
Gemini News Archive

Tragic Fire Destroys Most of Australia's Mount Stromlo Observatory

Violent bush fires ravaging Canberra destroyed most of the facilities at the Stromlo Observatory including Gemini's Near-Infrared Integral Field Spectrograph.

Gemini South Helps Discover Galactic Jet in Spiral Galaxy

Gemini South Assistant Astronomer Dr. Michael Ledlow has helped confirm the existence of a giant, subatomic particle jet streaming from a spiral galaxy similar to the Milky Way.

Gemini North & South Receive New Instruments for the Holidays!

Gemini South took delivery of GMOS-S in November 2002 and the facility mid-infrared imager and spectrometer Michelle arrived at Gemini North in the first week of December.

Probing the Chemistry of Red Giants in the Large Magellanic Cloud with PHOENIX on Gemini South

Using PHOENIX on Gemini South, an international team has determined the chemistry in 12 red giant stars spanning masses between 1-4 Msun. 

Gemini Telescope on Mauna Kea Named in Honor of Dr. Frederick C. Gillett

Gemini Observatory honored Dr. Fred Gillett, a pioneer in infrared astronomy, by naming the Gemini North Telescope in his honor at ceremonies at the telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawai'i, November 13, 2002.

Astronomers "Converge" on Galactic Center

Approximately 110 astronomers will meet in Kona during November 3-8, 2002, to discuss the nucleus of our Milky Way in a conference called "The Central 300 Parsecs."

IRS-8 - A unique bow shock in the Galactic Center region

Tom Geballe, Francois Rigaut and Jean-Rene Roy of the Gemini Observatory have analyzed the exquisite images obtained with Hokupa'a-QUIRC on the Gemini North Telescope in order to study the unique object IRS-8.

OSCIR Unveils Rich Dust Content in the Second Most Metal Deficient Galaxy Known

Canadian Ph. D. student Stephanie Plante and French astronomer Marc Sauvage used OSCIR on Gemini North to image SBS 0335-052 in the mid-infrared at 10.8 and 21 microns. 

Gemini Obtains First Spectrum From Furthest Known Dusty Galaxy

Michael Ledlow and his collaborators, using GMOS-N, studied the optical counterpart of the submillimeter source, SMMJ09431+4700 that is seen through an intervening galaxy cluster (Abell 851) at redshift 0.41. 

Gemini North Probes Deep Sky with GMOS

Gemini Observatory recently released this unique set of deep optical images obtained during the commissioning and system verification phase of GMOS. The Gemini Deep Field is centered on the z=4 quasar QSO PMN2314+0201. 

CIRPASS - Doing Science on Gemini South

The CIRPASS observations obtained on Gemini South will allow to measure the filling factor of substructures, and to estimate the level of microlensing in progress. 

New Internet Link Moves Gemini a Step Closer to Becoming World's First "Cyber Observatory"

With funding and support from NSF, Gemini has succeeded in blazing a new Internet pathway which will provide its globally separated twin telescopes with a reliable data transfer connection able to handle the enormous amounts of scientific information created by Gemini's sophisticated instrumentation.

Gemini StarTeachers Exchange Program Strengthens Sister City Ties Between Hilo and La Serena

Observatory Director Dr. Matt Mountain announced today the new Gemini StarTeachers Exchange Program between Hilo and its Sister City of La Serena, Chile - the two host communities of Gemini Observatory. 

Serendipitous Science

A thirteen-year-old Vancouver, girl's proposal to take a picture ofthe Trifid Nebula by the Gemini Observatory is prompting a closer lookat this star-forming region.

High-Tech Horse Sense

Technicians use common horse soap to clean the 8-meter (26-foot) mirror of Gemini North Telescope atop Mauna Kea.

Viewing the June 10th Partial Eclipse

On June 10, Big Island residents had the opportunity to safely view a partial solar eclipse where the Moon covered about half the Sun's surface.

Closest Brown Dwarf Companion Ever Spotted Around a Star Provokes New Perspective

Astronomers using adaptive optics technology on the Gemini North Telescope have observed a brown dwarf orbiting a low-mass star at a distance comparable to just three times the distance between the Earth and Sun. 

Einstein (Relatively Speaking) Drops In On Hawaii!

Arden Bercovitz, Ph.D., is a scientist portraying a scientist, creativity coach and keynote speaker recognized by the National Speakers Association. Dr. Bercovitz has performed as Einstein for over 10 years and his acclaimed characterization of the famous scientist has received praise from students, the media and scientists alike.

Gemini Observatory Captures Multi-Dimensional Movie of Active Galaxy's Core

Using the recently commissioned IFU on GMOS, astronomers have recently obtained a complete multi-dimensional picture of the dynamic flow of gas and stars at the core of an active galaxy named NGC 1068 in a single snap-shot.
