These pages contain information for astronomers visiting Gemini.
Gemini Observatory is pleased to host a variety of science visitors, including Classical observers, Priority Visitor observers, Queue PIs, and members of the National Gemini Offices. Please follow the links below that apply to you:
- The visit of students is strongly encouraged. We have recently started the Gemini Graduate Student Visitor Program, where we will cover expenses for 3-4 student PIs or CoIs to visit the observatory each semester. Apply by January 18, 2024.
- Astronomers visiting Gemini must read the Instruction for Science Visitors (at Gemini South or at Gemini North).
- Observers at Gemini North can consult the Observer's Guide in advance as a resource to help with preparing their run.
- Information about trips to the summit, schedules, and advice about visiting can be found in the Visitor's guide for Gemini South and Gemini North.
Members of the media, the general public, and groups interested in touring our facilities in Hawaii or Chile can find more information in the Learn section of our web site.
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Instructions for Science Visitors at Gemini South

Gemini South atop Cerro Pachon, Chilean Andes
Southern Operations Center c/o Recinto AURA Colina El Pino s/n La Serena, CHILE Phone 56-51- 2205 600 Fax 56-51-2205 684-- Arrangements for a Gemini South Observing Run --
When approval has been given and time allocated, the Principal Investigator (P.I.) of the observing team will be notified by his or her National Gemini Office. Once notified, the PI or observer should complete the Liability Notice, and the Emergency Contact documents, fill them out, and return the completed forms by e-mail attachment to Lucia Medina (see below for further contact details) at least 4 weeks prior to your observing run.
Most observations at Gemini South are carried out from the South Base Facility (SBF) in La Serena. So, for visiting observers there generally is no need to travel to the summit, but instead observations are executed from a fully-equipped control room at sea level, with the appropriate supporting staff. There are few exceptions for which a presence at the summit is still required, so please check with your contact scientist if in doubt.
Visitor's Guide To Gemini South Telescope
-- Travel Arrangements --
Visiting astronomers are responsible for their own air travel arrangements (visas, airline tickets, insurance, funds, etc.) Please note that when observing at La Serena no catering or transport services are provided. For advice on accommodation facilities and other practical aspects of observing from SBF, please contact Lucia Medina.
Gemini can make hotel and car rental reservations (see important Note) but visitors are responsible for payment of rental car and/or hotel room charges. Lucía can also help you out with hotel accommodation in Santiago and other cities. AURA-O has substantially cheap rates with most hotels in town.
-- Leaving Gemini --
After your observing run is over, it is requested that an Observing Run Report be completed prior to your departure. Papers containing data from the Gemini telescopes should include relevant acknowledgements.
-- Contact --
Lucia Medina (
Phone: +56 (51) 2-205 601
FAX: +56 (51) 2-205 684
Rev 12/05/2016
Instructions for Science Visitors at Gemini North

Sunset Over Gemini North, Mauna Kea, Hawai'i
The Gemini offices in Hilo are located at:
GEMINI OBSERVATORY Northern Operations Center 670 N. A'ohoku Place Hilo, Hawaii, 96720, United States Phone: (+1) 808 974 2500 Fax: (+1) 808 974 2589See a map of the local area.
When approval has been given and time allocated, the Principal Investigator (P.I.) of the observing team will be notified by his or her National Gemini Office.
The P.I. or observer should then complete the following forms and forward them by email attachment, fax or mail, to Adrienne.
Please download and submit the following forms for observing from the Base Facility:
- Emergency Contact Information (PDF) – complete and return
- Liability Notice (PDF) – complete and return
- Workplace Conduct Acknowledgement Form (PDF)
IMPORTANT: These documents MUST be completed and returned to Gemini by mail, fax or email attachment (Word, Excel, scanned PDF, JPG or PNG) at least four weeks in advance of your visit.
Visiting astronomers are responsible for arranging and paying for their own travel, including airline tickets, visas, insurance, car rentals, and hotels. In preparation for your visit, please review the Gemini North Visitor's Guide, which includes a list of hotels and car rental agencies, plus maps and information about Hilo and Hawaii Island (the Big Island). A Gemini Travel Coordinator can assist with local arrangements if assistance is needed.
Before you arrive at Gemini North, please contact Adrienne Notley for your safety and operations orientation. A safety briefing and computer virus scan are required and will be arranged prior to your visit.
Also, you can read the Gemini North Visiting Observer's Guide at your convenience before you get to Gemini.
Disclaimer: some links embedded in the document are only available internally at Gemini.
We'd like to know how everything went. Please complete and submit a Feedback form:
Queue Observing Run Feedback Classical Observing Run Feedback
Papers containing data from the Gemini telescopes should include the appropriate acknowledgment. Please see Acknowledging Gemini for more information.
Please read the Gemini image/Video Usage Policy if you wish to use Gemini images and videos.
Please let us know when you've written a paper based on data collected from the Gemini telescopes. See the Gemini Publications page for more information.