Mid-infrared Dust Emission from Massive-Star Supernovae

International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA

Mid-infrared Dust Emission from Massive-Star Supernovae

Left. A SINGS IRAC 8.0-micron image of a 30” x 29” region around SN 2002hh (pixel size: 1.1 arcseconds), obtained on June 10, 2004. Five sources were fitted, with the supernova marked as Star 1 and a bright foreground field star (2MASS 20344320+6007234) marked as Star 2.

Right. The Gemini North Michelle 11.2 micron image of a 21.8” x 21.8” region centered on SN 2002hh (pixel size 0.099”), obtained on Sept. 26, 2004. Offsets in arcseconds from the position of the supernova are marked on the axes. A 3-pixel (0.3”) FWHM Gaussian filter was applied to the cleaned image. Both the supernova and Star 2 are easily detected in this image, while Star 4/5 is confirmed as an extended source.

About the Image

ID: geminiann05009a
Type: Collage

About the Object

Name: SN 2002hh

Image Formats

