Deep GNIRS spectrum of 1255-0
The ~ 29 hrs deep GNIRS spectrum of 1255-0 (black). The spectrum is sampled to bins of 50 °A in observed frame, and smoothed by a boxcar of 75 Å. The gray shaded background indicates the noise level of the spectrum, with dark being noisier. We omitted the regions in between the atmospheric windows. Overplotted in green is the best-fit Bruzual & Charlot (2003) SPS model to the spectrum and optical-IR photometry, assuming a Chabrier (2003) IMF and solar metallicity. This fit corresponds to a stellar mass of 2.3 x 1011M⊙, an age of 2.1 Gyr, a τ of 0.3 Gyr, a reddening of Av = 0.25 mag, a SFR of 1.9 M⊙/yr, and a specific SFR of 0.008 Gyr−1. The locations of possible absorption and emission lines are indicated by the red dashed and blue dotted lines, respectively.