International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA
Plots of radial velocity dispersion and M/L ratio
Plots of radial velocity dispersion and M/L ratio using GC and stellar data (from Gebhardt et al. 2000 and Statler & Smecker-Hane 1999). The upper panel shows the velocity dispersion of the GCs. Blue open squares and hashing include the four GCs that that may be associated with NGC 3384, and the red hashing and filled squares when they are excluded. The squares show the binned data and the hashed areas show the range of values using the lowess estimator (with 1% errors). The PN data points from Romanowsky et al. (2003) (circles) and the expected isotropic profile with constant M/L (thick line) are also shown. In the lower panel, the blue line (1% hatching) shows that when the four ambiguous GCs are included the M/L ratio rises slowly. The red line (with 1% hatching) shows that the M/L ratio rises strongly in the outer regions when the four ambiguous GCs are excluded. The horizontal line in the bottom panel is M/L = 6.