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Hokupaa Image Quality Calculator

In the form below, select the appropriate observation characteristics and then click on the calculate button to submit the values to the server. The results are reported in a separate web page that can be resized and printed.

The image quality calculated is an estimate of the performance that can be obtained with the system. This estimate attempts to account for aberrations due to the telescope, adaptive optics system, and camera but actual performance can vary depending on the conditions at the time of the observation. For more details of the models, see the simulations of Hokupa'a/QUIRC performance on the various properties and some example calculations. The likelihood of a particular natural seeing occuring is given as part  of the observing condition constraints.

caution Note: this image quality estimate is appropriate only if the WFS reference is a point source (see further information on extended WFS sources).

caution Caution: at this time Netscape 6 and 6.01 do not work with this web form. (21-Feb-2001)

Natural Seeing at the zenith (in V-band)  arcsec
Typical Zenith Distance during observation  degrees
Observing Wavelength 
WFS star (R-band) Brightness  magnitude
Angular Distance between source and WFS star  arcsecs

Last update 19 February 2001; Colin Aspin