Observed spectrum of IC10 StSy-1
The observed spectrum of IC10 StSy-1 as a composition of the blue and red spectra obtained with GMOS-North. The spectra of the galactic symbiotic star Mira Hen 2-147 (from Munari and Zwitter 2002) is plotted for comparison. The spectrum of IC10 StSy-1 has been Gaussian filtered to reduce the noise and match in resolution that of Hen 2-147. The observations were made on October 11, 14 and 18, 2007 as part of the queue mode on GMOS-North using two different gratings: three exposures of 1,700 seconds with R400+G5305 (‘red’) grating and four exposures of 1,700 seconds with the B600+G5303 grating. Slit widths were 1 arcsecond.