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Classical Schedule : Semester 2003A (rev 1)

The table below summarises the classically-scheduled programs that have been awarded time on Gemini North and South. Jump directly to the schedule for:

Certain programmes may be selected to be observed classically as described in the Call for Proposals. These are identifiable by their queue reference number (e.g. GN-2003A-Q-*) and are also listed in the 2003A queue for completeness.

Each program has been assigned a Gemini Contact Scientist (CS) who is the point of contact between the Observatory and the Principal Investigator. Instructions for Gemini North visiting observers are available.

The columns in the table for Gemini North are:
Date: Scheduled observing night(s).
Allocated programs: Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number) and Principal Investigator for scheduled program. Click on the reference number to see the proposal abstract (if available).
Instrument: name of the instrument(s).
Title: the title of the program.

A list of the support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each program is available.

Schedule : Gemini North 2003A
Date Allocated Program(s) Instrument Title(s)
Su Feb 16 GN-2003A-C-7 (McGrath) NIRI A Search for High z Radio Galaxies
Mo   17 GN-2003A-C-4 (Grav) NIRI Near Infrared Broadband Colors of Irregular Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn
Tu   18 GN-2003A-C-4 (Grav) NIRI Near Infrared Broadband Colors of Irregular Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn
We   19 GN-2003A-C-4 (Grav) NIRI Near Infrared Broadband Colors of Irregular Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn
Date Allocated Program(s) Instrument Title(s)
Sa Apr 5 GN-2003A-C-6 (Takamiya) GMOS North Star Formation History of Field Galaxies at z~0.5
Su   6 GN-2003A-C-6 (Takamiya) GMOS North Star Formation History of Field Galaxies at z~0.5
Mo   7 GN-2003A-C-5 (Mahdavi) GMOS North Central Velocity Dispersion of Apparently Relaxed Galaxy Groups
Tu   8 GN-2003A-C-5 (Mahdavi) GMOS North Central Velocity Dispersion of Apparently Relaxed Galaxy Groups
Fr   11 GN-2003A-C-2 (Postman) NIRI Deep Infrared Imaging of ACS Fields: A Search for z > 7 Galaxies
Sa   12 GN-2003A-C-2 (Postman) NIRI Deep Infrared Imaging of ACS Fields: A Search for z > 7 Galaxies
Su   13 GN-2003A-C-2 (Postman) NIRI Deep Infrared Imaging of ACS Fields: A Search for z > 7 Galaxies
Mo   14 GN-2003A-C-2 (Postman) NIRI Deep Infrared Imaging of ACS Fields: A Search for z > 7 Galaxies
Mo   28 GN-2003A-C-1 (Ebeling) GMOS North A multi-wavelength study of the two most massive galaxy clusters known at z~1
Tu   29 GN-2003A-C-1 (Ebeling) GMOS North A multi-wavelength study of the two most massive galaxy clusters known at z~1
We   30 GN-2003A-C-3 (Ebeling) GMOS North MACS: Finding and characterizing the most massive galaxy clusters at 0.3<z<0.7


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Revision history:

Last update April 4, 2003; Phil Puxley and Jean-Rene Roy