Science Operations Announcements

Observing databases offline June 2

May 29th, 2015

The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Tuesday June 2 while we perform quarterly software updates.

During this time the following services will be unavailable:

  • Observing Tool synchronizations, file transfers, and non-sidereal target queries
  • CADC program key validation
  • Phase I Tool guide star probability queries

Gemini South observing database offline

March 28th, 2015

The Gemini South observing database will be offline starting on either March 27 or 28 due to the shutdown resulting from the recent Chilean rainstorms. It is currently not known when the database will be back online. Please check the Gemini web site for further announcements. While the database is offline Gemini South users will not be able to sync programs or transfer files with the Observing Tool. Also, the Gemini South DSS image server will not be available.
