
Gemini Observatory

Exploring the Universe, Sharing its Wonders

Gemini North Telescope Visit Request Form

Professional and Educational Tours

Gemini makes every effort to accommodate teacher/student groups and professionals involved in activities related to astronomical research/engineering. A minimum of one months notice is necessary for all tour requests and we are not permitted to provide tours for commercial (for-profit) groups. *Gemini cannot provide transportation* Other restrictions may apply (such as age and health).

All site visits (Maunakea & Hilo) are canceled due to COVID-19

Select A Tour Type From The Dropdown Above
Tour Date

Please enter the date(s) you would like to visit the summit. Put the same date for both entrees if you want a specific date. If you are flexible and have a date range that you can be available please enter the first and last dates that your group will be available. PLEASE be careful not to put in an end date that is before your start date, or the request may get lost. Due to current staffing limitations, weekend, holiday and evening visits will not be approved.

Tour groups meet at the Mauna Kea mid-level facilities - Hale Pohaku (HP) or the Visitors Information Station (VIS).  Suggested tour time is 1:30.

Is your group able to join with another tour?

Unavailable Dates:
Only valid through the end of current semester.
Tour Date

Please enter the date(s) you would like to visit the summit. Put the same date for both entrees if you want a specific date. If you are flexible and have a date range that you can be available please enter the first and last dates that your group will be available. PLEASE be careful not to put in an end date that is before your start date, or the request may get lost. Due to current staffing limitations, weekend, holiday and evening visits will not be approved.  

Tour group meets at Hale Pohaku below the Mauna Kea summit. Suggested tour time is 1:30pm.

Blackout Dates

The following dates are unavailable for tours:

Contact Details

The point of contact will receive the follow up email communications for this tour. If the point of contact is not traveling with the group, the first name on the list below should be the groups leader. This second point of contact will be used to communicate any changes the day of the tour.

Tour Group Members

Special approval needed for groups larger than 12 members - please list in comments below.

Name Age Notes (secondary contact or special needs)
+   -
Tour Group Members

We are able to accommodate or "piggy back" small groups (1-3 people) on an already scheduled tour.

Name Age Special Needs Acccomodation Details

Let us know if there is anything else we should know when considering your request, for example:

  • Any info that will help us decide if this is a visit that we can support
  • Name of Gemini staff member you are in contact with, or who will be leading the visit.
  • Specific areas of interest
    • Scientific (if you are a PI please include info about that)
    • General
    • Media/Press (specifics about what you want to film or who you want to interview)
Science Details

Any text entered into this box will be lost and not seen by our staff.  Please use the box below to add pertinent detials.

Media Details

All Media applicants must receive a permit from the Office Of Mauna Kea Management.

List names of any staff members needed for interviews and specific shooting locations (inside, outisde, control room, etc.).

Public Tours are not offered, however sometimes we are able to accommodate or "piggy back" small groups (1-3 people) on an already scheduled tour. If you are interested in trying this please submit the following info:

Your Tour Request Has Been Submitted

If your visit can be supported a tour coordinator will be contacting you as soon as your request has been reviewed.

There has been error submitting your tour request

Please contact webmaster@gemini.edu about this error with the following text:

Gemini Observatory Participants

Gemini's mission is to advance our knowledge of the Universe by providing the international Gemini Community with forefront access to the entire sky.