Science Operations Announcements

2014A Observing Tool update released

January 27th, 2014
An updated to the 2014A Observing Tool (2014A.1.2.5) has been released and is available from the downloads site. This is an optional but recommended update.  This version fixes several memory leaks and so improves performance and stability, especially when working with large programs. Be sure to sync local changes or save programs to XML before updating. You will have to reenter authentication keys.

Northern Observing Database offline Jan 9-10

January 9th, 2014

The Gemini North Observing Database will be offline for ~1 hour for hardware maintenance starting at ~10am HST on January 9. During this time Observing Tool synchronizations and file transfers will be unavailable. Please check this site for further announcements.

UPDATE @ 12:00 HST Jan 9: Work is ongoing due to a failure of a critical component. We do not yet have an estimated completion time.

UPDATE @ 14:30 HST Jan 9: Spare parts are being delivered and we expect the database to be back online by 17:00 HST.

Observing Databases & OT availability

December 4th, 2013

We have updated the Gemini Observing Databases in preparation for the upcoming 2014A semester. The 2013B Observing Tool is not compatible with the new database, and we are currently working on resolving several small issues with the new 2014A OT which should be available on Monday December 9. Please see the OT installation web page if you would like a pre-release version of the 2014A OT:

Observing databases offline December 3

November 29th, 2013

The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Tuesday December 3 while we perform quarterly software updates. During this time Observing Tool access and file transfers will be unavailable, and web report forms will be offline. The new 2014A Observing Tool should be available on Wednesday December 4 and will be required to access the observing databases. Please check this site for further announcements.

PIT Issue on Mac OSX

September 26th, 2013

We have received reports of the PIT freezing on startup on older versions of Mac OSX, and we are working to resolve the issue. We recommend that anybody who is planning on submitting 2014A proposals install and test the PIT as soon as possible. If you have any problems please submit a HelpDesk ticket at

We have discovered that this problem is caused by a bug in Java version 1.6.0_51-b11-456-11M4508 and can be resolved by downloading the patched Java from apple.
