Reduced χ2 vs. continuum redshift

International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA

Reduced χ2 vs. continuum redshift

Reduced χ2 vs. continuum redshift (number of degrees of freedom Ndof = 319), when leaving redshift as a free parameter in the SPS model (Bruzual & Charlot 2003) fitting. The other parameters, including metallicity are allowed to vary. The rest-frame UV-NIR broadband photometry is not included in the fit. The 68% and 95% confidence intervals are indicated by the dotted lines. The best-fit emission line redshift is indicated by the vertical solid line, and its 68% and 95% confidence intervals by the green and blue shaded regions, respectively. The continuum emission yields a well constrained spectroscopic redshift. The redshift difference between the stellar and nebular emission is not at all significant.

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ID: geminiann09012b
Type: Chart

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