
Gemini News Archive

Does IRS-8 contain the youngest and most massive star in the Galactic Center?

A team of astronomers has proven that the star at the core of a spectacular cosmic bow shock near the Galactic Center is indeed an evolved massive star.

Gemini Captures Close Encounter of Jupiter's Red Spots

Gemini North adaptive optics image of Jupiter and its two red spots (which appear white because this  is a near-infrared image; in visible light they appear reddish).

Big Cluster Elliptical Galaxies Formed First

Astronomers have just released new Gemini/HST results confirming that big galaxies form first and smaller ones later.


Massive star supernovae have been major "dust factories" ever since the first generations of stars formed several hundred million years after the Big Bang, according to an international study.


Gemini observations reveal an intriguing dust-enshrouded star near the core of the galaxy M31, while extremely sharp adaptive optics images allowed the analysis of thousands of individual stars that indicates a long-stable environment around the galaxy’s core.  

A Tale of Two Nebulae

Two new images from Gemini Observatory released today show a pair of beautiful nebulae that were created by two very different types of stars at what may be similar points in their evolutionary timelines.

Hilo Students Observe Comet Break-up with Gemini

A new educational outreach program at Gemini Observatory is pairing local sudents with astronomers to do cutting-edge astronomy with an 8-meter telescope.

Companion Explains "Chameleon" Supernova

Using the Gemini South telescope in Chile, Australian astronomers have found a predicted "companion" star left behind when its partner exploded as a very unusual supernova.

Can Mid-Infrared Outflows Masquerade as Circumstellar Disks?

New observations using T-ReCS on Gemini South reveal that in at least one case the mid-infrared emission from a young stellar source is associated with a spectacular outflow.

Eta Carinae: A Spectacular Show From A Convulsing Massive Star

Nathan Smith (University of Colorado) used the high-resolution infrared spectrograph PHOENIX on the Gemini South telescope to observe the bipolar nebula surrounding Eta Carinae, revealing a very well-defined shell structure expanding ballistically at about 500 kilometers per second.

Gemini Images a "Shocking" Skull of Gas

A new Gemini Observatory image of NGC 246, nicknamed the "Skull Nebula," shows what can happen as the outer atmosphere of a fast-moving, dying star lpushes through the complex soufflé of gas and dust that lies between the stars of our galaxy.

New Class of Comets may be Source of Earth's Water

Astronomers from the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy used Gemini North to make "crucial" observations of an object designated as Asteroid 118401. The observations showed that the body is ejecting dust like a comet,

Gemini Finds Young Binary Dwarf Pair is Large and Hot

A U.S.-led team of astronomers, led by Keivan Stassun of Vanderbilt University, has used Gemini South's PHOENIX to uncover the dynamics of the eclipsing brown dwarf pair 2MASS J0532184-0546085.

Mid-Infrared Astronomy in Full Swing at Gemini

Mid-infrared astronomy is in full swing at Gemini with MICHELLE at Gemini North and T-ReCS at Gemini South.

'Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai'i Opens in Hilo

A new era in astronomy education and outreach was ushered in with the opening of the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai‘i in Hilo, Hawai‘i.

Gemini Sheds New Light on Dark Matter in NGC 3379

Using Gemini observations of globular clusters in NGC 3379 (M105), a team has found evidence for normal quantities of dark matter in the galaxy’s dark halo.

New Gemini Director Announced

Gemini South Traces the Flow of Gas into the Grasp of the Black Hole in NGC 1097

An international team recently mapped the gas velocity field and structure within the circumnuclear ring of the SBb LINER/Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 1097 in unprecedented detail.


NGC 1097 close-up image and artist's conceptions.
