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Classical Schedule : Semester 2006B (rev3)

The table below summarises the classically-scheduled programs that have been awarded time on Gemini North and South. Jump directly to the schedule for:

Each program has been assigned a Gemini Contact Scientist (CS) who is the point of contact between the Observatory and the Principal Investigator. Instructions for Gemini North visiting observers and Gemini South visiting observers are available.

The columns in the table for Gemini North are:
Date: Scheduled observing night(s).
Allocated programs: Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number) and Principal Investigator for scheduled program. Click on the reference number to see the proposal abstract (if available).
Instrument: name of the instrument(s).
Title: the title of the program.

Schedule : Gemini North 2006B
Date Allocated Program(s) Instrument Title(s)
18 Jan GN-2006B-C-2 (Chun / UH) GMOS North Redshifts of low-redshift DLA fields
23 Oct GN-2006B-C-3 (Fu / UH) GMOS North The Origin of Extended Emission-line Regions Around Quasars
15 Jan GN-2006B-C-4 (Fu / UH) NIFS The Origin of Multiple Asteroidal Systems
19-21 Jan GN-2006B-C-5 (Bresolin / UH) GMOS North Is there Lyman alpha emission in obscured mm sources?
24-25 Oct GN-2006B-C-8 (Takamiya / UH) GMOS North A) Emission Line Spectroscopy of z~0.7 galaxies  B) A Multi-wavelength study of the Faintest Low Metallicity Galaxy
30 Nov - 4 Dec GN-2006B-C-9 (McGregor /AU) NIFS/LGS NIFS GT combined proposal
3-4 Oct GN-2006B-C-10 (Becklin / Keck exchange) Michelle Mid-infrared investigations of exo-zodiacal disks
7-8 Nov (2nd half) GN-2006B-C-11 (Chaffe / Keck exchange) Michelle Mid-infrared spectra of Proplyds
19 Sep GN-2006B-C-12 (Kalas / Keck exchange) Michelle Mid-IR search for cometary or astroidal material near AU Mic
9 Nov GN-2006B-C-13 (Turner / Keck exchange) Michelle Michelle Spectroscopy of RISN in Starburst Galaxies
Time exchange: programs scheduled on Keck
16-17 Aug GN-2006B-C-1 (Ellison / CA) HIRES Rare Sightlines Through Metal-Rich Gas at High Redshift:  The Search for Molecular Hydrogen
5-6 Dec GN-2006B-C-6 (Melendez / AU) HIRES Is Lithium in Galactic Halo Stars Primordial? Constraints from Beryllium
27 Dec GN-2006B-C-7 (Carney / US) HIRES The Origin & Evolution of the Outer Disk of our Galaxy
Time exchange: programs scheduled on Subaru
GN-2006B-C-14 (Chapman /US)Suprime-CamFinding the missing satellites: confirmation and characterization of new M31 outer halo sub-structures
GN-2006B-C-15 (Kundu / US)MOIRCSProbing the Formation of Globular Clusters and Low Mass X-Ray Binaries with Wide Field K-Band imaging of NGC 4697
GN-2006B-C-16 (Lane / AU)Suprime-CamThe smallest galaxies: Ursa Major and Willman1.
GN-2006B-C-17 (Chiboucas GS/UK)Suprime-Cam / MOIRCSThe evolutionary history of galaxies in RXJ0142.0+2131
GN-2006B-C-18 (Spitler / AU/US)Suprime-CamGlobular Cluster Wide-field Imaging: Constraining Galaxy Formation


The columns in the table for Gemini South are:
Date: Scheduled observing night(s).
Allocated programs: Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number) and Principal Investigator for scheduled program. Click on the reference number to see the proposal abstract (if available).
Instrument: name of the instrument(s).
Title: the title of the program.

Schedule : Gemini South 2006B
Date Allocated Program(s) Instrument Title(s)
21-22 Oct GS-2006B-C-1 (Lopez / CH) GMOS South GMOS-IFU Search of Gas-rich Starforming Galaxies at z>2
11-12 Jul GS-2006B-C-2 (Barbuy / CH/BR) Phoenix Oxygen Abundance in Bulge Stars
23 Oct GS-2006B-C-3 (Christlein / CH) GMOS South Are Galaxy Warps an Accretion Phenomenon? A Spectroscopic Perspective.
1-3 Aug GS-2006B-C-4 (Kong / US) Acquisition Camera Simultaneous X-ray/optical Observations of GS1826-24
15-18 Dec GS-2006B-C-5 (Van Dokkum / US) GNIRS A Public GNIRS Survey of Massive Galaxies at z ~ 2.5
3,5-7 Dec GS-2006B-C-6 (Lebzelter / US) Phoenix Nucleosynthesis in the final stages of stellar evolution
1-2,4 Dec GS-2006B-C-7 (Hebb / UK) Phoenix Radial Velocity Curves of Low-Mass Candidate Eclipsing Systems in the Orion Nebula Cluster
8-9 Dec GS-2006B-C-8 (Johns-Krull / US) Phoenix Magnetic Fields on the Pre-Main Sequence Stars in the ONC
30 Oct - 2 Nov GS-2006B-C-9 (Perez-Gonzalez / US) GNIRS What kind of galaxies dominate the cosmic SFR density at z ~ 2?
4-8 Nov GS-2006B-C-10 (Chou / US) Phoenix Chemical Trends in Halo Tidal Streams


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Revision history:

Last update July 6, 2006; Bryan Miller, Michael West, and Inger Jorgensen