
Gemini News Archive

Why do Galaxies in the Young Universe Appear so Mature?

Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS) revealed that the galaxies appear to be more fully formed and mature than expected at the early stage in the evolution of the Universe. 

Mystery Object Neither Star Nor Brown Dwarf

Astronomers using the Gemini North and Keck II telescopes have peered inside a violent binary star system to find that one of the interacting stars has lost so much mass to its partner that it has regressed to a strange, inert body resembling no known star type.

The Gemini Science Archive: the Data are Yours!

After more than five years of planning and development, the Gemini Science Archive Version 1 (GSA V.1.0) was released on September 20, 2004.

MICHELLE and HIRES Observing Times are Traded

Gemini and Keck have agreed to exchange five nights of observing time at each facility in semester 2005A.  The Gemini user community will have access to five nights of HIRES on Keck I. In return, Keck users will have access to  MICHELLE on Gemini North for five nights. 

Searching for the end of the cosmic dark ages with GMOS

A team of U.S. astronomers reports the discovery of extremely high rates of star formation in one of the most distant known galaxies in the universe, LALA J142442.24+353400.2 Using GMOS-N.

Gemini South Obtains First High-Resolution Image of Dust Around Supernova 1987A

Infrared observations of Supernova 1987A by T-ReCS on Gemini South revealed dust emissions at a wavelength of 10 microns.

A high abundance of massive galaxies 3-6 billion years after the Big Bang

The Gemini Deep Deep Survey (GDDS) was completed using the Gemini North telescope and the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS-N). Spectra of several hundred distant galaxies were obtained and measured.

Gemini, Subaru & Keck Discover large-scale funneling of matter onto a massive distant galaxy cluster

Using the entire battery of large telescopes on Mauna Kea, including GMOS-N, a University of Hawaii IfA team has obtained a unique data set of the X-ray cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 and its surroundings.

Gemini South is First 8-10 Meter Class Telescope With Protected Silver Coatings

The Gemini South 8-meter telescope gets a new coating of silver, increasing the sensitivity of the mid-infrared instruments on the telescope. 

The Gemini Deep Deep Survey Opens a New Window Into the Distant Universe of Galaxy Assembly

Using Nod & Shuffle mode on GMOS-N, ultra-deep spectra of several hundred distant, elusive galaxies were captured, which helps to paint a new picture of the nature and evolution of galaxies some 7 - 10 billion years ago.

Waltzing Irregular Satellites Around Jupiter and Saturn

Gemini North Near Infrared Imager (NIRI) observations have confirmed that many of the "irregular" satellites around Jupiter and Saturn share a common ancestry.

Gemini-South's Near-Infrared Spectrograph Gets 3-D vision

Designed and built by the University of Durham (UK), the new GNIRS Integral Field Unit (IFU) arrived on Cerro Pachón (Gemini South) in February in a deceptively small package. 

Orphan HII Regions Near Stephan's Quintet

A team of Brazilian and French astronomers has discovered four surprisingly metal-rich HII regions and associated clusters of hot young stars in an otherwise empty region of intergalactic space near the galaxy group called Stephan's Quintet.

Celestial Beacon Sheds New Light on Stellar Nursery

A timely discovery by American amateur astronomer Jay McNeil, followed immediately by observations at the Gemini Observatory, has provided a rare glimpse into the slow, yet violent birth of a star about 1,500 light-years away.

Gemini Probes Galaxy Evolution a Billion Years After the Big Bang

The GLARE (Gemini Lyman Alpha at Reionisation Era) team, using Gemini to study the early universe, has just discovered a surprisingly large number (three) very high redshift galaxies ( z = 5.83, 5.79 and 5.94) in a same region of the southern GOODS field. 

Gemini Probes Red Stars in M82 Using Adaptive Optics

A Canadian/Gemini team used the ALTAIR adaptive optics system with the Near Infrared Imager (NIRI) on the Gemini North Telescope to probe the red stellar content in the starburst galaxy M-82.

Massive Old Star Reveals Secrets On Deathbed

Astronomers have obtained the most detailed observations ever of an old but otherwise normal massive star just before and after its life ended in a spectacular supernova explosion.

Gemini South/PHOENIX Strikes Again

Verne Smith of the University of Texas El Paso led an international team of astronomers to a detailed study of the physical properties of the recently discovered nearby brown dwarf companion to Epsilon Indi,

The Gemini Science Archive Prototype: Released !!

The prototype of the Gemini Science Archive (GSAp) was recently released to the astronomical community and the general public.
