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Current Instruments

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Current Instrument Configuration

If you came here to get the what instruments are currently on each telescope or the current configuration of each GMOS, check the Current Instrument Configuration.

This page shows Gemini's current facility and visiting instruments. The expected instrument availability for the coming semester is given in the current Call for Proposals; information for the current and previous semesters (and the next semester when finalized) can be found in the schedules section. Check recent science highlights from Gemini's instrumentation suite. The instrument capabilities are summarised in the Gemini Capabilities Brochure.

Gemini North Instruments

Visible Near-IR Mid-IR Other facilities
For more info on these or other Visiting Instruments, contact
Facility Instruments
GMOS (multi-object, long-slit and IFU spectrograph and imager) GNIRS (1-5µm long-slit, integral field, and 0.9-2.5µm cross-dispersed spectrograph) GCAL (facility calibration unit)
NIRI (1-5µm imager) ALTAIR (facility natural/laser guide star AO system)
Visiting Instruments
MAROON-X (high-resolution precision radial velocity spectrograph)
'Alopeke (diffraction-limited optical imager)

Gemini South Instruments

Visible Near-IR Mid-IR Other facilities
For more info on these or other Visiting Instruments, contact
Facility Instruments
GMOS (multi-object, long-slit and IFU spectrograph and imager) FLAMINGOS-2 (multi-object and long-slit spectrograph, wide filed imager) GCAL (facility calibration unit)
GHOST (0.38-1μm high resolution dual channel spectrograph, R 56000 dual target, R 76000 single target)  GSAOI (high-resolution imager for use with Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics system "GeMS") GeMS (Multi-conjugate adaptive optics system)
Visiting Instruments
Zorro (diffraction-limited optical imager)