Near Infrared Wavelength Calibration |
Nearly all near-infrared spectra, except perhaps certain regions
at very high resolution, contain sky emission lines which can be used
for wavelength calibration. However, at low and moderate
resolution these lines are often blends and may not be easily
identified. For wavelengths < 2.5 um, measurement of argon arc
lines for wavelength calibration is recommended.
Argon lamp line plots and lists
- NIRI plots
- GNIRS plots
- IRAF Argon line list, including vacuum wavelengths of the infrared emission lines of argon
from "Wavelength Standards in the Infrared", K.N. Rao et al., 1966
- Wavelength Calibration of Near-Infrared Spectra,
Hinkle, et al, 2001, PASP, 113, 548
Sky line lists
- Night-sky spectral atlas of OH emission lines in the near-infrared,
Rousselot, P., Lidman, C., Cuby, J.-G., Moreels, G. & Monnet, G., 2000, A&A 354, 1134,
- The OH airglow spectrum: a calibration source for infrared spectrometers,
Oliva, E. and Origlia, L., 1992, A&A, 254, 466
- Observations of the OH airglow emission,
Maihara, et al, 1993, PASP, 105, 940
- Non-thermal emission in the atmosphere above Mauna Kea,
Ramsay, S.K., Mountain, C.M. & Geballe, T. R.,
- High-resolution Fourier transform spectroscopy of the Meinel system of OH,
Abrams, et al, 1994, ApJS, 93, 351
- IRAF OH line list, including Vacuum wavelengths from the calculations of Chamberlain (< 1.20 microns)
and laboratory observations of Hubbard and Brault using the Solar FTS (> 1.2 microns).
Additional References
Last update 2006 June 10 by Andrew Stephens & Bernadette Rodgers