[Mayan calendar]

Queue Summary : Semester 2004A Gemini North and South

The queues shown in the tables below summarise the programs that have been awarded time on Gemini North and South. Jump directly to the queue for:

The queue is constructed by the International TAC from the ranked list of proposals of each National TAC using the merging sequence and is divided into four scientific ranking bands (SRBs). Joint proposals (submitted to more than one NTAC for joint support) were combined by the ITAC, are shown in the table as a single entry and are executed as such. Several proposals have multiple occurrences as they were sub-divided by the relevant NTAC; each component is executed separately. 

Within each band, all proposals are assumed to have equal scientific merit and have been sorted by PI name for convenience. The choice of which observation within which program to execute next depends on the match to current observing conditions, the balance of each partner's usage and other factors such as future accessibility, whether a program has been started etc. (see a detailed discussion in Puxley 1997; Gemini Preprint #19). The aim is to exhaust band 1 (highest ranked) programs before moving onto band 2 and so on. An observation in band 1 that does not require the best conditions will nevertheless be executed in preference to a band 2 observation even if the latter is a better match. Thus the likelihood of execution decreases from band 1 through to band 4. Bands 1 through 3 aim to fill the nominal time available (excluding weather loss). Programs in band 4 overfill the queue and provide further flexibility with respect to weather conditions and foreseen or unforeseen problems.

In routine operation the intent is for this page to represent the current status. Currently the Execution Status (an active link) is updated from the Observing Database every ~4 hr; the Completion Status may only be updated after each observing block with a given instrument. The timestamp of last update for each instrument is given at the bottom of the page.

caution Note that individual SRBs will not be in detailed balance with respect to partner shares. Aggregating over two or more bands generally provides an equitable distribution of queue loading (in hours, not in the number of proposals) once any classically-scheduled programs are taken into account. Additional flexibility is available when executing observations to balance the partner usage of time. The intent is to achieve balance over 2 or 3 semesters, not a single semester.

The columns in the table for Gemini North are:
Ref #: Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number). Click on it to see the proposal abstract (when available).
PI: name of Principal Investigator. (If a joint proposal, the name of the primary contact for the entire program is listed).
Partner: partner or country to which time will be charged (US, UK, CA=Canada, AU=Australia, AR=Argentina, BR=Brazil, UH=University of Hawaii (host), GS=Gemini staff). If a joint proposal, all contributors are shown.
Title: the title of the program. 
Instrument: name of the instrument(s).
Hours allocated: time allocated to the program (if a joint proposal, this is the total time for the program). Programs identified e.g. [r04B] were assigned rollover status by the ITAC and will be carried over into the specified semester if not completed in this semester. 
Execution status: click on this hyperlink to see the current status of each observation in the program. 
Data taken: the UT date on which data were taken [later this will include time used for each observation made]
Completion status: this shows an estimate of the fraction of allocated time that has been used. Note that this is a preliminary estimate and is only an indication of the completion state of the program. The completion state may not reflect the formal time accounting. Also note that some programs may be completed in less than the allocated time (e.g. if conditions were better than requested or if the request was overestimated). 

A list of the support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each program is available.

GN Scientific Ranking Band 1
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GN-2004A-Q-1 Barbosa BR Stellar kinematics around Seyfert nuclei GMOS North 3.5
Execution status completed Data taken: apr25, apr26, apr28 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-2 Barrett UH The Assembly of Massive Galaxy Clusters: A Joint X-ray - Optical Study GMOS North 20 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: feb15, feb18, feb19, mar12, mar20, apr10, apr18, apr21, may22, may23, may24, jun14, jun16, jun17, jun19, jun20, jun22, jun23 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-3 Bedding AU Direct detection of reflected light from the giant planet around tau Boo GMOS North 15 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: feb13 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-4 Bloom US Probing the ISM of High Redshift Galaxies with Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows GMOS North 10 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-5 Bolton US IFU Observation of SDSS Spectroscopic Strong Lens Candidates GMOS North 25.5 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: mar20, mar21, apr19, apr21, apr28, may08, may09, may10, may11, may14, may23, may27 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-6 Burleigh UK Imaging planets around white dwarfs NIRI 19 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: aug25, feb03, feb04, feb09, feb10, feb11, feb12, apr01, apr06, apr07, may30, jun06, jun07 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-7 Da Costa AU Revealing the Intermediate-Age Stellar Populations of M81 Group dE galaxies NIRI 14.25
Execution status Data taken: jan23, jan25, feb12, apr01 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-8 Dahm UH A Spectroscopic Survey of the Young Cluster NGC 2362 GMOS North 10 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: jan30, feb13, feb18, feb19 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-9 Dahm UH A Near Infrared Survey of the Young Cluster NGC 2362 NIRI 10 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: jan27 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-10 Dietrich US Quasars at Redshift z~5 to probe Early Star Formation NIRI 22 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: dec25, dec26, dec27, jan23, jan24, apr01, jun02, jul27 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-11 Doyon CA Searching a Giant Planet Around Vega NIRI+Altair 9.5 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: aug26 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-12 Ebeling UH Galaxy spectroscopy in massive galaxy clusters at z>0.5 GMOS North 2
Execution status completed Data taken: jan23, jan25, jan27, feb15 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-13 Figueredo BR The Stellar Content of the Giant HII Region W51 NIRI 4.8
Execution status Data taken: apr01, jun01, jun08 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-14 Fruchter UK/US What are the Short Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts? GMOS North 24 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-15 Geballe GS The abundance of CO in T-type (methane-dominated) brown dwarfs NIRI 18 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: dec30, apr06 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-16 Golimowski US M' Photometry of late-L and T dwarfs NIRI 23 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: aug26, dec30, jan15, apr05, apr06, apr08, apr09, may30, aug01 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-17 Goudfrooij US K-band Imaging of Globular Clusters in Candidate NIRI 14 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: feb03, feb10, feb11, jul28, jul29, jul30, jul31 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-18 Gronwall US Imaging & Spectroscopy of z ~ 4 - 6 Ly(alpha) Emission-Line Galaxies from APPLES GMOS North 15 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: oct16, oct17, oct18, oct21, feb15, feb17, mar21, mar29, may07, may08, may13, may25, may26 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-19 Hook UK/CA/ US The Nature of Dark Energy from Supernovae of Type Ia GMOS North 43
Execution status completed Data taken: feb17, feb20, apr17, apr25, apr26, apr27, apr28, may21, may22, may27, jun14, jun16, jun19, jun20, jun23, jul10, jul11, jul12, jul13, jul14, jul15, jul16, jul18, jul19 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-20 Jensen GS Using IR Surface Brightness Fluctuations to Measure the Star Formation History of Galaxies in the Coma Cluster NIRI 23 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: apr02, apr04, apr05, may31, jun01, jun02, jun07, jun10, jul27, jul28, jul29, jul30 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-21 Ledlow GS Deciphering the Rosetta Stone of Galaxy Evolution GMOS North 22 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: aug12, aug14, aug15, aug16, mar29, apr18, may13, may24, may27, jun11, jun15, jun16, jun17, jun22, jul11 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-22 Macri US An accurate calibration of the Cepheid Distance Scale with the Maser Galaxy NGC 4258 GMOS North 40 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: feb18, feb20, mar29, may22, may24, jul08, jul09, jul14 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-23 Plana BR The physics of microjets in Taurus star forming region GMOS North 2
Execution status completed Data taken: apr26, apr28, jul08 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-24 Price UH Absorption Redshifts for GRBs GMOS North 6 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-25 Rawlings UK Hunting for radio-loud quasars within the epoch of reionization GMOS North 3 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: jul08, jul09 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-26 Roe US Titan's methane clouds: Time-scales and correlation with surface features NIRI+Altair 20 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: oct23, oct24, nov1, nov2, nov4, dec21, dec22, dec25, dec26, dec27, jan23, jan24, jan25, apr04, apr05, apr06, apr07, apr08, apr09 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-27 Schaefer US Dynamical Masses of Pre-Main Sequence Stars NIRI+Altair 2 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: apr03, apr08 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-28 Sheppard UH Faint Satellites of the Gas Giants GMOS North 10 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-29 Thanjavur CA Evolutionary Processes in High Redshift Galaxies - Integral Field Spectroscopy of Lensed Galaxies at z~2.5 GMOS North 25
Execution status completed Data taken: mar21, apr18, apr19, may14, may21, may23, may27, jun11, jun12, jun13, jun14, jun17 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-30 Willott CA Proto-clusters around redshift 6 quasars GMOS North 21
Execution status Data taken: feb13, may25, may26, may27 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-98 Smail UK Calibrating Mass Maps of Rich Clusters: GMOS-N/S Spectra of Arcs in the MACS-HST/ACS Sample GMOS North 2
Execution status completed Data taken: jan27, jan28, feb13, may13 Completion status:
GN Scientific Ranking Band 2
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GN-2004A-Q-31 Ardila BR The [FeII] and molecular hydrogen emission in active galactic nuclei NIRI 3.48
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-32 Barton US Searching for Star Formation at z=8.2 NIRI 64
Execution status Data taken: apr08, jun07 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-33 Blok UK Are Low Surface Brightness Galaxies Dark Matter Dominated? GMOS North 14
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-34 Bower UK Galactic Superwinds: The key to galaxy formation GMOS North 15
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-35 Clem CA GMOS Imaging of Low-Mass Globular Cluster Stars GMOS North 11.2
Execution status completed Data taken: feb15, mar12, mar19, mar20, apr27, apr28, jun11, jun13, jun20, jun22, jul12, jul13 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-36 Coleman UH Integral field spectroscopy of the multiply imaged quasar 1RXS J113155.4-123155 GMOS North 5
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-37 Drissen CA/GS Super-star clusters : their role in the dispersal and mixing of new elements in gas-rich galaxies GMOS North 12.5
Execution status Data taken: feb15, jul12 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-38 Driver AU The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: On the trail of Crouching Giants GMOS North 17.5
Execution status Data taken: feb20, may10, jun14 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-39 Driver AU Malin1: In a class of its own ? NIRI, GMOS North 7.5
Execution status Data taken: feb01, feb09, mar10, mar11 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-40 Feldmeier US Gemini spectroscopy of Virgo's intracluster planetary nebulae GMOS North 13.75
Execution status Data taken: mar19, may26 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-41 Fruchter UK/US Diversity of Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era GMOS North 18
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-42 Geha US A New Spin on Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies GMOS North 10
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-43 Hanes UK/CA/ AU Globular Clusters as Probes of Galaxy Formation GMOS North 32.18
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-44 Hewett UK GMOS/IFU spectroscopy of SDSS galaxy-galaxy lenses GMOS North 9.6
Execution status completed Data taken: mar12, apr19, apr27, apr28, may11, may27 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-45 Jorgensen CA/GS/ UK/US Galaxy Evolution During Half the Age of the Universe GMOS North 142.7
Execution status Data taken: feb17, feb18, feb19, feb20, mar20, apr19, apr21, apr25, apr26, apr27, may21, may22, may23, may24, may26, may27, jun11, jun12, jun13, jun16, jun17, jun18, jun19, jun20, jun21, jun22, jun23, jun24, jul09, jul10, jul11, jul12, jul13, jul14, jul15, jul16, jul17, jul18, jul19, jul20 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-46 Kukula UK The evolution of high-redshift quasar host galaxies NIRI 14.6
Execution status Data taken: jan25, jan26, feb10, apr04, aug01 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-47 Price UH GRBs Host Galaxy Redshifts GMOS North 10
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-48 Saha US DDO 187: Confirming the distance to a dwarf galaxy with enigmatic variable stars GMOS North 7
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-49 Smail UK Deep K-band Imaging of Spectroscopically-identified SCUBA galaxies NIRI 16
Execution status Data taken: apr02 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-50 Song US Adaptive Optics Imaging Search for Massive Planets around Young Nearby Stars NIRI+Altair 10
Execution status completed Data taken: aug2, aug5, apr03, apr04, apr07, apr08, jul30, jul31 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-51 Souza Leao BR Wolf-Rayet Populations in Luminous, Metal Rich Starburst Galaxies GMOS North 3
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-52 Stevens UK The symbiosis of AGN activity and galaxy formation GMOS North 6.2
Execution status completed Data taken: feb13, apr25, apr26, apr27, apr28 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-53 Tripp US Probing the Nature of Low-Redshift O VI Absorbers with a Deep Galaxy Redshift Survey GMOS North 10.5
Execution status completed Data taken: feb13, feb15, feb17, feb20 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-54 Yoachim US The Dynamics of Thick Disks: Constraining the Early Evolution of Galaxies GMOS North 40
Execution status Data taken: feb16, feb20, mar12, mar19, mar20, mar21, mar29, apr17, apr18, apr19, apr27, jun11, jun12, jun24 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-99 Heckman US UV Spectral Evolution of Galaxies from z~1 to z~3 GMOS North 3.33
Execution status completed Data taken: feb13, feb20 Completion status:
GN Scientific Ranking Band 3
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GN-2004A-Q-55 Artigau CA The nature of T-dwarf variability NIRI 12.8
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-56 Balogh UK The Galaxy Group Environment at z=1.27 GMOS North 28.8
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-57 Best UK Identification of starbursting galaxies in high redshift galaxy clusters NIRI 7
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-58 Carlberg CA Young star clusters at high redshift NIRI+Altair 20
Execution status Data taken: apr07 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-59 Cecil US Nuclear kinematics and stellar populations in Seyferts: GMOS/IFU Feasibility Study GMOS North 9.7
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-60 Chen US A Survey of Damped Ly(alpha) Absorbing Galaxies using the Integral Field Unit GMOS North 15
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-61 Cruz UK Identifying the highest redshift radio galaxies from the 6C** sample NIRI 5.67
Execution status Data taken: feb03, feb10, feb12 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-62 Cypriano BR Comparing Mass and Light Distribution in the very Ellongated Cluster Lens Abell 1413 GMOS North 4
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-63 Davidge CA Probing the Bright Stellar Content of M87 with ALTAIR NIRI+Altair 9
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-64 De Robertis CA NIR Spectroscopic Confirmation/Classification of L & T Dwarfs NIRI 14.5
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-65 Ellingson CA Rich Optically-Selected Galaxy Clusters at z~1 from the RCS Survey GMOS North 10
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-66 Fitzsimmons UK A high S/N search for ice on comet P/Tempel 2 NIRI 8
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-67 Gordon US The 3.3um Infrared Emission Feature in Starburst Galaxies NIRI 22
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-68 Hutchings CA High resolution NIR imaging of QSOs NIRI+Altair 6
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-69 Kaspi CA Identification of a new, relatively unreddened Anomalous X-ray Pulsar NIRI 6
Execution status Data taken: jun10, jul28 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-70 Kundu US Determining the Ages of Major Formation Events in Ellipticals with K-band Imaging NIRI 16.8
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-71 Kwok CA The Distribution of Extended Red Emission in Planetary Nebulae GMOS North 5.5
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-72 Labrie GS Near-Infrared [Fe II] Emission in Starburst Galaxies - NGC 3077 NIRI 12.4
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-73 Leahy UK The Synchrotron Spectra of Hotspots in 3CR Radio Galaxies NIRI 10
Execution status Data taken: jun02 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-74 Ledlow GS Signatures of Stellar and Gas Stripping in the Core of Abell 2125 GMOS North 11
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-75 Lipari BR Star Formation and Galactic Wind at Redshift 5.7 GMOS North 5.3
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-76 Mendes de Oliveira BR The outer halo of M32 GMOS North 2.9
Execution status completed Data taken: jun13, jun14, jun15, jun16, jun21, jun23 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-77 Pope CA Deep NIRI imaging of the brightest sub-mm source in the GOODS Northern field NIRI 14
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-78 Rawlings UK Hunting for radio-loud quasars within the epoch of reionization GMOS North 4.5
Execution status Data taken: jul09 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-79 Roche UK The evolutionary history of massive elliptical galaxies GMOS North 13
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-80 Roth GS Characterizing Galaxies Around Damped Lyman-Alpha QSO Absorbers GMOS North 16.5
Execution status completed Data taken: may21, may28, jun24, jul10, jul11, jul12, jul13, jul14, jul15, jul16, jul17, jul18, jul19, jul20 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-81 Sanders UH NIR Imaging of the Hosts Galaxies of Obscured AGN NIRI 8
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-82 Schulte-Ladbeck US Emission-line Abundances in the Damped Ly(alpha) Absorber SBS 1543+593 GMOS North 10
Execution status Data taken: may13 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-83 Scott US Star Forming Galaxies in the Field of the UV Bright QSO HS1700+6416 GMOS North 50
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-84 Sharp UK Lyman-alpha halos around Lyman-break galaxies at z~3 GMOS North 40
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-85 Smith US IR Galaxies in a Deep SIRTF/VLA/Chandra Survey: The Power Balance between AGN & Starbursts to z~1.5 GMOS North 4
Execution status completed Data taken: jan25, jan27 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-86 Steinbring CA The Building Blocks of Distant Radio Galaxies NIRI+Altair 30
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-87 Steiner BR LINERS Under Gemini's IFU Microscope GMOS North 3.95
Execution status Data taken: jul10 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-88 Tonry UH Discovery and Study of Extra-Solar Planets NIRI 14
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-89 Whitaker UK The Evolution Of The Dwarf Galaxy Contribution To The Universal Star Formation Rate GMOS North 15.15
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN Scientific Ranking Band 4
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GN-2004A-Q-90 Bandyopadhyay UK IR Spectroscopy of Highly Obscured X-ray Binaries NIRI 15
Execution status Data taken: aug2, mar08, jun06, jun07, jul30 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-91 Bunker UK Fluorescent re-emission of the ionizing UV background from Lyman-limit Systems GMOS North 60
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-92 Gerssen UK Galaxy velocity fields at redshifts of z=0.1 GMOS North 7
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-93 Klaassen CA Characterisation of the outflow in W28A2 NIRI 1.6
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-94 Miller GS Line Index Calibration for GMOS-N: Allowing for Secure Age/Metallicity Measurements of Stellar Populations GMOS North 25.5
Execution status Data taken: jun15 Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-95 Norman US Determining Spectral Redshifts for a Shear- Selected Sample of Galaxy Clusters GMOS North 17.5
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-96 Postman US Tracing Star Formation in a z=0.83 Rich Galaxy Cluster NIRI 20
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GN-2004A-Q-97 Telles BR Near-Infrared Observations of the most compact HII galaxies NIRI 3
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:


The columns in the table for Gemini South are:
Ref #: Gemini reference number (note that this is different from any internal National TAC reference number). Click on it to see the proposal abstract (when available).
PI: name of Principal Investigator. (If a joint proposal, the name of the primary contact for the entire program is listed).
Partner: partner or country to which time will be charged (US, UK, CA=Canada, AU=Australia, CH=Chile (host), AR=Argentina, BR=Brazil, GS=Gemini staff). If a joint proposal, all contributors are shown.
Title: the title of the program.
Instrument: name of the instrument(s).
Hours allocated: time allocated to the program (if a joint proposal, this is the total time for the program). Programs identified e.g. [r04B] were assigned rollover status by the ITAC and will be carried over into the specified semester if not completed in this semester. 
Execution status: click on this hyperlink to see the current status of each observation in the program. 
Data taken: the UT date on which data were taken [later this will include time used for each observation made]
Completion status:
this shows an estimate of the fraction of allocated time that has been used. Note that this is a preliminary estimate and is only an indication of the completion state of the program. The completion state may not reflect the formal time accounting. Also note that some programs may be completed in less than the allocated time (e.g. if conditions were better than requested or if the request was overestimated). 

A list of the support staff (Gemini Contact Scientists and National Office staff) for each program is available.

GS Scientific Ranking Band 1
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2004A-Q-1 Barlow UK Dust formation by recent extragalactic supernovae T-ReCS 30 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: oct5, oct24, oct27, oct28, oct29, dec4, mar04, mar11, mar12, mar14, may01, may02 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-2 Barrientos CH Spectroscopic Confirmation of Rich Galaxy Clusters at z ~ 1.2 GMOS South 35 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: sep10, sep11, sep13, sep15, sep16, sep20, oct10, oct18, oct19, oct20, feb16, mar20, mar21, mar22, mar23, apr27, jul20 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-3 Bouchet US Bolometric Evolution of SN1987A: monitoring the dust in the mid-IR T-ReCS 15 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: oct27, jan4, jan6, jan7, mar07 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-4 Burton AU Inside the Eye of the Tornado T-ReCS 1.83 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: apr30 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-5 Burton AU Determining the initial embedded population in massive protostellar cores T-ReCS 12.67 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: may01, may02, may03, may07, may08 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-6 Carr US The Chemical Evolution of the Galactic Center Phoenix 43 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: may14, may19, jun27, jun28, jun29, jun30, jul04, jul06 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-7 De Buizer GS/US Thermal Infrared Classification of Hot Molecular Cores T-ReCS 8.5 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: oct5, mar05, apr30, may07, may08, may09, may10, Jul09, Jul30 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-8 Fruchter US/UK What are the Short Duration Gamma-Ray Bursts? GMOS South 12 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-9 Hanes UK/AU/ CA Globular Clusters as Probes of Galaxy Formation GMOS South 39.05
Execution status completed Data taken: jan19, mar18, mar19, mar21, mar22, mar23, mar28, apr15, apr17, apr18, apr19, apr20, jun19 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-10 Hinkle US Infrared Spectroscopy of the late T-dwarf epsilon Indi Bb Phoenix 10 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-11 Hook CA The Nature of Dark Energy from Supernovae of Type Ia GMOS South 17
Execution status Data taken: jun18 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-12 Hunstead AU SUMSS J1449-6047: the largest object in the universe? GMOS South 3
Execution status completed Data taken: jan24, feb16, feb18, mar18, mar19, mar20 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-13 Lambert US The origin of Sulfur as determined from the [SI] line Phoenix 20 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: apr05, apr06, may17, jun27, jun29, jun30, jul05, jul06 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-14 Lira CH N-band imaging of a complete sample of AGN T-ReCS 17 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: oct27, mar05, mar11, may03, Jul08, Jul30 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-15 Maza CH The AGN-Galaxy Connection GMOS South 13.5 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: mar19, mar22, apr18, apr20 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-16 Miller GS The Ages, Metallicities, and Velocities of Globular Clusters in Virgo Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies GMOS South 26 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: jan19, jan20, feb16, feb20, feb21, feb17, feb18, feb19, feb22, feb24, apr16, apr17, apr18 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-17 Oka US Observation of H3+ and CO toward the Galactic Center Phoenix 20 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: jul23, jul24, jul25 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-18 Rembold BR Multi-object spectroscopy of the galaxy cluster LCDCS-S0001 GMOS South 3.25
Execution status completed Data taken: feb17, mar19, mar20 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-19 Smail UK Calibrating Mass Maps of Rich Clusters: GMOS-N/S Spectra of Arcs in the MACS-HST/ACS Sample GMOS South 10 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: apr15, apr18, jun19, jul16, jul18 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-20 Smith US Comparative Chemical Evolution in Stellar Populations: Infrared Spectroscopy of Galactic Bulge Red Giants Phoenix 22.5 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: may15, may17, jun30, jul02, jul05, jul03 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-21 Smith US Using Fluorine Abundances to Test for the Signature of Hot-Bottom Burning in the Globular Cluster M4 Phoenix 5 [r04B]
Execution status completed Data taken: may15 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-22 van Kerkwijk CA A precise determination of the properties of the milli-second pulsar PSR J1909-3744 and its low-mass white-dwarf companion GMOS South 34 [r04B]
Execution status Data taken: sep10, sep11,apr17, apr19, apr20, jun19, jul17 Completion status:
GS Scientific Ranking Band 2
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2004A-Q-23 Balachandran US Mixing and CNO Abundances in M Supergiants Phoenix 20
Execution status completed Data taken: apr02, apr04, apr05, apr06, may14, may16, may17, may19, may20, jun09, jun11 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-24 Barlow UK/BR/ CH Crystalline silicate grains around post-AGB objects - disks or extended emission? T-ReCS 27.97
Execution status Data taken: may07, may08, may09 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-25 Bloom US Probing the ISM of High Redshift Galaxies with Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows GMOS South 10
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-26 Blum US The Circumstellar Environments of Massive Young Stellar Objects Phoenix 10
Execution status Data taken: jun09, jun27, jul05 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-27 Borissova CH Does the LMC Have a Halo? GMOS South 15
Execution status Data taken: feb19, mar18, mar21, mar22, mar23, mar28, apr17, apr18, apr19 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-28 Bunker US Fluorescent re-emission of the ionizing UV background from Lyman-limit Systems GMOS South 60
Execution status Data taken: feb18, jul16, jul20 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-29 De Buizer GS/US The Morphologies and Physical Properties of Dust in Ultracompact HII Regions T-ReCS 32
Execution status Data taken: Jul31 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-30 Di Francesco CA Kicking the Darkness 'til It Bleeds Starlight: 20 micron T-ReCS Imaging of the Serpens Protocluster T-ReCS 13
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-31 Drissen GS/CA Super-star clusters : their role in the dispersal and mixing of new GMOS South 7.5
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-32 Ellison CA The Cosmic Evolution of Organic Matter: Tracing The Diffuse Interstellar Bands in 0<z<0.5 Galaxies. GMOS South 14
Execution status Data taken: jun19 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-33 Francis AU The Physics of Dusty Molecular Gas at High Redshifts GMOS South 7.25
Execution status Data taken: mar20 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-34 Fruchter UK/US Diversity of Gamma-Ray Bursts in the Swift Era GMOS South 9
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-35 Garcia-Rissmann BR High Spatial Resolution Investigation of "Schizophrenic" AGN GMOS South 3.05
Execution status completed Data taken: apr15, jul17, jul18 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-36 Geballe GS The interaction of GC/IRS8 and the ISM of the Galactic Center Phoenix 24.5
Execution status completed Data taken: jul25, jul26, jul27 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-37 Gerssen UK Secular evolution in a late-type disk galaxy GMOS South 5
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-38 Gizis US Spectra of Very Young Brown Dwarfs GMOS South 10
Execution status Data taken: apr21 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-39 Hardcastle UK Mid-IR observations of the jet in Centaurus A T-ReCS 8.5
Execution status completed Data taken: mar06, mar11, mar12 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-40 Lambert US A CO Resonance Scattering Map of alpha Ori's Circumstellar Shell Phoenix 20
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-41 Matthews CA Imaging the AGN at the heart of Centaurus A T-ReCS 6.2
Execution status completed Data taken: mar14, may03 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-42 Miller UK Wide-separation gravitational lenses from the 2dF QSO survey. GMOS South 18.1
Execution status Data taken: feb16, feb22, feb24, apr15, apr16, apr17, apr18, apr19, apr20, jun19, jul17 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-43 Mould US Resolving the star formation in Henize 206 T-ReCS 10
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-44 Shkolnik CA Chromospheric Heating of HD179949 by its Short-Period Giant Planet Phoenix 10
Execution status Data taken: jun28, jun29, jul06 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-45 Smith BR/US Mapping Chemical Evolution from Red Giants in the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy Phoenix 35
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-46 Steiner BR Nebular emission and the secondary star in CBSS and V Sagittae objects GMOS South 2.58
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-47 Walker UK/CA/ GS Dynamics of the T-dwarf binary epsilon Ind Ba/b Phoenix 20.4
Execution status Data taken: jul02, jul04 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-48 Woodward US Cometary Grains - Icy Planetesimal Evolution T-ReCS 12.6
Execution status Data taken: apr30, jun23, Jul08, Jul11, Jul30 Completion status:
GS Scientific Ranking Band 3
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2004A-Q-49 Aspin GS Thermal IR imaging of the FUor V346 Nor: resolving multiple components, circumstellar disks and thermal fluxes T-ReCS 4
Execution status Data taken: jun26 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-50 Barbosa BR MIR Spectroscopy of Massive YSOs T-ReCS 4.5
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-51 Bickerton CA/UK The Search for Small Kuiper Belt Objects using Stellar Occultations Acquisition Camera 24
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-52 Blum US The Most Massive Stars Known, Single or Multiple? Phoenix 30
Execution status Data taken: apr06, jun30 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-53 Bouchet US Dust in Types I & II Supernovae T-ReCS 45
Execution status Data taken: mar13, mar14, mar15 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-54 Clem CA GMOS Imaging of Low-Mass Globular Cluster Stars GMOS South 3.8
Execution status completed Data taken: feb19, mar19, mar21, apr17, apr27, jul16 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-55 Demers CA Kinematics of the intermediate-age and old populations in the halo of NGC 6822 GMOS South 12.1
Execution status Data taken: mar28, apr16, jul18, jul20 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-56 Hrivnak GS Imaging of Two Bipolar Protoplanetary Nebulae T-ReCS 5
Execution status completed Data taken: jun26, Jul11 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-57 Jayawardhana US Probing dust composition and processing in protoplanetary disks T-ReCS 20
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-58 Lambert US Carbon Stars in the Local Group - Detailed Abundance Analysis of Carbon Stars in the Magellanic Clouds Phoenix 20
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-59 Lebzelter US Stellar evolution along the AGB Phoenix 20
Execution status Data taken: may16, may19, may20, jun27, jun28, jun30, jul02, jul05, jul03 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-60 Littlefair UK The properties of young brown dwarfs Phoenix 27.5
Execution status Data taken: jun11, jun28, jul02, jul04, jul05, jul03 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-61 Meixner US High-Resolution Mid-IR Imaging of Dusty Proto-planetary Disks Surrounding Intermediate Mass Stars T-ReCS 13
Execution status Data taken: jun26, Jul07, Jul09, Jul10, Jul11 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-62 Miller GS Line Index Calibration for GMOS-S: Allowing for Secure Age/Metallicity Measurements of Stellar Populations GMOS South 28
Execution status Data taken: apr21, apr27, jun22, jul18, jul20 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-63 Moffat CA Dust-Making Wolf-Rayet Stars in the Mid-IR: Toward Understanding the Origins of Interstellar Dust T-ReCS 11
Execution status Data taken: mar15, Jul08, Jul09 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-64 Redman CA Search for Outflows and YSOs in IRDC Cores T-ReCS 5
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-65 Richer US/CA Spectroscopy of White Dwarfs in Messier 4 GMOS South 34.4
Execution status Data taken: feb20, feb21 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-66 Roth GS Characterizing Galaxies Around Damped Lyman-Alpha QSO Absorbers GMOS South 16.5
Execution status Data taken: jan20 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-67 Smith US IR Variability During a Shell Ejection of Eta Carinae T-ReCS 6
Execution status Data taken: jun26 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-68 Smith US IR Variability During a Shell Ejection of Eta Carinae Phoenix 3
Execution status Data taken: may15, may17, may19 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-69 Volk GS Imaging of Carbon-Rich Post-AGB Sources T-ReCS 2.75
Execution status completed Data taken: mar11, may08, may10, jun23, Jul10, Jul11 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-70 Volk GS An Imaging Survey of Planetary Nebulae T-ReCS 7.5
Execution status completed Data taken: mar12, may10, jun23, Jul07, Jul10, Jul11, Jul31 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-71 Weinberger US Asteroidal Material Around Young Stars? T-ReCS 10
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-72 Whitaker UK The Evolution Of The Dwarf Galaxy Contribution To The Universal Star Formation Rate GMOS South 15.15
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-73 Willis CA GMOS/IFU spectroscopy of SDSS galaxy-galaxy lenses GMOS South 8
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-74 Wilson CA Mid-Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Antennae T-ReCS 5.7
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS Scientific Ranking Band 4
Ref # PI Partner Title Instrument Hours
GS-2004A-Q-75 Bouchet US Dust in Types I & II Supernovae T-ReCS 40
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-76 Clewley UK Mapping the Remote Milky Way Halo GMOS South 30
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-77 Cook US Spectroscopy of Pluto and Charon Between 1.4-2.5um Phoenix 30
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-78 Davis UK Probing the central engines of jets from embedded Class I protostars Phoenix 15.5
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-79 Fabian UK Ionized gas, dust and stars in the Centaurus cluster GMOS South 3.8
Execution status completed Data taken: feb26, apr21 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-80 Hynes US The Spectroscopic Signature of Low Luminosity Accreting Black Holes GMOS South 17
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-81 Lipari US/UK Star Formation and Galactic Wind at Redshift 5.7 GMOS South 28.2
Execution status Data taken: feb16 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-82 Morris UK The Relationship Between Gas and Galaxies as a Function of Redshift GMOS South 27.4
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-83 Packham US 10um Observations of ULIRGs: Unveiling the Dust-Enshrouded Energy Source T-ReCS 20
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-84 Page UK Identifying hard X-ray, optically faint sources GMOS South 15.5
Execution status Data taken: feb18, feb24 Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-85 Vacca US The Mid-IR Spectral Energy Distribution of Ultradense HII Regions in Starburst Galaxies T-ReCS 20
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:
GS-2004A-Q-86 Van Der Bliek US Exploring the Structure of Brown Dwarf Disks T-ReCS 40
Execution status Data taken: Completion status:


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Last updated on:
GMOS North - 21 Jul 2004
NIRI - 1 Aug 2004
GMOS South - 21 Jul 2004
T-ReCS - 31 Jul 2004
Phoenix - 29 Jul 2004
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