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Hydrogen Recombination Lines

Below is a list of Paschen, Brackett, Pfund, and Humphreys series lines of atomic hydrogen in the 1-5µm region, which are noticeable in R~1000 spectra of A0V stars.

Paschen 4-3 1.875
Paschen 5-3 1.282
Paschen 6-3 1.094
Paschen 7-3 1.005
Brackett 5-4 4.052
Brackett 7-4 2.166
Brackett 8-4 1.945
Brackett 9-4 1.818
Brackett 10-4 1.737
Brackett 11-4 1.681
Brackett 12-4 1.641
Brackett 13-4 1.611
Brackett 14-4 1.588
Brackett 15-4 1.571
Brackett 16-4 1.556
Brackett 17-4 1.544
Pfund 7-5 4.654
Pfund 7-5 4.654
Pfund 8-5 3.741
Pfund 9-5 3.297
Pfund 10-5 3.039
Pfund 11-5 2.873
Humphreys 10-6 5.129
Humphreys 11-6 4.673
Humphreys 13-6 4.171
Humphreys 14-6 4.021
Humphreys 15-6 3.908
Humphreys 16-6 3.819
Humphreys 17-6 3.749

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Last update Feb. 6, 2000; Tom Geballe