
Gemini News Archive

Revolutionary Instrument Propels Astronomical Imaging to New Extremes

Gemini’s next-generation adaptive optics system produces highest-resolution with largest field-of-view ever captured from the ground using laser guide star technology.

Gemini Gems Archive

To celebrate the publising of Gemini Observatory’s 1000th scientific paper, we highlight some of the top science results every week through the end of 2011.

Unveiling the Next Generation of Stars in M33

A team of researchers made deep, multi-band observations of NGC 604, a giant star forming region in M33 using the Near-infrared Imager and Spectrometer on Gemini North.


Observations with the Gemini North telescope in Hawai‘i reveal evidence for what astronomers are calling the largest black holes ever measured in our nearby cosmological neighborhood.

Australian Student Contest Winner Reaches for the Stars

Australian student Benjamin Reynolds was named winner of the 2011 Australian Gemini School Astronomy Contest for his proposed observations of the galaxy NGC 7552.

Gemini Observatory Celebrates 1,000th Paper

Gemini Observatory's 1000th paper, by Gemini astronomer Tom Geballe and the team, published in the November 2nd electronic edition of the journal Nature.

Congratulations to the 2011 Nobel Prize Winners for Physics

The staff of the Gemini Observatory wish to congratulate the winners of the 2011 Nobel Prize for Physics: Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt, and Adam G. Riess.

New Dwarf Galaxy Discovered near the Andromeda Galaxy

New observations with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph on Gemini North confirm a new dwarf companion to the Andromeda Galaxy.

Trans-Neptunian Binaries and the History of the Outer Solar System

An international team of astronomers, using data from the Gemini North telescope, are revealing the history of the outer Solar System by measuring the mutual orbits of extremely widely separated binaries located beyond Neptune in the icy Kuiper Belt.

Viaje al Universo and AstroDay Chile 2011 - Building Anticipation for 2012 and Beyond

Thanks to a partnership between Gemini South and the Extension Department of the University of La Serena as well as participation by the Municipality of La Serena and the Tourism Board (SERNATUR), the Viaje al Universo and AstroDay Chile programs introduced our Chilean host communities to Gemini (and astronomy) in exciting new ways.

A Yellow Supergiant Progenitor of a Massive Star Supernova in M51

Another supernova (SN 2011dh) has exploded in the Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), and now astronomers have identified its unusual progenitor using data from Gemini NIRI.

Gemini Image Captures Elegant Beauty of Planetary Nebula Discovered by Amateur Astronomer

The image of Kronberger 61, discovered by Austrian amateur astronomer Matthias Kronberger, is featured at an International Astronomical Union symposium on planetary nebulae this week in Spain’s Canary Islands. The research team’s work features a striking image of the new nebula obtained with the Gemini Observatory.


An international team of astronomers discovered the most distant known supermassive black hole, seen as a luminous quasar caused by gas falling into the black hole.

GeMS First Light: A New Generation of Adaptive Optics Begins

In early April 2011, after more than a decade of effort, the Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS) saw starlight for the first time. 

Celestial Fireworks Flare as Massive Black Hole Consumes Star in Distant Galaxy

An international team of astronomers using the Gemini North telescope revealed that a powerful outburst of radiation originated from a massive black hole at the center of a distant galaxy.

Eclipsing Stellar Embers Offer Glimpse of Binary Demise

The chance alignment of a pair of helium white dwarfs – both originally about the mass of the Sun – is showing how binary stars interact and eventually suffer a long slow demise.


A unique set of images from the Gemini North telescope in Hawai‘i allowed the researchers to estimate the distance of a GRB with a relatively high degree of certainty, placing it near the edge of the observable universe.

Gemini Images a Psychedelic Stellar Nursery

Two astronomers used the Gemini South telescope in Chile to obtain a dramatic new image of the nursery that could be described as psychedelic.

Identifying Cool Brown Dwarfs With GNIRS

Spectroscopy obtained with the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph (GNIRS) on the Gemini North telescope combined with photometry from the Spitzer Space Telescope enable the identification of a late-type brwon dwarf's spectral type as T8.5.

Australian Students Capture Dancing Galaxies

High school students from across Australia joined in a competition to obtain scientifically useful (and aesthetically pleasing) images using the Gemini Observatory. The winning image is an interacting galaxy pair NGC 6872 and IC 4970.
