Keauhou Beach Resort, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii
March 23, 2007
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- Introduction - Doug Simons
- Gemini
- Gemini Seismic Hazard Analysis, Seismic Design and Safety Restraint Features - Mike Sheehan
- Gemini Initial Response - Steve Hardash
- Earthquake Recovery Planning and Execution - Rolando Rogers
- Telescope Bearings Issues - Chas Cavedoni
- M2 Reference Sensor Failure and Recovery - Chris Carter
- Ongoing Work to Prepare for Future Earthquakes - Steve Hardash
- UH 2.2m
- The CSO earthquake response and recovery - Richard Chamberlin
- Keck
- Team Introductions and Presentation Overview (includes overall recovery strategy and timeline, return to science requirements, and overall cost of recovery) - Hilton Lewis
- Photo narrative of HQ facility damage and recovery (includes overall safety precautions and protocol during recovery) - Steve Shimko
- Photo narrative of summit structural, electronics, optics and control system damage and recovery - Rich Matsuda
- Photo narrative of summit instrumentation damage and recovery, and observing logistics - Grant Hill
- Current recovery status, remaining challenges and next steps, and conclusions of post-quake recovery survey - Hilton Lewis
- Subaru Telescope
- All Observatories - Subaru-Tetsuo Nishimura; Keck-Hilton Lewis; Gemini-Mike Sheehan; CFHT-Drrick Salmon; UKIRT & JCMT-Simon Craig; UH 2.2m-Colin Aspin; CSO-Richard Chamberlain; SMA-Glen Petitpa
- Round table discussion
- Availability of inter-observatory engineering resources to perform quake or emergency preparedness infrastructure upgrades common to MKO facilities.
- Technical aspects of earthquake damage
- Why did the big telescopes sustain more damage?
- Management response to earthquake
- Summit-wide preparation for future earthquakes
- Staff sharing
News Category
General Announcements