7     10.3   21.1
704     Interamnia      158.3           22.3    5.1     22.6    7.9     4      31.2     5.7    27.5     7      14.9     10.9  -10.9
52      Europa          151.3           14.5   -5.4     17.7  -19.1     19.6  -18       20.8  -18.9     0.3    -3.5     0      -7.1
87      Sylvia          130.5           6.1    25.8     8.3    29.7     9.1    25.2     12.2   11.7     11.8   11.7     14    -10.3
31      Euphrosyne      127.9           4.7    32       9.9    55       10.5   26.7     14.4   -8.7     13.6  -17.9     16.7  -35.4      
15      Eunomia         127.7           20.9  -15.1     21     -3.7     4.3    29.1     7.6    23.6     9.2    10.6     13    -18.5
16      Psyche          126.6           7.8    19       11.3    4.4     11.1    7.2     14.8  -13.7     14.7  -11.6     18.2  -21.4
65      Cybele          118.6           9      16.2     12.4   -1.6     12.2    1.7     16.2  -18.2     17.4  -18.3     19    -19.2
3       Juno            117             8.9    13.1     13.5   -6       13.1    3.2     16.5  -11.9     17.2   -4.7     19.5  -13.8
324     Bamberga        114.7           9.9    11       12.9  -12.9     12.2  -11.4     15.7  -28.9     16.1  -36.4     20.1  -22
451     Patientia       112.5           2.8     3.1     2       6.9     6.7    25       10.6   24.9     10.8   21.6     14.8   -2.8
107     Camilla         111.3           6.3    15.8     9       6.3     9.8    11       13.6   -7.2     13.4    0.7     16.8  -14.5
532     Herculina       111.1           17.5  -14.7     20.2  -24.1     0     -15.5     23.7  -18.3     3.4     4.6     3.5     3.9
48      Doris           110.9           2.2    11.9     2.4     7.6     6.3    18.5     9.5     7       10.1    9.6     14.1  -11.4
45      Eugenia         107.3           23.8   -2.3     23.7   -6.6     3      15.1     4.8    13.7     7.7    18.9     12      1.5
29      Amphitrite      106.1           19.7  -30.5     21.3  -17.8     2.4    16.2     2.9    25.2     7.7    25.1     12.4    0.7
121     Hermione        104.5           13.7   -5.8     16.7  -21.2     17.6  -26.4     19.9  -25.3     23.7  -11.6     23.7   -9.1
423     Diotima         104.4           11.6   12.8     15.6  -14.9     16.2  -23.4     19.5  -27.7     23.6  -17.3     23.5  -13.7
13      Egeria          103.8           18.7  -44.6     20.9  -30.6     1.5    -4.3     0.9     3.8     5.9    31.1     11.2   30.8
94      Aurora          102.4           17.2  -34.1     19.6  -27.4     22    -13.1     22.9   -7.8     3.1    21.2     3.6    29
7       Iris            99.9            1.4    14.8     3      18.3     8.5    15.4     13.2  -13.6     12.8   -9.6     16.9  -23.6
702     Alauda          97.4            14.9  -36.6     18.6  -26.5     21.4   -5.2     21.7    0.7     1.6    30.5     1.3    31.2
372     Palma           94.3            4.4    39.6     9.1    38.3     9.7     8.8     13.5  -27.1     12.7  -32       16.5  -41.7
128     Nemesis         94.1            10.5   15.3     14.4   -9.3     14.2   -9.6     17    -24.2     21.6  -21.9     22.5  -14.9
6       Hebe            92.6            21.3   -8.4     23    -16.7     5.7    14.4     9.8     9.7     10.3   16.7     14.6   -2
154     Bertha          92.5            3.4    19.8     3.3    32       6.7    37.2     10.8   37.6     10.8   22       14.8  -12 
76      Freia           91.8            0.5     4.3     0.2     1.2     4.3    20.5     5      20.4     8.5    17.4     12.4   -4.1
130     Elektra         91.1            13.2   15.3     16.2   -1.8     16.8    6.5     19.2  -11.9     23.2   -5.7     23.8  -18.7
22      Kalliope        90.5            3.0    16.8     5.6    32.2     8.6    28.5     12      9.1     12.5    6       16.2  -18.5
259     Aletheia        89.3            6.6    24.8     9.3    25.1     9.8    21.8     13     -1.3     13.9   -2.9     18.2  -23.7
120     Lachesis        87.1            23.7   -2.7     23.3   -1.2     3.1    22.5     3.2    27       6.6    28       9.6    19.8
41      Daphne          87              4.6    10.7     5.5     1       7.7    11.3     12.8   -8.4     13.8    6.8     19.5  -11.8
747     Winchester      85.8            10.3   19.8     13.9    4.8     13.3   11.9     15     -4.7     15.9    0.3     18.1  -13.9
153     Hilda           85.3            12.6   -7.2     16.2  -20.3     17.2  -16.5     19.5  -16.1     22.4    0       22.5   -3.3
790     Pretoria        85.2            9.1     0.9     12.2  -23.7     11.9  -16.7     16.2  -26.3     17.5  -13.8     20     -7.1
96      Aegle           85              7.8    25.5     12     -7       11.8  -14.4     16.8  -34.5     18.8  -38.6     20.4  -21 
241     Germania        84.4            20.8  -13.5     21.8   -8.8     2.4    19.3     2.7    19.4     6.5    22       9.1    12.
194     Prokne          84.2            12.3   11.6     17.1   -9.2     21.9    4.3     23.5  -13.6     5.1     8.9     6.8     0.1
566     Stereoskopia    84.1            22.9  -12       23    -11.1     3.2    14       3.7    18.4     6.8    24.3     9.6    19.
911     Agamemnon       83.3            20.8  -34.9     20.9  -25.5     22.7  -12.7     22.3   -8.6     0.3    10.8     23.8   12.3
54      Alexandra       82.9            2.6    25.2     2.7    31.1     6.5    28.9     8      20.4     9.4    12.4     13.2  -17.1
386     Siegena         82.5            6.4     9.3     9.8    -2.3     10.2   10.5     13.9   -2.9     13.6    8.6     16     -6.7 
59      Elpis           82.4            13.6   -1.6     17.5  -16.7     20.3   -8.4     21.8  -12.2     3.3    13.3     4.5     8.6
1437    Diomedes        82.2            21.9  -11.4     21.7   -8       23.6   10.1     23.1    9       1.4    27.9     0.9    29
409     Aspasia         80.8            0.3    14.8     0.2     8.6     4.9    22.2     6.9    11.3     8.9     8.8     13.9  -20.5
209     Dido            80              17    -34.3     20.4  -23.9     0.2    -1.7     23.8    0.2     3.5    23.2     3.8    29.1
444     Gyptis          79.8            18.4   -6.6     21    -10.9     2.8    15.1     3.8     7.4     7.3    14.6     10.4    0 
185     Eunike          78.8            16.2   11.2     19.3  -10.5     23.9    0       0.4   -17.1     5.6     6.8     8.5    -1.4
804     Hispania        78.6            11.7   -6.6     16    -31       18.1  -47.2     21.1  -21.8     1      18.3     1.8    29

ID#     Name          Radius (km)      RA 2006.5 DEC   RA 2007.0 DEC   RA 2007.5 DEC   RA 2008.0 DEC   RA 2008.5 DEC   RA 2009.0 DEC

139     Juewa           78.3            9      15.2     15.4  -24       16.6  -38.4     19.9  -28.5     23.3  -12.4     22.9   -8.1
334     Chicago         77.9            18.3  -19.8     19.9  -20.3     22.7   -9       22.6  -11.4     1.8     6.9     1.5     3.9
165     Loreley         77.6            7.8    21.9     10.7    2.4     10.5    0.6     14.5  -25.3     14.7  -28.9     18.8  -26.1
354     Eleonora        77.6            14     10.9     18    -12.1     20.5   -8.8     21.4  -17.6     1.5    -3.6     1.3   -12.3
85      Io              77.4            11.1    1       15.5  -16.3     16.9   -4.9     20.8  -10.2     2.9    16.3     3.6     6..9
173     Ino             77.1            8.7    16.2     12.5    2.5     12.1   10.4     15.7   -7.9     16.1   -1.6     19.3  -15.9
11      Parthenope      76.7            7.9    20.7     12.3    1.7     12.1    4.4     17.2  -20.2     21.5  -14.5     22.8  -11.2
89      Julia           75.7            6.0    28.3     10.5    6.4     10.2    1.3     14.2  -28       13    -33.5     19.1  -27.8
536     Merapi          75.7            7.5    34.1     10.8   33.3     10.6   26.6     13.8    5.4     13.2    3.5     16.1  -19.4
150     Nuwa            75.6            9.8    11.9     13.3   -9.1     12.9   -5.5     16.7  -21.2     18.4  -20.2     20.7  -16.7
145     Adeona          75.6            16.3  -21.3     19.3  -27.4     22    -22.4     22.9  -18.8     3.4    11.1     4.3    22.7
488     Kreusa          75.1            4.1    15.3     4      22.4     8.1    25.9     13.1    6.2     13      3       17.1  -20.4
49      Pales           74.9            10.6    6.3     13.8  -14.2     13.2  -11.4     16.3  -23.4     16.9  -24.3     19.3  -22
117     Lomia           74.4            1.9    18.4     1.6    27.5     6.2    34.4     9.7    29.2     9      14.5     13.8  -17.2
238     Hypatia         74.2            11.9    3.3     15.8  -13       16.5   -4       19.3  -13.2     23.2    4.2     23.5   -4.9
168     Sibylla         74.2            22.4   -4.2     22.6   -6.4     2.7    15.6     2.9    13.2     6.2    20.2     8.5    12.4
39      Laetitia        74.8            3.3    10.9     4.4     6.2     7.6    16.6     11.3    3.1     11.2    9.4     15.3  -10.4
283     Emma            74              10.2    6.1     13.5  -17.2     13.1  -16.3     16.9  -27.9     18    -27.5     20    -15.2
51      Nemausa         73.9            5.7    16.3     9.9     1.2     10      8.3     16.8  -15.8     19.9   -5.4     21.6  -11.5
106     Dione           73.3            10.9   10       14.1   -9.9     13.7   -8.7     16.8  -22.6     17.8  -26.6     19    -23.7
20      Massalia        72.8            4.5    21.7     9.1    15.2     10.6    8.7     15.9  -20.1     16    -21.7     19.9  -20.3
137     Meliboea        72.7            12.5   -2       16.8  -15.6     19.6    0       21.7   -6.2     2.8    15.3     2       6.4
211     Isoldo          71.6            0.8     9.7     0.7     8.3     5.8    23.5     9.5    10.5     10.2    7.7     14.2  -16.6
1172    Aneas           71.4            10.5   -6.7     12.6  -20.1     12.2  -15       14.7  -24.2     14.5  -20.2     16.8  -22.2
508     Prinetonia      71.2            0.4   -12.3     23.9   -8.1     3.6    19.1     3.9    29.6     7.1    31.5     10.7   26.6
361     Bononia         70.9            20.9  -33.4     21.2  -26.1     23.8  -11.4     23.3   -8.1     2.7    17.8     2.7    27
895     Helio           70.9            3.4    33       4.6    24.6     7.7     9.6     11.2  -26       11.1  -20.1     15.3  -33
144     Vibilia         70.9            4.1    18.8     6.7    26.2     8.8    21.1     12.5    2.2     11      4.6     15.6  -17.2
420     Bertholda       70.6            8.1    15.7     11.4   -4.4     11.3    0       15    -19       15.1  -17.7     18.1  -21.
93      Minerva         70.5            7.1    29       10.4   19       10.4   11.8     14    -20.4     15    -33.9     20.5  -24.1
617     Patroclus       70.5            11.4   22.4     13.2    8.8     12.6    8.7     14.3   -6.5     13.8   -7.7     15.6  -21.2
308     Polyxo          70.3            19    -13       21.5  -13.1     2.2    12.4     2.3     9.3     6.3    20.1     9.5     9.7
18      Melpomene       70.3            4.5    14.7     8.5     8.9     9.8    14.6     14.3   -6.8     14.1    0.2     18.4  -17.3
268     Adorea          69.9            11.1    8.1     15.9  -18.4     17.2  -20.9     19.8  -20       23.1   -7.3     22.9   -8.8
349     Dembowska       69.9            22.2  -23.5     22.5  -14.1     3.3    18.3     3      28.8     7.6    27.8     11.4   14.1
489     Comacina        69.7            10.6   10.1     14.8   -8.7     15.2   -1       18.4  -13.8     21.1   -4.5     21.7  -11.4
69      Hesperia        69.1            15     -9.8     18.6  -16.5     20.8   -7.1     21.4  -11       1.1     7.9     0.9     1.1
762     Pulcova         68.5            12.1  -15.3     16.4  -31.3     17.7  -34.2     19.7  -22.9     22.5   -4.4     22.3   -1.9
196     Philomela       68.2            15    -15.6     18.6  -25.5     21    -21.3     22.4  -16.9     2.3     8.3     2.2     9.6
212     Medea           68.1            9.7    12.5     13.3  -11.9     12.9  -10.6     16.4  -25.1     17.3  -27.5     19.6  -22.6
95      Arethusa        68              21.8    4.2     22.3    0.8     3.5    23.3     4.9    15.6     7.8    12.5     11.2  -11
8       Flora           67.9            15.2   -12      19.5  -22.1     1.9     6.2     3.3    12.2     8.6    20.5     13.8   -5.4
588     Achilles        67.7            19.8  -26.4     20.2  -22       21.7  -14       21.6  -12.3     23.5    1.9     23.1    0
690     Wratislavia     67.5            9.1     7.5     12.1  -13.4     11.6   -8       15    -23.2     14    -19.9     18.3  -20.7
111     Ate             67.3            9.8    10.8     14.9  -20.9     15.3  -24.2     19    -23.9     22.6   -6.9     22.7   -4.4
247     Eukrate         67.2            3.9    34.5     9.6    53       10     19.5     13.7  -15.8     12.7  -23.1     16.5  -40.2
471     Papagena        67.1            5.8    22.8     9.9    28.4     10.3   23.6     14      2.4     13.5    4.1     16.5  -16.4
705     Erminia         67.1            5.9    41.8     10.5   40.7     10.3   17.3     14.2  -20.5     13.5  -34       18.2  -42.5
147     Proteogeneia    66.5            9.4    13.6     13.1   -8.9     12.8   -6.3     16.7  -22.3     18.1  -22.2     20.3  -18.4
344     Desiderata      66.1            6.1    32.9     8.5    42.8     9.2    31.5     13.4    8.4     12.8   -3.2     19    -32.5
146     Lucina          66.1            0.9    -9.7     0.5    -9.2     4.6    17.7     6.1    27.1     8.6    26.4     13.4    5.5
356     Liguria         65.7            1.8    12.9     2.4    26.6     8.3    24.1     13     -6.7     12.5   -8.5     16.2  -27.2
187     Lamberta        65.6            1.7     7.7     0       9       4.4    26.9     5.4    37.3     8.2    27.8     13.6   -5

ID#     Name          Radius (km)      RA 2006.5 DEC   RA 2007.0 DEC   RA 2007.5 DEC   RA 2008.0 DEC   RA 2008.5 DEC   RA 2009.0 DEC

141     Lumen           65.5            11.6   -7       15.5  -29       15.9  -35.7     19.7  -24.6     1.1    14.6     1.6    26.4
419     Aurelia         64.5            5.4    21.8     6.9    18.4     8.3    16.6     12.3   -5       12.3   -3.2     18.9  -20.7
200     Dynamene        64.2            23     -6.6     23.1    0.9     4.7    27.4     8.1    26.7     9.5     13      13.6  -14.9
712     Boliviana       63.8            8.3    10.2     12.8  -16.8     12.5   -8.7     16.6  -20.3     17.8  -10.6     20.2  -10.5
654     Zelinda         63.7            14.9  -30.6     19.1  -20.6     22.2    6.1     22.2    5.2     3.8    31.7     8.4     9.1
426     Hippo           63.5            2.8    33.4     2      41.5     7.2    28.6     11.1   -2       10    -11.1     16.4  -36.4
47      Aglaja          63.5            9.2    18.9     12.7   -3.7     12.3   -3.9     16.7  -25.5     19.5  -29.9     21.6  -16.3
279     Thule           63.3            8.4    21       10.9    9.9     10.7   10.4     13.5   -7.5     13.1   -5.5     15.9  -19.7
92      Undina          63.2            5.7    20.7     7.9    23.3     8.9    22.3     12.3    8.7     11.9   10.9     15.4  -10.9
1173    Anchises        63.1            10.1    6.3     11.8   -5.9     11.4   -2       13.3  -15.6     12.9  -13       15    -23 
469     Argentina       62.8            3.2    27.5     3.3    34.2     6.9    29.9     10.7   12.1     10.9    1.4     15.8  -29.4 
1143    Odysseus        62.8            19.4  -18.5     19    -17       21.4  -11.2     21.5  -12.1     23.4    0.9     23.1   -3.7
159     Aemilia         62.5            1.5     4.6     1.4     1.2     5.5    19.4     8.6    16       9.8    15.3     14.1   -7.6
405     Thia            62.5            9.4     5.6     16.4  -24.9     19     -8.3     21.3   -5.8     1.1    19.3     0.6    13.6
602     Marianna        62.4            18.6  -41.4     20.7  -21.4     1.7    19.7     2.1    34.5     7.2    30.5     10.3   15.3
46      Hestina         62.1            1.7    10.5     2.4    11.4     7.1    20.9     10.9    5       10.8    7.3     15    -16.1
216     Kleopatra       62              12.5   -5.6     15.9  -17.6     16.2   -9.7     18    -13.5     23.3   11.8     0.1     2.2
410     Chloris         61.8            0.2   -11       0.1   -10.8     4.1    14.3     4.5    16.8     6.9    23.7     9.7    22
104     Klymene         61.8            15.6  -21.1     18.3  -25.1     20.5  -22.8     21.3  -18.1     1.2     5.8     1.1     6.9
328     Gudrun          61.5            8.3    28.3     12.4    0       11.8   -6.3     15.6  -30.9     15.9  -42.2     19.1  -34.4
1867    Deiphobus       61.3            9.6    -7.4     11.7  -26.9     11.2  -23.8     13.9  -37.7     13.5  -36       16.4  -37.3
68      Leto            61.3            23.9  -11.1     0.1    -1.8     5.4    26.1     8      31.5     9.1    22       12.6    3.4
70      Panopaea        61.1            2.8    11.8     2.9    21.3     6.6    29.8     9.9    29.5     10.1   21.2     14.3   -7
276     Adelheid        60.8            1.8    17.9     1.8     4.5     5.7    10.8     8.3   -12.1     9.5     0.3     13.9  -18 
156     Xanthippe       60.5            3.3    21.5     3.4    17.7      6.5   19.3      9.9    0.9     10.7    0.4     17.2  -22.2
28      Bellona         60.5            7.9    18.4     13.3   -2.7     13.4    2.5     17.5  -16.5     19.4  -13.7     20.7  -17.1
176     Iduna           60.5            16.7    3       19.1   -5.1     22.5   15       23.1    0.2     4.1    12.2     5.6    -7.6
381     Myrrha          60.3            1.5    -1.7     1.2    -6.5     4.6    12.6     5.3    12.2     7.4    19.7     10.3   14.5
78      Diana           60.3            4.4    28.1     8      26.9     10.5    6       15.9  -27       16.9  -34.5     19.6  -25.8
86      Semele          60.3            15.9  -18.5     18.6  -23.9     21.7  -18.5     22.4  -14.2     3.7    16.8     5.3    23.4
225     Henrietta       60.2            12.7    0.2     16.9  -10.7     19.9   12.8     21.8   -3       2.6    12.9     2.6     0.1
618     Elfriede        60.1            12.5   15.4     16     -7.9     16.7   -9.5     19.5  -22.4     23.5  -17.2     23.6  -18.9
90      Antiope         60              1.0    10.1     1.9    10.5     5.5    23.4     7      24.4     8.3    21.2     11.2    8.1
81      Terpsichore     59.5            11.2    4.9     14.8  -19.6     14.4  -22.7     17.7  -29.4     20    -31.5     21.3  -19.3
105     Artemis         59.5            12      9.2     19.3   -7       0.8    12.9     0.7    -4.7     5       8.8     6.8   -10.1
5       Astraea         59.5            1.8     7.1     1.7     3.6     6.8    20.6     12.9   -2       13.2   -1       17.9  -20 
74      Galatea         59.4            2.2    13.6     3.4    13.5     7.5    18.8     10      2.6     10.8    6.4     14.2  -13.1
350     Ornamenta       59.2            19.8  -33.5     21    -32.5     1.6   -17.8     1.4   -15.5     5.7    19.8     9.2    36.2
772     Tanete          58.8            3.5     6.9     3.2    17.9     6.4    34.3     10.6   47.6     10.9   32.4     15.4   -5.2
476     Hedwig          58.4            6.0    26.2     8.9    12.8     9.6     6.7     14.2  -23.9     14.6  -25       19.4  -21.2
1093    Freda           58.4            8      39.2     11.2   38.4     10.7   31.2     13      7.9     13.3    1.9     17.5  -30.2
171     Ophelia         58.3            15.5  -17.2     18.7  -23       21.3  -17.2     21.7  -15.7     0       3.6     0.6     0.8
909     Ulla            58.2            10     15.1     14.2    1.3     13.9    9.3     16.8   -6.9     17.6   -1.5     19.5  -13.8
3317    Paris           58.1            10.6   21.3     12.8   15.1     12.5   21.6     14.9    9.4     14.7   16.5     16.9    0.1
3063    Makhaon         58.1            20.8  -13.3     20.9  -11.6     22.6    1.7     22.4    0.1     0.4    15.5     23.9   12.8
203     Pompeja         58.1            1.8    11.9     1.8    15       6.6    25.4     10.5   11.8     10.7    7.9     15    -19.1
38      Leda            58              11.1   -1.3     15.8  -25.4     16.6  -27.8     19.3  -22.8     22.4   -5.9     22.5   -4
360     Carlova         57.9            5.7    16.5     9.3    13.2     10.1   16.7     14.1   -2.3     13.8    3       16.9  -13.7 
490     Veritas         57.8            8.4    13.9     11.7   -1.7     11.5    4.8     15    -12.3     15.1   -6.7     18.2  -16.3
466     Tisiphone       57.8            8.9     8.7     12.6  -23.6     12.3   -24.3    16.9  -33.2     18.4  -30       20    -17
521     Brixia          57.8            16.3  -17.7     18.9  -24.7     23.4  -16.4     23    -10.7     6.5    23.9     11.4   16.4
53      Kalypso         57.7            10.4   12.1     15.4  -14.2     15.7  -12.7     18.7  -20.3     21.4  -12       21    -13.7
275     Sapientia       57.5            3.3    13       3.7    13.4     7.4    20.8     12.7   -1.3     12      0.4     17.9  -20.7

ID#     Name          Radius (km)      RA 2006.5 DEC   RA 2007.0 DEC   RA 2007.5 DEC   RA 2008.0 DEC   RA 2008.5 DEC   RA 2009.0 DEC

2241    Alcathous       57.3            9.4     1.8     11.5  -15.8     11.2  -12.1     13.8  -26.4     13.5  -23.8     16.1  -28.3
388     Charybdis       57.1            1.6    11.3     1.3    14.5     5.5    28.2     7.9    29.5     9      19.8     12.6   -3.8
34      Circe           56.8            22.3   -4       22.5   -8.4     2.8    14.2     3.1    10.8     7.2    18.5     12.2   -4.2
596     Scheila         56.7            10.4   23.2     15.2   -9.5     16.2  -24.5     20.3  -29.1     0.9   -11.5     0.4    -9.6
56      Melete          56.6            9.1    11.6     13.2   -9.6     13.2   -2.4     19.1  -17.2     1.4    11.3     1.6     4.5
129     Antigone        56.5            0.4    -4.2     0.1   -10.4     3.7     9.1     3.9     5.3     6.4    16.9     8.8    13.3
12      Victoria        56.4            11.6   -2.4     17.7  -21.2     0.4    13.3     0.9     8.5     5      20.4     8.6     7.3
57      Mnemosyne       56.3            6.5    12.3     9.6    -5.2     10.1    3.9     13.8  -12.7     13.6   -3.4     16.8  -13.5 
545     Messalina       55.7            0.7     8.2     0.3    12.3     4.3    30.5     5.1    36.9     7.3    28.5     9.7    19.8
2797    Teucer          55.6            19.4  -38.8     20.1  -35.4     22.1  -37.1     21    -33.1     0.2   -25       23.7  -23.9
2920    Automedon       55.5            18.6   -3.1     19.5   -5.4     20.9    8.4     21.1    2.8     23.2   17.7     22     10.4
751     Faina           55.2            10.9   21.6     15     -6.2     14.9  -10.4     18.8  -27.2     0.2   -19.2     0.5   -10.4
140     Siwa            54.9            5.7    22.3     7.6    21.7     8.7    19.5     12.1    2.2     11.8    4.5     16.7  -20.5
91      Aegina          54.9            13.9  -13.8     18    -24       21.2  -19.1     21    -13.3     3      17.7     4.2    24.4
814     Tauris          54.8            8.6    30.7     12.3   23.2     11.7   23       14.6    5.1     13      7.7     16.4  -11.9
230     Athamantis      54.5            13.3  -11.2     18.2  -19       22.7    5.7     23.3    2.1     5.2    21.9     8.7     4.5
266     Aline           54.5            2.9    22.3     4.2    13.4     7.7    12.1     11.3  -12.3     11.2   -4.9     15.1  -21.6
595     Polyxena        54.5            2.0    19.6     2.8    31.3     6.3    36.2     9.4    40.6     9.8    26.2     13.2    0.5
659     Nestor          54.4            18.1  -29       19.4  -25.3     21.4  -19.3     21.6  -15.9     0       0       23.7    0.7
37      Fides           54.2            4.3    23       8.3    25       9.9    13.9     14.4  -14.8     14.1  -15.7     17.8  -25.7
134     Sophrosyne      54              9.3    18.4     13.9  -16.6     13.5  -22.7     17.9  -32       21.3  -28.4     21    -12.9
23      Thalia          53.8            5.9    25.4     12.3   11.6     12.5    3.7     17.2  -23.4     18.9  -31.4     20.5  -26.3
40      Harmonia        53.8            11.7    5       17.1  -21.5     21.3  -19       22.6  -12.6     4.6    19       7.8    23.1
739     Mandeville      53.7            2.3    -3.5     2.2   -12.5     5.9    10.9     9.4     8.8     10.7   20.1     16.3   -5.1
346     Hermentaria     53.3            10.3   18.2     14.3   -5.6     14.1   -4       17.8  -22.3     20    -23.7     22.1  -18.8
769     Tatjana         53.2            7      28       9.4    25.1     9.6    20.1     12      0.9     12.5   -1       16.9  -25.2
514     Armida          53.1            7.3    21       10.7    3       10.7    4.5     14.6  -18.5     14.6  -17       18.3  -23.3
181     Eucharis        53              13.9   10.5     17     -7.9     17.9   -3.1     19.4  -14.2     21.9   -9.3     22.1  -16.7
365     Corduba         53              13.7   -1.1     17.2  -13.8     18.9   -3.7     20.7  -10.9     1.9    11.2     2.6     0.7
357     Ninina          53              15.5    0.4     18.4  -15.1     21.1  -11.5     21.9  -17.4     2.4     1.6     2.5    -4.3
506     Marion          53              21.2  -19.4     21.4  -10.3     1      20.7     0.7    25.2     6      32.6     9.9    14.1
36      Atalante        52.8            4.7    33.6     10.3   34.2     10.3   14.1     13.7  -15.8     12.9  -19.3     16.3  -34.8
713     Luscinia        52.8            15.7  -12.6     18.6  -16.2     21.8    1.6     22.5   -2.8     3.2    18.3     3.8    12.4
1269    Rollandia       52.6            18.5  -21       19.   -20.4     22.1  -12.1     22.1  -12       0.7     2.7     0.3     0.6
164     Eva             52.5            8.3    34.3     12.3   28.3     11.6   26.7     14.8    3.2     14.2    2.2     17.8  -25.1
98      Ianthe          52.2            22.7  -21.2     22.3  -12.4     1      17.9     1.5    26.6     6.8    33.5     12.4    2  
240     Vanadis         52              0.3     0.2     0.6     1.5     6.7    22.7     11.5    5.1     11.4    6.1     15.3  -16.4
221     Eos             51.9            5.6    15       7.8    13.1     8.9    17.1     12.5    2.7     12.2    8.5     16    -11.6
788     Hohensteina     51.8            6.3    12.4     8.7     1.5     9.6     9.7     14.1   -9       14.5    1.2     18.5  -12.7
791     Ani             51.8            10.6   18.2     13      2.6     13.7    9       17.4  -12.5     20.2  -12.6     22.1  -19.5
1208    Troilus         51.7            12.3   24.6     14.1    7.2     13.4    5.5     15.1  -12.2     14.6  -17.5     16.4  -30.3
63      Ausonia         51.6            14    -21.3     19    -23       1.5    11.7     1.3    15.2     6      27.5     9.3    20.6
192     Nausikaa        51.6            12.2   -6.7     16.5  -26.9     19.1  -33.4     21.9  -12.2     5.2    27.6     9.4    22.2
35      Leukothea       51.6            17.8  -36.2     20.5  -23.2     23     -2.1     23.4   -1.8     2.6    19.6     2.2    21.5
748     Simeisa         51.5            9.1    14.8     12.4   -5.1     12     -2.3     14.9  -18.2     14.6  -16.9     16    -23.2
233     Asterope        51.4            2.2    16.8     2.8    12.3     6.9    17.9     10.3    0.1     10.5    4       14.9  -18
570     Kythera         51.4            18.5  -21.2     20.2  -18.5     23.9    1.6     23.9    0.1     4.2    20.8     5.3    21.4
1390    Abastumani      50.8            3.0    27.5     4.6    43.9     7.5    37.4     11     31.6     10.7   20.9     13.9   -6.3
1583    Antilochus      50.8            19.5   11.9     20.1    4.8     21.9   20.7     21     11       0.4    23.4     0.1    13.6
522     Helga           50.6            3.7    16.2     4.2    17.2     6.7    22       8      17.9     9.5    17       12.4    1.5
175     Andomache       50.5            7.9    23.5     10.5   13.3     10.2   12.8     13.1   -5       12.5   -3.7     15    -21.9
663     Gerlinde        50.4            1.0    20.8     0.6    12.3     4.3    20.6     5.3     8.8     7.8     8.4     12.3  -20.8
626     Notburga        50.4            10.1   10.5     13.5  -22       12.5  -29.7     17.1  -42.5     21.1  -49.4     21.9  -10.
387     Aquitania       50.3            6.5    15.7     8.7    14.8     9.3    20.6     13.6    5.2     13.8   12.1     19.2  -18.3
42      Isis            50.1            4.8    19       6.9    26.8     8.6    23.7     12.6    6.5     12.1    7.4     17.3  -21.5

ID#     Name          Radius (km)      RA 2006.5 DEC   RA 2007.0 DEC   RA 2007.5 DEC   RA 2008.0 DEC   RA 2008.5 DEC   RA 2009.0 DEC

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Last update September 15, 2006; Rachel Mason. Original page by T. Geballe and S. Knights