White Papers Solicited for High-Resolution Optical Spectroscopy
July 2010
Instrument Support Structure - Gemini South.
Instrument Support Structure - Gemini South.
The June 2010 issue of GeminiFocus is now available electronically (downloadable as a PDF).
Gemini Observatory and the US National Optical Astronomy Observatory are organizing a Gemini Data Workshop 19--22 July 2010 in Tucson, Arizona. Registration is free and open to anyone. The workshop will cover the basics of astronomical data reduction, followed by breakout sessions that then focus on specific Gemini instruments or capabilities.
Gemini's flagship local outreach program, Journey Through the Universe, for 2010 is scheduled for February 25th - March 5th. To learn more about this annual program in Hawai'i please use this link:
Text about hurricane preparedness.
Adaptive Optics dramatically improves the performance of telescopes. Over the past few years facility AO systems have become a reality on large telescopes. Significant and important science is being achieved now with these systems on 6 to 10 meter telescopes.
On May 12-13 the Gemini Board met to discuss, among other topics, the future of the WFMOS project. At this meeting the Observatory provided the Board with a variety of information to support a definitive decision by the Board about proceeding with WFMOS. Regretfully, due to funding limitations, the Board could not support continuing with WFMOS and through this message I am informing the entire Gemini community that the WFMOS project has been terminated.