Bright Stars with Spectral Types B-G
A list of bright telluric standard stars of spectral types B-G for calibration of Michelle
spectra is provided below, along with estimated (in most cases) magnitudes at N and Q. Note
the following restrictions on use of the stars in the list below.
- At low resolution B, A, F, and G stars have smooth spectra in the 7-25um region, and therefore
all may be used to correct for atmospheric absorption features. At moderate resolution G stars also
should be avoided, but B-F stars are OK. At high resolution only B and early A stars are suitable
(except for measuring hydrogen lines).
- All of the stars in the list are bright enough to obtain good S/N lowN grating spectra in
reasonably short integrations.
- For medN1 spectra, only the stars brighter than ~1st magnitude are bright enough.
- For medN2 and lowQ spectra, only the stars brighter than ~0th magnitude are bright
- For echelle spectra, only Sirius (BS 2491) is bright enough; asteroids almost always must be
HR/BS RA (2000) Dec V Sp N & Q (est)
* ==> existing photometry
1713 5:14:32.27 -8:12:05.9 0.12 B8Iab 0.0
1791 5:26:17.51 +28:36:26.8 1.68 B7III 1.7
2618 6:58:37.55 -28:58:19.5 1.51 B2Iab 2.0
3982 10:08:22.31 +11:58:01.9 1.35 B7V 1.6
5056 13:25:11.58 -11:09:40.8 1.04 B1III-IVD 1.6
6879 18:24:10.32 -34:23:04.6 1.80 B9.5III 1.6
2421 6:37:42.70 +16:23:57.3 1.90 A0IV 1.8
2491 6:45:08.92 -16:42:58.0 -1.47 A1V N=-1.42*, Q=1.36*
2891 7 34 35.9 +31 53 18 1.58 A1VD 1.6
4534 11 49 03.58 +14 34 19.4 2.14 A3V N=1.84*, Q=1.83*
4905 12 51 50.08 +56 13 51.2 1.76 A0p 1.7
5793 15 32 34.14 +26 52 54.7 2.21 A0V N=2.19*, Q=2.04*
6556 17 34 56.07 +12 33 36.1 2.10 A5III 1.5
7001 18 36 56.34 +38 47 01.3 0.00 A0V N=0.00*, Q=0.00
7557 19 50 47.00 +08 52 06.0 0.77 A7V 0.2
7924 20 41 25.91 +45 16 49.2 1.25 A2Iae 0.8
8728 22 57 39.05 -29 37 20.1 1.16 A3V 1.1
1017 3 24 19.37 +49 51 40.2 1.82 F5Iab 0.4
1543 4 49 50.41 +06 57 40.6 3.19 F6V 2.0
1865 5 32 43.82 -17 49 20.2 2.60 F0Ib 1.6
2693 7 08 23.48 -26 23 35.5 1.84 F8Iab 0.2
2943 7 39 18.12 +05 13 30.0 0.34 F5IV-V N=-0.76*, Q=-0.73*
3775 9 32 51.43 +51 40 38.3 3.20 F6IV 1.9
6553 17 37 19.13 -42 59 52.2 1.86 F1II 0.7
6615 17 44 05.10 -40 06 34.9 3.02 F2Iae 1.8
7264 19 09 45.83 -21 01 25.0 2.89 F2II/III 1.7
7796 20 22 13.70 +40 15 24.0 2.24 F8Iab 0.3
437 1 31 29.01 +15 20 45.0 3.63 G7IIa 1.4
509 1 44 04.08 -15 56 14.9 3.50 G8V 1.6
510 1 45 23.63 +09 09 27.8 4.27 G8III 2.0
854 2 54 15.46 +52 45 44.9 3.94 G4III+A4V 1.9
915 3 04 47.79 +53 30 23.2 2.95 G8III+A2V 1.0
1030 3 24 48.79 +09 01 43.9 3.62 G6III 1.5
1195 3 49 27.25 -36 12 00.9 4.17 G9II-III 1.9
1409 4 28 37.00 +19 10 49.6 3.54 G9.5III 1.1
1464 4 35 33.04 -30 33 44.4 3.82 G8III 1.5
1708 5 16 41.36 +45 59 52.8 0.08 G5III N=-1.94*, Q=-1.93*
1784 5 23 56.83 -07 48 29.0 4.14 G8III 1.8
1829 5 28 14.72 -20 45 34.0 2.84 G5II 0.7
2134 6 04 07.21 +23 15 48.2 4.15 G5III 2.0
2219 6 15 22.69 +29 29 53.1 4.35 G8.5IIIb 2.0
2296 6 22 06.83 -33 26 11.0 3.85 G7II 1.6
2473 6 43 55.93 +25 07 52.0 3.02 G8Ib 0.7
2821 7 25 43.60 +27 47 53.1 3.79 G9IIIb 1.4
2985 7 44 26.85 +24 23 52.8 3.57 G8IIIa 1.3
3045 7 49 17.66 -24 51 35.2 3.34 G6Ia 1.2
3438 8 40 06.14 -35 18 30.1 3.97 G7Ib-II 1.7
3477 8 44 23.95 -42 38 57.4 4.06 G5III 2.0
3475 8 46 41.82 +28 45 35.6 4.03 G8Iab 1.7
3484 8 46 22.54 -13 32 51.8 4.32 G8III 2.0
3482 8 46 46.51 +06 25 07.7 3.38 G5III 1.3
3547 8 55 23.63 +05 56 44.0 3.13 G9II-III 0.8
3873 9 45 51.07 +23 46 27.3 2.98 G1II 1.1
4058 10 19 58.65 +19 50 25.6 3.5 G7III 1.3
4100 10 27 53.00 +36 42 26.0 4.22 G9IIIb 1.9
4450 11 33 00.12 -31 51 27.5 3.54 G7III 1.3
4471 11 36 56.93 -00 49 25.5 4.31 G9III 2.0
4608 12 05 12.54 +08 43 58.7 4.13 G8IIIa 1.8
4786 12 34 23.23 -23 23 48.3 2.65 G5II 0.5
4932 13 02 10.60 +10 57 32.9 2.83 G8III 0.5
5020 13 18 55.30 -23 10 17.4 3.00 G8III 0.7
5089 13 31 02.66 -39 24 26.3 3.9 G9Ib 1.5
5235 13 54 41.08 +18 23 51.8 2.68 G0IV 1.1
5602 15 01 56.76 +40 23 26.0 3.49 G8IIIa 1.2
5681 15 15 30.16 +33 18 53.4 3.47 G8III 1.2
6075 16 18 19.29 -04 41 33.0 3.24 G9.5IIIb 1.8
6148 16 30 13.20 +21 29 22.6 2.79 G7IIIa 0.6
6212 16 41 17.16 +31 36 09.8 2.89 G0IV 1.3
6220 16 42 53.77 +38 55 20.1 3.49 G7.5IIIb 1.2
6536 17 30 25.96 +52 18 05.0 2.79 G2Iab 0.9
6623 17 46 27.53 +27 43 14.4 3.41 G5IV 1.5
6703 17 57 45.89 +29 14 52.4 3.71 G8III 1.4
7602 19 55 18.79 +06 24 24.3 3.71 G8IV 1.6
7754 20 18 03.26 -12 32 41.5 3.59 G6/8III 1.3
7884 20 38 20.28 -01 06 18.4 4.31 G8III 2.0
8115 21 12 56.19 +30 13 36.9 3.20 G8III 0.9
8167 21 22 14.80 -16 50 04.4 4.30 G8III 2.0
8204 21 26 40.03 -22 24 40.8 3.75 G4Ib 1.5
8232 21 31 33.53 -05 34 16.2 2.91 G0Ib 1.1
8252 21 33 58.85 +45 35 30.6 4.00 G8III 1.7
8414 22 05 47.04 -00 19 11.5 2.95 G2Ib 1.0
8499 22 16 50.04 -07 46 59.8 4.18 G8III 1.9
8650 22 43 00.14 +30 13 16.5 2.95 G2II-III+F0V 1.0
8667 22 46 31.88 +23 33 56.4 3.96 G8Iab 1.6
8684 22 50 00.19 +24 36 05.7 3.51 G8III 1.2
8720 22 55 56.90 -32 32 22.7 4.23 G8III 1.9
8961 23 37 33.84 +46 27 29.3 3.82 G8III 1.5
In estimating N and Q magnitudes note the following.
V-N = V-Q ~ -1 for B0V and ~-0.6 for B0III
= 0 for A0V and ~+0.3 for A0III
~ +0.75 for F0V and ~+1.0 for F0III
~ +1.45 for G0V and ~+1.8 for G0III
~ +1.50 for G2V
+2.05 for K0V and ~2.4 for K0III
Last update Sep 7, 2005; T. Geballe, S. Fisher, K Volk.