[Mayan calendar]

Queue Summary : Semester 2009A Gemini North and Gemini South

The queues shown in the tables below summarise the programs that have been awarded time on Gemini North and Gemini South. Jump directly to the queue for:

The queue is constructed by the International TAC from the ranked list of proposals of each National TAC using the merging sequence and is divided into three scientific ranking bands (SRBs). Joint proposals (submitted to more than one NTAC for joint support) were combined by the ITAC, are shown in the table as a single entry and are executed as such. Several proposals have multiple occurrences as they were sub-divided by the relevant NTAC; each component is executed separately.

Within each band, all proposals are assumed to have equal scientific merit and have been sorted by PI name for convenience. The choice of which observation within which program to execute next depends on the match to current observing conditions, the balance of each partner's usage and other factors such as future accessibility, whether a program has been started etc. (see a detailed discussion in Puxley 1997; Gemini Preprint #19). The aim is to exhaust band 1 (highest ranked) programs before moving onto band 2 and so on. An observation in band 1 that does not require the best conditions will nevertheless be executed in preference to a band 2 observation even if the latter is a better match. Thus the likelihood of execution decreases from band 1 through to band 3. Bands 1 through 3 aim to fill the nominal queue time available (excluding weather loss). Hence programs in band 3 overfill the queue and provide flexibility with respect to weather conditions and foreseen or unforeseen problems.

This report is generated daily (see the bottom of the page for the current timestamp). The pages linked via Completion Status are updated approximately every 4 hours. Note that the completion fraction may change as the time accounting is adjusted during the quality assessment process.

Note that individual SRBs will not be in detailed balance with respect to partner shares. Aggregating over two or more bands generally provides an equitable distribution of queue loading (in hours, not in the number of proposals) once any classically-scheduled programs are taken into account. Additional flexibility is available when executing observations to balance the partner usage of time. The intent is to achieve balance over 2 or 3 semesters, not a single semester.

There is an NGO support staff queue schedule for Gemini North and South

The columns in the table for Gemini North are:
Ref # Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number). Click on it to see the proposal abstract (when available).
PI Name of Principal Investigator. (If a joint proposal, the name of the primary contact for the entire program is listed).
Partner Partner (UH = University of Hawaii, GS=Gemini staff) or country (US, UK, CA, CL, AU, AR, BR) to which time will be charged. If a joint proposal, all contributors are shown.
Title The title of the science program.
Instrument Name of the instrument(s) required.
Hours Allocated Time allocated to the program (if a joint proposal, this is the total time for the program). Programs identified e.g. [r06A] were assigned rollover status by the ITAC and will be carried over into the specified semester if not completed in this semester. Programs carried forward from previous semester(s) are linked at the top of this page.
Execution Status Click on this hyperlink to see the current status of each observation in the program.
Data Taken The UT date(s) on which data were taken.
Completion Status This shows an estimate of the fraction of allocated time that has been used. Note that this is a preliminary estimate and is only an indication of the completion state of the program. The completion state may not reflect the formal time accounting. Also note that some programs may be completed in less than the allocated time (e.g. if conditions were better than requested or if the request was overestimated).

The assigned support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each Gemini North ODB and Gemini South ODB program are listed in the interactive 'snapshots' of the Observing Database (ODB).

GN Scientific Ranking Band 1
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GN-2009A-Q-1 Wilson CA/US The Gemini Cluster Astrophysics Spectroscopic Survey (GCLASS) GMOS 32.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090204 20090222 20090325 20090406 20090421 20090520 20090526 20090527 20090528 20090529 20090614 20090615 20090618 20090619 20090621 20090622 20090623 20090624 20090625 20090626 20090627 20090628 20090629 20090630 20090722
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-2 Willott CA z=6 quasars to probe the reionization of the universe GMOS 9.00
Execution Status complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20090331 20090401 20090427 20090428 20090430 20090515 20090516 20090703 20090717
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-3 Warren UK The highest redshift quasars 5.8<z<7.2 in the UKIDSS LAS GMOS / NIRI 6.80
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
20090521 20090522
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-4 Volk GS Direct Imaging of the UIR Emission in NGC 7027 NIRI+AltairLGS 2.50 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20100825 20100826 20100827 20100828 20100829 20100830
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-5 Valenti UK The PS1 core-collapse supernova survey: explosion rates GMOS 5.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
20090617 20090618
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-6 Trujillo GS Primordial Solar System Ices NIRI 7.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090624 20090629 20090630 20090701
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-7 Tonry UH Characterization of Pan-STARRS Transients GMOS 16.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
20090730 20090731 20090801 20090818 20090819
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-8 Stockton UH Spectral-Energy Distributions of High-Redshift Galaxies NIRI 3.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090216 20090217 20090403 20090610 20090629
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-9 Shemmer US Lineless Quasars at High Redshift: Extremely High Accretion Rate Sources? NIRI 6.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090630 20091211 20091212 20091213 20091214 20091215 20091216 20091218 20091223 20091224 20091225 20091228
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-10 Sand US Spectroscopy of Hostless Supernovae Candidates GMOS 7.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
20090616 20090618 20090704 20090731
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-11 Saito JP Spectroscopic follow-up of Ly-alpha blobs at z~3 in the 2 sq. deg COSMOS field GMOS 1.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090123 20090124
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-12 Ryder AU ALTAIR Study of Supernovae in Luminous Infrared Galaxies NIRI+AltairLGS 10.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover / SToO Dates Taken:
20090130 20090216 20090217 20090219 20090407 20090408 20090505 20090506 20090507 20090604 20090606 20090607 20090610
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-13 Roe US Titan methane weather at Equinox: \\ Seasonal climate change and surface geology NIFS+Altair / NIRI+Altair 10.00
Execution Status complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20090202 20090203 20090217 20090218 20090219 20090223 20090322 20090325 20090327 20090331 20090403 20090406 20090408 20090413 20090414 20090415 20090416 20090419 20090423 20090427 20090428 20090429 20090430 20090501 20090502 20090506 20090507 20090508 20090509 20090511 20090512 20090513 20090514 20090515 20090516 20090517 20090522 20090523 20090524 20090525 20090526 20090527 20090528 20090529 20090530 20090604 20090605 20090606 20090607 20090608 20090609 20090610 20090611 20090613 20090614 20090615 20090616 20090617 20090618 20090619 20090620 20090621 20090622 20090623 20090625 20090627 20090628 20090629 20090630 20090701 20090702 20090704
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-14 Roberts UK Constraining the mass of the black hole within an ultraluminous X-ray source GMOS 19.30
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090203 20090214 20090215
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-15 Reipurth UH A BROWN DWARF IN A BINARY FUOR SYSTEM NIFS+AltairLGS / NIRI+Altair / NIRI+AltairLGS 3.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090216 20090408 20091102 20091206 20091207 20100127 20100226 20100401 20100402
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-16 Pinfield AU/UK/GS Probing a new substellar temperature regime with the UKIDSS Large Area Survey NIRI 33.00
Execution Status complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20090218 20090223 20090226 20090228 20090312 20090323 20090324 20090325 20090408 20090409 20090413 20090415 20090416 20090423 20090427 20090428 20090430 20090605 20090609 20090615 20090619 20090627 20090629 20090630 20090701 20090702 20090706 20090730 20090731 20090801
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-17 Parker CA/US Weighing KBOs: Characterizing Kuiper Belt Binaries GMOS 16.40
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090217 20090218 20090227 20090331 20090402 20090501 20090502 20090513 20090514 20090524 20090621 20090625 20090628 20090630 20090728
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-18 McCall CA A Unified Approach to the Chemistry of Bulges and Disks GMOS 10.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090210 20090222 20090224 20090402 20090403 20090414 20090430 20090501 20090502 20090513 20090514 20090520 20090521 20090524 20090525 20090602 20090613
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-19 Littlefair UK The brown dwarf mass donor in SDSS 1433+1011 NIRI 12.30 [r10A]
Execution Status active / rollover Dates Taken:
20090701 20090702 20100507 20100526 20100527 20100531 20100615 20100616 20100619 20100620
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-20 Lafreniere CA Follow-up of a planetary mass candidate companion to a young solar mass star NIFS+Altair / NIRI+Altair 6.50 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090224 20090406 20090415 20090502 20090505 20090603 20090608 20090701 20090703
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-21 Hennawi US Spectroscopy of Giant Arcs Behind the Strongest Lenses in the Universe GMOS 40.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090201 20090205 20090206 20090207 20090216 20090217 20090221 20090224 20090227 20090305 20090313 20090321 20090323 20090325 20090328 20090417 20090501 20090513 20090514 20090515 20090516 20090517 20090519 20090520 20090522 20090523 20090524 20090527 20090613 20090615 20090616 20090617 20090618 20090717 20090921 20090922 20091017 20100206 20100207 20100212 20100213 20100216 20100221 20100222 20100223 20100308 20100311 20100504 20100507 20100603
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-22 Graham US L-prime Imaging of an Exoplanet Candidate NIRI 7.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20100707 20100713 20100714 20100718 20100719 20100815 20100816
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-23 Gies US Angular Momentum of Newborn Massive Stars in M17 NIFS+Altair 5.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090414 20090415 20090416 20090427 20090430 20090516 20090520 20090521 20090522 20090523 20090524 20090525 20090528 20090605 20090617 20090627 20090704
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-24 Gerardy US Mapping the Kinematic Structure of Radioactive Ejecta in Type Ia Supernovae NIRI 6.80 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090228 20090413 20090415 20090416 20090418 20090604 20090605 20090606 20090607 20090609
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-25 Geballe GS The nature of the central star of GC/IRS8 NIFS+AltairLGS 6.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090506 20090515 20090604 20090606 20090607 20090610
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-26 Tanvir CA/AU/UK/GS/US Rapid observations of gamma-ray bursts GMOS / NIRI 16.90
Execution Status complete / RToO Dates Taken:
20090324 20090405 20090406 20090418 20090419 20090423 20090424 20090426 20090427 20090429 20090430 20090502 20090510 20090513 20090515 20090516 20090521 20090524 20090622 20090625
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-27 Forte AR A deep spectroscopic field in NGC 4486 GMOS 13.10
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-28 Ford US Spectroscopy of an Exceptionally Bright Candidate Galaxy at z~6 in Abell 1703 GMOS 10.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090225 20090527 20091204 20091206 20100408 20100417 20100502 20100507 20100508 20100509 20100510 20100511 20100512 20100529 20100531 20100812 20100920 20100926 20101028 20101228
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-29 Richer CA Geometric Distance and Internal Dynamics in the Globular Cluster M71 GMOS / NIRI+Altair 13.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090603 20090604 20090609 20090610 20090611 20090625 20090628 20090702 20090703 20090704 20090901 20090918
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-30 Dartois GS Testing for patchiness in the distribution of the 3.4 micron feature associated with carbonaceous grains. NIRI 5.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090312 20090507 20090519
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-31 Cushing UH Precision Tests of Ultracool Dwarf Atmospheric Models NIRI 13.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090201 20090202 20090222 20090227 20090502 20090509 20090517 20090603 20090605 20090628 20090630 20090704 20090808 20100211 20100212 20100213 20100214 20100215
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-32 Crockett UK/US Detecting the progenitors of core collapse supernovae - precision astrometry with ALTAIR NIRI+Altair / NIRI+AltairLGS 5.50
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
20090611 20090612 20090701 20090728 20090805
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-33 Conselice GS How do small massive galaxies become big massive galaxies? NIRI+AltairLGS 6.60 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090505 20090511 20090512 20090513 20090514 20090515 20090608 20090610
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-34 Bolton UH GMOS-IFU Observations of Spectroscopic Quasar-Lens Candidates GMOS 11.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090218 20090224 20090524 20090525 20090526 20090527 20090623 20090624 20090625
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-35 Barbosa BR NIRI to unveil W51 IRS2 NIRI+AltairLGS 2.10 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090513 20090515
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-36 Barbosa BR Pursuing the Origin of the Massive Jet in W51 NIFS+AltairLGS 3.10 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090604 20090605 20090606 20090607
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-202 Wisniewski US New Dust Production in V838 Monocerotis Michelle 1.70 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20100120 20100127
Completion Status:
GN Scientific Ranking Band 2
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GN-2009A-Q-37 Webb CA/US Spectroscopy of Infrared Galaxies in Clusters to z = 1 GMOS 23.60
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090202 20090203 20090207 20090217 20090227 20090323 20090328 20090330 20090401 20090402 20090404 20090406 20090417 20090421 20090427 20090430 20090508 20090515 20090516 20090519 20090520 20090521 20090522 20090524 20090525 20090527 20090529 20090616 20090617 20090619 20090627 20090721 20090728 20090729 20090730 20090810 20090814 20090815
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-38 Vlajic AU The Outermost Regions of Galactic Disks GMOS 11.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-39 Swinbank UK Galaxies Under the Cosmic Microscope: A preview of ELT science with NIFS NIFS+Altair / NIFS+AltairLGS 21.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-40 Seth US Surveying Nearby Nuclear Star Clusters NIFS+AltairLGS 20.50
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-41 Schiavon GS CNO Abundances in Globular Cluster Stars from NIR Spectra - A Pilot Program NIRI 6.60
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090406 20090427 20090511 20090514 20090526 20090529 20090604 20090607 20090701 20090702 20090730 20090804
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-42 Ridgway US Deep rest-frame optical imaging of Type 2 quasar host galaxies NIRI+AltairLGS 8.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-43 Reipurth UH Tertiary Companions to Eclipsing Binaries with Third Light NIRI+Altair 2.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090331 20090415 20090502
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-44 Puzia CA Intermediate-Age Globular Clusters in Elliptical Galaxies GMOS 22.50
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-45 Pellizza AR A galaxy cluster at redshift 2.15? NIRI 2.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090403 20090408 20090409 20090416
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-46 Papovich US Survey of Pa$\alpha$ in High Redshift Galaxies NIRI 30.00
Execution Status Dates Taken:
20090217 20090219 20090222 20090223 20090312 20090314 20090324 20090331 20090401 20090403 20090506 20090507 20090509 20090511 20090519 20090528 20090604 20091002 20091003 20091017 20091021 20091031 20091101 20091102 20091103
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-47 Nitta GS Towards a Better Understanding of Pulsating He atmosphere White Dwarf Stars Instability Strip GMOS 9.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090615 20090621 20090628
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-48 Miller US Late-time Observations of the Extremely Luminous Supernova 2008es GMOS / NIRI 9.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090218 20090219 20090312 20090327 20090331 20090408 20090416
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-50 Matheson US Constraining the Hubble Constant with a Type II Supernova GMOS 12.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-51 Marsh UK Pulsating, helium-core white dwarfs GMOS 1.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090203 20090621 20090622 20090623
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-52 Lucey UK/US The origin of S0 disks in the dense cluster environment GMOS 36.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090224 20090322 20090323 20090327 20090328 20090330 20090331 20090403 20090430
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-53 Lacerda UH The Nature of Haumea's Surface and Interior NIFS 8.50
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-54 Krajnovic UK/GS Determining the low-mass end of the local Mbh-sigma relation NIFS+AltairLGS 32.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090407 20090507 20090508 20090509 20090511 20090512 20090513 20090604 20090605 20090607 20090608 20090609
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-55 Kotak UK Extreme supernovae or new transients? GMOS 5.20
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090524 20090525 20090605 20090719 20090722
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-56 Jedicke UH PS1 Solar System Follow-up Science GMOS / NIRI 4.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-57 Howell UK UV and Early-time Studies of the Evolution of Type Ia Supernovae GMOS 4.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
20090830 20090831
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-58 Gladstone UK The optical counterpart of the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 4395 X-1 GMOS 4.50
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-59 Fritz GS Kinematics and stellar populations of the most massive galaxies GMOS 6.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-60 Fitzsimmons UK Adaptive optics studies of binary Near-Earth Asteroids NIRI+Altair 4.00
Execution Status SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-61 Croll CA Searching for Atmospheric Absorption in the Transmission Spectra of hot Jupiters GMOS 16.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-62 Cieza UH Understanding Transition Circumstellar disks: a search for close companions NIRI+Altair / NIRI+AltairLGS 10.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090325 20090407 20090408 20090506 20090513 20090514 20090515 20090605 20090606 20090607 20090608 20090609
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-63 Chambers UH Quasar Candidates from PS1 at redshifts z ~ 7 GMOS 5.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-64 Bridges AR/US Dynamical Modelling of the Dark Halo, Black Hole, and Orbital Structure in NGC4649 GMOS 7.50
Execution Status Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-65 Bosch AR Star Formation in Circumnuclear Regions NIFS+AltairLGS 3.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-66 Bersier UK The Supernovae of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Exploring the diversity of stellar explosions GMOS 4.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
20090717 20090724 20090729
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-67 Balogh US The transition of galaxy groups from an invigorating environment to a suffocating one GMOS 10.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090123 20090130 20090313 20090323 20090325 20090328 20090330 20090402 20090419 20090423 20090429 20090430 20090517 20090521 20090523 20090525 20090527
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-68 Allen US A Survey for Faint, Close, Low-Mass Tertiaries to Nearby Spectroscopic Binaries NIRI+Altair 15.30
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090218 20090223 20090224 20090225 20090226 20090227 20090228 20090304 20090312 20090322 20090323 20090330 20090331 20090402 20090403 20090407 20090413 20090414 20090415 20090416 20090422 20090427 20090508 20090514 20090522 20090527 20090528 20090529 20090530 20090615 20090616 20090617 20090625
Completion Status:
GN Scientific Ranking Band 3
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GN-2009A-Q-69 Westmoquette GS Multi-wavelength 3D spectroscopy of nearby Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs) NIFS+Altair 10.80
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-70 Torres UK/US The primary role of the SW Sextantis stars in the evolution of cataclysmic variables GMOS 6.40
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-71 Thorman US Identifying High-z QSOs in the Deep Lens Survey GMOS 7.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090313 20090327 20090414 20090420 20090421 20090422 20090424 20090619
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-72 Thanjavur US The relative distribution of visible and dark matter in galaxy groups selected by gravitational lensing GMOS 14.70
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-73 Stott UK/US The XCS/DXS search for the highest redshift galaxy clusters GMOS 19.20
Execution Status Dates Taken:
20090123 20090124 20090125 20090126 20090127 20090129 20090208 20090210 20090313 20090328 20090722 20090820 20090821 20090824 20090830 20090913
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-74 Steiner BR Off-centered and double AGN: dynamics and PCA tomography NIFS+Altair 5.30
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090414 20090415
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-75 Steeghs UK The space-density of ultra-compact white dwarf binaries GMOS 14.60
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090205 20090721 20090724 20090727 20090729 20090731 20090813 20090814 20090816 20090817 20090821 20090822 20090823 20090824
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-76 Roche US Kinematics of extremely high velocity dispersion E/S0 galaxies in the SDSS GMOS 43.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090301 20090304 20090327 20090328 20090329 20090330 20090406 20090413 20090414 20090415 20090416 20090417 20090418 20090420 20090510 20090511 20090512 20090516 20090523 20090526 20090530 20090615 20090618 20090719 20090720
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-77 Radigan CA/GS A Deep Look Into Upper Scorpius: A search for planetary mass companions around young stars NIRI+Altair 44.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-78 Perrin CA/UK/US Resolved Imaging of Two New Protoplanetary Disks around Young Fe stars NIRI+Altair 6.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-79 Matheson US Revealing the Heart of the Explosion: Nebular-Phase Spectroscopy of Type I Supernovae GMOS 12.70
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-80 Marois CA/UK/US A Volume-Limited Direct Imaging Exoplanet Survey of Young & Nearby Early-Type Stars (IDPS survey). NIRI+Altair 24.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090202 20090203
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-81 Mackie AU The mass of the black hole in the Galactic Microquasar GRS 1915+105 NIFS 6.75
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-82 Lipari AR GMOS 3D-Spectroscopy of Fe II Low Ionization BAL QSOs (at medium z) GMOS 2.20
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090214 20090215 20090216 20090501 20090508 20090519 20090802 20090811
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-83 Lewis AU Sloan Lenses Unraveled by Gemini Studies (SLUGS) GMOS 19.30
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090125 20090126 20090228 20090322 20090323 20090419 20090421 20090423 20090430 20090619 20090717
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-84 Levan UK Understanding gamma-ray burst host galaxies GMOS / NIRI 6.00
Execution Status complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20090219 20090224 20090426
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-85 Lee GS Do Global MIPS Colours for Field Dwarf Irregular Galaxies Turn Over With Metallicity? GMOS 13.00
Execution Status Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-86 Laycock GS New Variable Stars with 100 year Lightcurves in the Beehive Cluster. GMOS 13.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090204 20090205 20090219 20090224 20090226 20090228 20090312 20090323 20090330
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-87 Jedicke UH PS1 Solar System Follow-up Science GMOS / NIRI 31.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-88 Janson CA Imaging search for companions down to planetary mass around extremely massive stars NIRI+Altair 20.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090205 20090219 20090328 20090331 20090401 20090417 20090418 20090509 20090510 20090511 20090512 20090529 20090530 20090627 20090629 20090730 20090731 20090801
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-89 GOTO UH A search for high redshift QSOs at 5.8<z<8 GMOS / NIRI 20.50
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-90 Gomez AR Mineralogy of Young Brown Dwarfs Protoplanetary Disks NIRI 9.20
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-91 Gil-Hutton AR Searching for cometary activity in Centaurs with Gemini North GMOS 2.00
Execution Status Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-92 Edge UK Are cooling flows just late-developers? NIRI 32.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090312 20090508
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-93 Dupke BR/US An extensive study of the Fossil Groups of galaxies GMOS 27.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-94 Dieterich US GJ 433: Resolving a Suspected Binary Near the Stellar/Substellar Boundary NIRI+Altair 0.60
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090329 20090413 20090414 20090504 20090510 20090511 20090530 20090728 20090731 20090804
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-95 Conselice UK The Nature of Asymmetric Galaxies at z~1.5 GMOS 10.00
Execution Status Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-96 Chambers UH Quasar Candidates from PS1 at redshifts z ~ 7 GMOS 16.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-97 Chakraborti AU The nature of the Interstellar Medium in the cavities blown by Supernovae in M101 GMOS 5.90
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-98 Blundell UK A search for circumbinary rings in microquasars: towards a new tool in the tool-kit NIRI 22.50
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090301 20090304 20090305 20090323 20090329 20090404 20090419 20090422 20090423 20090426 20090429 20090516 20090528 20090530 20090613 20090618 20090620
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-99 Bian US Clustering of z~3 Lyman Break Galaxies in NOAO Deep Wide Field: Tracing the Evolution of the Large Scale Structure GMOS 20.00
Execution Status Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-100 Beck US Spatially Resolving Molecular Hydrogen Emission in Planet-forming Disks NIFS+Altair 20.00
Execution Status Dates Taken:
20090511 20090512 20090521 20090522 20090529 20090530 20090614 20090820 20090821 20090901 20090904 20090905 20090906 20090907 20090908 20090909
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-101 Barnes US Star Formation Activity in the Outer Disk of a Sample of ``Normal'' Spiral Galaxies GMOS 10.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090529 20090617 20090619 20090621 20090702 20090703 20090717 20090729 20090809 20090810 20090822 20090823
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-102 Aragon-Salamanca UK The formation of Lenticular galaxies: high S/N spectroscopy of Virgo S0s GMOS 26.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090202 20090205 20090214 20090215 20090221 20090223 20090226 20090228 20090419 20090420 20090423 20090427 20090428 20090429 20090430 20090620 20090623
Completion Status:
GN-2009A-Q-256 Schreiber CL/UK White dwarf-main sequence binaries as tracers of close binary evolution GMOS / GMOS-S 22.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090302 20090303 20090305 20090306 20090613 20090615 20090616 20090617 20090618 20090721
Completion Status:

The columns in the table for Gemini South are:
Ref # Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number). Click on it to see the proposal abstract (when available).
PI Name of Principal Investigator. (If a joint proposal, the name of the primary contact for the entire program is listed).
Partner Partner (UH = University of Hawaii, GS=Gemini staff) or country (US, UK, CA, CL, AU, AR, BR) to which time will be charged. If a joint proposal, all contributors are shown.
Title The title of the science program.
Instrument Name of the instrument(s) required.
Hours Allocated Time allocated to the program (if a joint proposal, this is the total time for the program). Programs identified e.g. [r06A] were assigned rollover status by the ITAC and will be carried over into the specified semester if not completed in this semester. Programs carried forward from previous semester(s) are linked at the top of this page.
Execution Status Click on this hyperlink to see the current status of each observation in the program.
Data Taken The UT date(s) on which data were taken.
Completion Status This shows an estimate of the fraction of allocated time that has been used. Note that this is a preliminary estimate and is only an indication of the completion state of the program. The completion state may not reflect the formal time accounting. Also note that some programs may be completed in less than the allocated time (e.g. if conditions were better than requested or if the request was overestimated).

The assigned support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each Gemini North ODB and Gemini South ODB program are listed in the interactive 'snapshots' of the Observing Database (ODB).

GS Scientific Ranking Band 1
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2009A-Q-1 Zepf US A GMOS Study [of the Optical Spectrum] of the Black Hole Hosting Globular Cluster RZ2109 GMOS-S 7.50 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090222 20090328 20090329 20090330
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-2 Wisniewski US New Dust Production in V838 Monocerotis TReCS 1.70 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-3 Willott CA z=6 quasars to probe the reionization of the universe GMOS-S 9.00
Execution Status complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20090304 20090322 20090323 20090401 20090618 20090731 20090802
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-4 Valenti UK The PS1 core-collapse supernova survey: explosion rates GMOS-S 10.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-5 Sodre BR The structure of RXC J1504-0248, a massive cool-core cluster in the nearby universe GMOS-S 3.30 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-6 Smith US Dust in the SN1987A-analog SBW1 in Carina TReCS 14.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090418 20090609 20090624 20090711 20090713 20100329 20100330 20100402 20100604
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-7 Sinnott US/CA Optical Spectroscopy of the Light Echo System of SN1987A GMOS-S 4.20 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090318 20090319 20090320 20090321 20090322 20090326 20090614 20090618 20090622 20090623 20090626 20090719 20090815 20090816 20090819 20090822 20090831 20090903 20090904
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-8 Richter US Dust Emission in Edge-on Protoplanetary Disks TReCS 9.50 [r10A]
Execution Status rollover Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-9 Rest US/CA Echoes of Historic Milky Way Supernovae: Spectroscopy of the Kepler, RCW 86, and SN1006 SNe at maximum light GMOS-S 8.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
20090624 20090711 20090712 20090714 20090716
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-10 Pignata CL Studying the local environment of Type Ia Supernovae GMOS-S 3.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090321 20090326
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-11 Peng CL/CA Environment and the Formation of Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies: A Unified Study of Field Stars, Stellar Nuclei and Globular Clusters GMOS-S 21.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090219 20090222 20090223 20090224 20090225 20090226 20090302 20090305 20090306 20090324 20090326
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-12 Pastorello UK The PS1 core-collapse supernova survey: deaths of very massive stars GMOS-S 2.50
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-13 Nitta GS Towards a Better Understanding of Pulsating He atmosphere White Dwarf Stars Instability Strip GMOS-S 13.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090226 20090302 20090318 20090319 20090322 20090323 20090327 20090328 20091203
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-14 Margheim GS Surveying the Gas Phase of Post-AGB Disks Phoenix 9.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090126 20090202 20090203 20090204 20090213 20090214 20090404 20090405 20090412 20090414
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-15 Mackey UK Deep GMOS Imaging of Newly-Discovered Globular Clusters in NGC 6822 GMOS-S 12.00 [r10A]
Execution Status active / rollover Dates Taken:
20090519 20090725 20090824 20090920 20090921 20100709 20100710
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-16 Hoyer CL Search for unseen companions around 4 transiting planets using Transit Timing Variations.(IIa) GMOS-S 20.00
Execution Status Dates Taken:
20090210 20090220 20090221 20090223 20090305 20090428 20090609
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-17 Stritzinger CL Late-time spectroscopic study of supernovae in the Local Universe by the Chilean Millennium Center for Supernova Studies GMOS-S 12.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
20090216 20090328 20090415 20090426 20090702 20090724 20090728 20090812
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-18 Gerardy US Mapping the Kinematic Structure of Radioactive Ejecta in Type Ia Supernovae GMOS-S 3.60 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090225 20090226 20090301 20090306 20090711
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-19 Fitzgerald US Tracing Asymmetries in a Newly Discovered Debris Disk TReCS 13.30 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090418 20090419 20090523 20090712
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-20 Crowther UK GMOS spectroscopy of Wolf-Rayet candidates in NGC 5068 and NGC6744: Type Ibc supernova progenitors? GMOS-S 14.90 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090122 20090220 20090222 20090320 20090331 20090401 20090402 20090403 20090416 20090612 20090613 20090712 20090811 20090814 20090815 20090823 20090824 20090825 20090827
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-21 Croll GS Searching for Atmospheric Absorption in the Transmission Spectra of hot Jupiters GMOS-S 27.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090329 20090523 20090711 20090727
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-22 Bridges AU Australian Gemini GMOS Imaging Contest for IYA 2009 GMOS-S 1.00 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-23 Bloom US/CL/CA/AU Concerted Follow-up of Swift and Fermi GRBs (Gemini South) GMOS-S 21.92
Execution Status complete / RToO Dates Taken:
20090305 20090306 20090309 20090314 20090315 20090317 20090321 20090324 20090330 20090424 20090425 20090521 20090604 20090716 20090727 20090730 20090804 20090831 20090912
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-24 Blakeslee UK/CA The Nature of Ultra-Compact Dwarf Galaxies: Exploring the Link with Globular Clusters GMOS-S 17.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090128 20090202 20090205 20090327 20090328 20090329 20090330 20090331 20090401 20090402 20090403
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-25 Bassino AR Deepening on the faint galaxy content of the Antlia cluster GMOS-S 13.20
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090120 20090122 20090319 20090320 20090321 20090322 20090323 20090326
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-26 Alves-Brito AU High-resolution infrared abundance analysis of giant stars in the globular cluster M22 Phoenix 12.40 [r10A]
Execution Status complete / rollover Dates Taken:
20090314 20090315 20090316 20090317 20090412 20090414 20090415 20090601 20090619 20090624 20090716
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-500 Liu UK/US/GS/GT/CA/AU NICI Extrasolar Planet Search Campaign (I) NICI 150.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090206 20090207 20090208 20090209 20090210 20090211 20090212 20090307 20090308 20090309 20090310 20090311 20090312 20090313 20090408 20090409 20090410 20090411 20090412 20090413 20090418 20090422 20090426 20090427 20090428
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-501 Liu UK/US/GS/GT/CA/AU NICI Extrasolar Planet Search Campaign (II) NICI 150.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090207 20090211 20090311 20090408
Completion Status:
GS Scientific Ranking Band 2
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2009A-Q-27 Zoccali CL Chemical abundances of highly obscured Bulge globular clusters Phoenix 8.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090317 20090416 20090520 20090601 20090603
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-28 Wyatt UK Assessing the State of Planet Formation Through Resolved Imaging of HD191089 TReCS 8.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090609 20090711 20090712 20090713
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-29 Webb US/CL/CA Spectroscopy of Infrared Galaxies in Clusters to z = 1 GMOS-S 33.50
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090130 20090221 20090324 20090325 20090422 20090423 20090612 20090618 20090619 20090716 20090725 20090726 20090812 20090825 20090826
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-30 Stott UK The XCS/DXS search for the highest redshift galaxy clusters GMOS-S 4.80
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090423 20090613 20090620 20090714 20090716 20090725 20090806
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-31 Steeghs UK The space-density of ultra-compact white dwarf binaries GMOS-S 14.60
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090226 20090227 20090228 20090301 20090302 20090321 20090323 20090324 20090325 20090327 20090330 20090331 20090404 20090417 20090420 20090422 20090424
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-32 Smith UK A spatially-resolved spectroscopic census of Lyman-alpha haloes GMOS-S 12.60
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090326 20090417 20090613 20090814 20090918
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-33 Richter US CO Fundamental Absorption in Edge-on Protoplanetary Disks Phoenix 18.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090314 20090315 20090406 20090608
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-34 Pastoriza BR Mid-infrared Observations of the Seyfert galaxies NGC3281 and NGC5728 TReCS 6.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090328 20090406
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-35 Miszalski CA/AU Testing common-envelope evolution models with new binary nuclei of bulge PN GMOS-S 20.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090318 20090319 20090326 20090327 20090328 20090329 20090330 20090404 20090405 20090417 20090421 20090422 20090423
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-36 Meech US Rotation Period for Comet P/Hartley 2, Support for the EPOXI Mission GMOS-S 16.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090521 20090522
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-37 Marsh UK Pulsating, helium-core white dwarfs GMOS-S 1.40
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090220 20090326 20090525
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-38 Luhman US Estimating the Mass of a Young Substellar Companion GMOS-S 2.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090125 20090128 20090223
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-39 Lu UK/CA Galaxy transformation in groups within the accretion zone of clusters GMOS-S 31.20
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090306 20090317 20090319 20090320 20090321 20090323 20090328 20090401 20090403 20090404 20090416 20090417 20090418 20090420 20090421 20090422 20090423 20090424 20090426 20090427
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-40 Kotak UK Extreme supernovae or new transients? GMOS-S 5.20
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090519 20090623 20090624 20090713 20090716 20090724 20090726 20090826 20090828 20090917 20091116 20091118 20091211
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-41 Hoyer CL Search for unseen companions around 4 transiting planets using Transit Timing Variations.(IIb) GMOS-S 5.00
Execution Status Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-42 Howell UK UV and Early-time Studies of the Evolution of Type Ia Supernovae GMOS-S 4.00
Execution Status complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20090727 20090809 20090812 20090823 20090830
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-43 Stritzinger CL Late-time spectroscopic study of supernovae in the Local Universe by the Chilean Millennium Center for Supernova Studies GMOS-S 12.00
Execution Status complete / SToO Dates Taken:
20090216 20090426 20090716 20090727 20090728 20090729 20090730 20090802 20090811
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-44 Fritz GS Kinematics and stellar populations of the most massive galaxies GMOS-S 17.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090226 20090302 20090305 20090321 20090325 20090327 20090328 20090331
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-45 Davidson US Eta Carinae's Continuing Instability and Recovery -- The 2009 ``Event'' GMOS-S 10.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090205 20090219 20090317 20090428 20090714 20090724 20090806
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-46 Cellone AR The globular cluster system of NGC 5044 GMOS-S 8.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090127 20090131 20090201 20090223 20090224 20090226
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-47 Bridges UK/AR/US/CA/AU Dynamical Modelling of the Dark Halo, Black Hole, and Orbital Structure in NGC4649 GMOS-S 24.30
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090201 20090221 20090223 20090224 20090612 20090620
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-48 Bersier UK The Supernovae of Gamma-Ray Bursts: Exploring the diversity of stellar explosions GMOS-S 4.00
Execution Status active / SToO Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-49 Andrews US A Comprehensive Study of Dust Formation in Type II Supernovae with HST, Spitzer and Gemini GMOS-S 24.50
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090203 20090223 20090226 20090324 20090329 20090416 20090519 20090522 20090623 20090727
Completion Status:
GS Scientific Ranking Band 3
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2009A-Q-50 Zoccali CL Chemical abundances of highly obscured Bulge globular clusters Phoenix 22.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090416 20090605 20090613 20090616 20090619 20090622 20090627 20090702 20090713 20090717 20090730 20090731 20090803 20090804 20090805 20090810 20090812 20090814
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-51 Wiersema UK The nature of faint persistent Galactic X-ray sources detected by RXTE scans GMOS-S 5.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090326 20090614 20090619 20090625 20090626 20090627 20090716
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-52 Verma UK The extensive Galaxy Zoo LENsing Survey - eGZeLENS GMOS-S 18.80
Execution Status Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-53 Tisserand AU Detecting 18O in DY Per stars : do DY Per stars follow the same evolutionary pathway as R Coronae Borealis stars ? Phoenix 7.40
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090204 20090205 20090215 20090316 20090420 20090623
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-54 Tadhunter UK Understanding the symbiosis between AGN and host galaxy evolution GMOS-S 16.30
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090205 20090219 20090220 20090221 20090222 20090224 20090225 20090302 20090319 20090324 20090325 20090403 20090421 20090423 20090427
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-55 Steiner BR PCA tomography of SN1987A GMOS-S 1.40
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-56 Schreiber UK/CL White dwarf-main sequence binaries as tracers of close binary evolution GMOS-S 22.50
Execution Status Dates Taken:
20090302 20090303 20090305 20090306 20090716
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-57 Rutledge CA Radial Velocity Measurements of two quiescent LMXBs in the globular cluster NGC 6304 GMOS-S 12.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090329 20090529 20090531 20090602 20090605 20090607 20090711 20090713
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-58 Reid AU Investigation of the initial to final mass relation using newly discovered AGB halos surrounding planetary nebulae in the LMC. GMOS-S 6.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090205 20090213 20090214 20090215 20090216 20090403 20090413 20090416 20090417 20090421 20090423
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-59 Radomski GS Quantifying the Dusty Surroundings of Unobscured AGN with Mid-IR Observations TReCS 12.70
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090403 20090713
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-60 Perrin UK/US/CA Resolved Imaging of Two New Protoplanetary Disks around Young Fe stars TReCS 3.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090411 20090609
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-61 Packham US High spatial resolution mid-infrared observations of LIRGs TReCS 15.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-62 MAHAJAN UK The origin of starburst galaxies on the outskirts of galaxy clusters GMOS-S 8.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090122 20090123 20090125 20090319 20090325 20090401 20090404 20090530 20090531 20090613 20090716 20090724
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-63 Lorenz Martins BR The Nature of Silicate Carbon Stars TReCS 2.80
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090418 20090419 20090523
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-64 Lewis UK Sloan Lenses Unraveled by Gemini Studies (SLUGS) GMOS-S 10.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090219 20090220 20090221 20090222 20090224 20090225 20090226
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-65 Lee CA An Optical Spectroscopic Study of YSOs around SNR G54.1+0.3 GMOS-S 21.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-66 Laycock GS X-ray Binaries, Cataclysmic variables and Stellar Coronae in the Galactic Bulge. GMOS-S 20.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090711 20090713 20090714 20090716 20090726 20090730 20090806
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-67 Laycock GS New Variable Stars with 100 year Lightcurves in the Beehive Cluster. GMOS-S 7.70
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090319 20090325 20090405 20090412 20090413 20090414
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-68 Kurtev CL Brown Dwarfs with Companions Phoenix 20.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090318 20090405 20090412 20090415 20090524 20090604 20090605 20090609 20090616 20090623 20090625 20090702 20090730 20090802
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-69 Kobulnicky US Establishing the Missing Link: Validating New Transition/Debris Disk Objects TReCS 12.00
Execution Status Dates Taken:
20090330 20090404 20090415 20090419 20090420 20090427 20090428 20090608 20090712
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-70 Indriolo US Investigating the Cosmic-Ray Ionization Rate Near Supernova Remnants Using H$_3^+$ Phoenix 12.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-71 Goodall UK Long-slit Spectroscopy of SNR W50: Relativistic Jet-ISM Interactions and SNR Progenitor Chemistry. GMOS-S 9.25
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090520 20090524 20090531 20090601 20090604 20090606 20090613 20090624
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-72 Gil-Hutton AR The size distribution of small Trans-Neptunian objects GMOS-S 7.80
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-73 Gaensicke UK Preparing for large time-domain surveys: unravelling the nature of faint blue transients in SDSS GMOS-S 2.70
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090331 20090401 20090402
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-74 Davidge CA Probing the RGB Content in the Outer UV disk of M83 NICI 13.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090308 20090309 20090310 20090314 20090413
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-75 Cuisinier BR Temperature Fluctuations in NGC 7009 from Paschen Jump GMOS-S 5.50
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090626 20090728
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-76 Cruz US Confirming Cluster Membership for Nearby Young Brown Dwarfs Phoenix 25.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090410 20090411 20090810 20090811 20090814 20090826
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-77 Crossfield US Thermal Emission from a Non-transiting Extrasolar Planet Phoenix 14.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
20090316 20090405 20090414
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-78 Cook US Searching for Gaseous CO in Pluto's Atmosphere Phoenix 20.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-79 Clowes UK Verifying a large-scale structure at z~2 GMOS-S 8.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090223 20090224 20090312 20090531 20090622 20090623 20090627 20090701 20090702
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-80 Close US The First Thermal Images of the Planetary Mass Prototype Object 2M1207b: Does it have an Edge-On Disk? TReCS 20.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-81 Borissova CL A hidden population of Ofpe/WR stars in newly discovered clusters GLIMPSE 30 and [DBS2003] 179 Phoenix 11.00
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090209 20090214 20090527 20090604 20090613 20090616 20090624
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-82 Bildfell UK/CA BCG Dynamics and Cluster Cores: Understanding a Symbiotic Relationship GMOS-S 15.70
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090203 20090216 20090219 20090225 20090303 20090304 20090312 20090402 20090403 20090428 20090520 20090616 20090622 20090625
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-83 Bary US A Phoenix Variability Study of the He I 1.083 um Accretion/Outflow Signature in a 10 Myr T Tauri Star Phoenix 7.60
Execution Status complete Dates Taken:
20090209 20090210 20090213 20090215 20090216 20090318 20090328 20090401 20090404
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-84 Barrientos CL Mass calibration and gas physics for ACT SZ clusters GMOS-S 10.00
Execution Status active Dates Taken:
Completion Status:
GS-2009A-Q-85 Artigau GS GMOS spectroscopy of the first thick-disk T dwarf GMOS-S 11.40
Execution Status Dates Taken:
20090223 20090224 20090317 20090318 20090524 20090525 20090526 20090628 20090704
Completion Status:


[Science Operations home] [schedules home]

Last updated on: 2 Dec 2013 18:19:32 GMT