Gemini Science Meeting 2012: Register Now to Have Your Say in Gemini’s Future…
April 12, 2012

The Gemini Science Meeting, a forum for users of the Gemini telescopes, is scheduled for July 17-20, 2012 in San Francisco California. Registration and abstract submission are currently available online here
In addition, this url has all of the relevant details on this meeting for anyone planning to participate. The deadline for abstracts is April 27th and registration, June 8th.
This meeting offers many opportunities for users (and potential users) of Gemini to provide input on future directions of the observatory – in order to better serve our user communities. This includes sessions on the future of high-resolution optical spectroscopy at Gemini and an opportunity for community participation in the long-range planning process for the observatory. Gemini’s new director, Markus Kissler-Patig will be attending and actively soliciting user input as he sets the course for Gemini’s future.
We look forward to seeing you in the city by the bay in July!
- See the press release for this meeting issued on April 24, 2012.