--> 2020A Classical Schedule | Gemini Observatory

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2020A Classical Schedule

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Semester 2020A

The table below summarises the classically-scheduled programs that have been awarded time on Gemini North and South, as well as programs from the Gemini community awarded Exchange time on Subaru. Jump directly to the schedule for:

Each Gemini program has been assigned a Contact Scientist (CS) who is the point of contact between the Observatory and the Principal Investigator. Instructions for visiting observers are available.

The columns in the table are:
Date: Scheduled observing night(s), local time, for the Gemini telescopes, or number of nights and preliminary dates for Subaru.
Allocated programs: Gemini reference number, Principal Investigator and Partner.
Instrument: name of the instrument(s).
Title: the title of the program.

Classical programs scheduled for Gemini South in 20A.

Schedule : Gemini South 2020A
Date (Local Time) Allocated Program Instrument Title
13-16 February, 2020 (4 nights) GS-2020A-C-1 Devaney, CA GASP

Phase-resolved Optical Polarimetric Observations of the Vela, Crab and PSR B0540-69 Pulsars

20-21 February, 2020 (2 nights) GS-2020A-C-2 Rich, US GMOS-S

Confirming evidence for cold gas infall into two massive halos at z=3

Classical/Queue programs scheduled for Subaru in 20A. See the Subaru Schedule to confirm dates.

Schedule : Subaru 2020A
Award, date(s) Allocated Program Instrument Title

1 full night on Apr. 6, 2020

Melendez, BR


Solving the Sun midlife crisis: stellar evolution with NASA/TESS and Subaru/HDS

22.3 hours during Mar. - May, 2020 queue runs

Hudson, CA


A More Perfect UNION Survey

2 hours during May, 2020 queue run

Rudnick, US


Completing the GOGREEN survey of dense environments at 1<z<1.5

0.5 night on Feb. 4 and 0.5 night on Feb. 5, 2020 (second half)

Moumen, CA


The [FeII] 1.64 μm Study of the Optical Supernova Remnants in the Spiral Galaxy NGC 3344

Gemini Observatory Participants