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GSAOI web pages update

Content owned by rcarrasco

The GSAOI web pages have been updated to reflect the recent changes introduced by the replacement of the guiding unit in Canopus. The new guiding unit called Natural Guide Star Next Generation Sensor (NGSNGS or NGS2) has been installed in July 2019. The on-sky characterization of NGS2 have been taken in place in October and December 2019. Results from commissioning show an improvement in sensitivity of about ~2.5 magnitudes, compared to the previous NGS guiding unit. In addition, there is a large improvement in acquisition and offsetting. The NGS2 Canopus WFS (CWFS) limiting magnitudes were verified during the on-sky commissioning blocks. The new limiting magnitudes for the Canopus WFSs are listed in the Canopus WFS limiting magnitudes page. Special attention should be paid to the off-axis Peripheral Wave Front Sensor 1 (PWFS1) star used to compensate the sodium layer variations (see Guiding Options for details). Detailed information about the NGS2 will be added soon in the GeMS CANOPUS Wave Front Sensors (CWFS) web page.

The pages located in the Observation preparations menu have been updated to reflect the changes introduced in the Observing Tool. In particular, the GSAOI OT Details page has been updated with detailed information about the selection of the NGS2 and off-axis PWFS1 stars.

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