Hokupa'a PSF Library


This page provides access to a library of Hokupaa/QUIRC PSFs for use in observation planning and to aid in data reductions. The data were taken from the 2000 QuickStart and the 2001A Classical observing semesters.


Header Keywords

Each FITS header contains only the basic Hokupa'a/QUIRC header information.  Note that the EXPOSURE keyword signifies the total exposure in the co-added image but that the image has been scaled to have unit peak intensity.  Four new keywords: WFSCNTS, AOGSDIST, AOGSPA, and AOGSREF give the counts in the wavefront sensor, the distance of the PSF star from the AO guide star, the position angle (degrees East of North) to the AO guide star, and a reference to the companion on-axis PSF star in the case that the file contains an off-axis PSF star.  The WFSCNTS indicate the number of counts from the source (and not the sky) in the Hokupa'a wavefront sensor in units of kcnts/sec when the system is open-loop.  A nominal background of 6kcnts/sec for the sky has been subtracted when observation logs do not specify if the logged counts are sky subtracted. The throughput to the Hokupa'a wavefront sensor is given in the Hokupa'a Basics page.

J-Band PSFs

AOGS Counts (kcnts/s) AOGS distance AOGS Position Angle Approx.Strehl FWHM Exposure Time File On-axis PSF Reference File
114  0.00" 0.00  1%  0.26" 300.0 PSF_J_003.fits -
84  0.00" 0.00  <1% 0.41" 480.0 PSF_J_001.fits -
84  11.5" 104  <1% 0.41" 480.0 PSF_J_002.fits PSF_J_001.fits
17  0.00" 0.00  1%  0.22" 300.0 PSF_J_004.fits -

H-Band PSFs

AOGS Counts (kcnts/s) AOGS distance AOGS Position Angle Approx.Strehl FWHM Exposure Time File On-axis PSF Reference File
400  0.00  0.00  3%  0.16" 330.0 PSF_H_012.fits -
350  0.00  0.00  1%  0.19" 135.0 PSF_H_002.fits -
350  12.5  51.35  1%  0.23" 135.0 PSF_H_003.fits PSF_H_002.fits
124  0.00  0.00  3%  0.14" 300.0 PSF_H_016.fits -
104  0.00  0.00  3%  0.16" 50.0  PSF_H_013.fits -
104  0.00  0.00  3%  0.17" 180.0 PSF_H_014.fits -
94  0.00  0.00  2%  0.17" 300.0 PSF_H_001.fits -
82  0.00  0.00  1%  0.30" 180.0 PSF_H_006.fits -
82  7.4  -96.24 1%  0.27" 180.0 PSF_H_007.fits PSF_H_006.fits
64  0.00  0.00  6%  0.12" 7.20  PSF_H_015.fits -
54  0.00  0.00  1%  0.33" 480.0 PSF_H_008.fits -
52  0.00  0.00  <1% 0.58" 480.0 PSF_H_009.fits -
44  0.00  0.00  1%  0.31" 150.0 PSF_H_010.fits -
44  7.6  71.97  1%  0.31" 150.0 PSF_H_011.fits PSF_H_010.fits
34  0.00  0.00  1%  0.26" 300.0 PSF_H_004.fits -
34  7.6  71.95  1%  0.28" 300.0 PSF_H_005.fits PSF_H_004.fits

Kp-Band PSFs

AOGS Counts (kcnts/s) AOGS distance AOGS Position Angle Approx.Strehl FWHM Exposure Time File On-axis PSF Reference File
580  0.00  0.00  9%  0.12" 155.0 PSF_Kp_013.fits -
580  12.6  51.35  7%  0.13" 155.0 PSF_Kp_014.fits PSF_Kp_013.fits
400  0.00  0.00  1%  0.30" 300.0 PSF_Kp_017.fits -
290  0.00  0.00  4%  0.19" 150.0 PSF_Kp_001.fits -
290  11.1  -155.8 2%  0.20" 150.0 PSF_Kp_002.fits PSF_Kp_001.fits
240  0.00  0.00  2%  0.24" 870.0 PSF_Kp_015.fits -
240  12.6  134.5  2%  0.27" 870.0 PSF_Kp_016.fits PSF_Kp_015.fits
230  0.00  0.00  7%  0.14" 300.0 PSF_Kp_018.fits -
180  0.00  0.00  2%  0.27" 300.0 PSF_Kp_019.fits -
114  0.00  0.00  5%  0.20" 300.0 PSF_Kp_009.fits -
104  0.00  0.00  9%  0.15" 240.0 PSF_Kp_020.fits -
104  0.00  0.00  14% 0.11" 360.0 PSF_Kp_021.fits -
84  0.00  0.00  1%  0.38" 240.0 PSF_Kp_003.fits -
84  11.5  103.8  1%  0.34" 240.0 PSF_Kp_004.fits PSF__Kp_003.fits
84  0.00  0.00  4%  0.20" 840.0 PSF_Kp_005.fits -
36  0.00  0.00  3%  0.26" 420.0 PSF_Kp_006.fits -
36  7.02  -118.2 3%  0.27" 420.0 PSF_Kp_007.fits PSF_Kp_006.fits
36  10.5  -15.9  3%  0.26" 420.0 PSF_Kp_008.fits PSF_Kp_006.fits
26  0.00  0.00  8%  0.15" 480.0 PSF_Kp_010.fits -
25  0.00  0.00  9%  0.16" 300.0 PSF_Kp_011.fits -
17  0.00  0.00  6%  0.18" 300.0 PSF_Kp_012.fits -

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Created 25 January 2001; Mark Chun
Modified 30 July 2001; Mark Chun