GEMMA Communications Summit
The group of approximately 30 communicators attending the GEMMA Communications Summit held on November 7–8 2019 in Baltimore, USA. At the back (L–R) are: Martin Hendry (LIGO), Richard Terrile (JPL), Christine Pulliam (STScI/NASA), Swati Sureka (NSF), Matthew Dudley (Johns Hopkins University), Ivy Kupec (NSF), Peter Edmonds (Chandra/NASA), Janice Harvey (NOIRLab/Gemini), Dave Finley (NRAO), Iris Nijman (NRAO), Joshua Chamot (NSF), Robert Hurt (Caltech/IPAC), Elizabeth Landau (JPL), Gordon Squires (TMT), Whitney Clavin (Caltech), Shari Lifson (AURA), Ethan Siegel (Blogger, Forbes), Megan Watzke (Chandra/NASA), Ranpal Gill (LSST), Amanda Kocz (GMT), Peter Michaud (holding NSF logo, NOIRLab/Gemini), Janesse Brewer (facilitator, 23.4 Degrees), Ray Villard (STScI/NASA), John Blakeslee (NOIRLab/Gemini). Front (L–R): Lars Lindberg Christensen (NOIRLab), Rick Fienberg (AAS), Pamela Gay (PSI), Heidi Hammel (AURA), Chris Davis (NSF). Missing are Nancy Levenson (STScI) and Hussein Jirdeh (STScI/NASA).