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FT Call for Proposals

Content owned by kchiboucas

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other FT pages - particularly the rules - for general information about the program. FT-specific proposal templates must now be used for all FT proposals. See the "PIT information" section below. The 2021B PIT must be used.

Important dates

  • Proposal deadline: 23:59, Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), May 31.
  • Please ensure the latest version of the 21B PIT is used for submission.
  • Reviews must be complete by 23:59 HST, June 14. If you have submitted a proposal, but by the 2nd of the month have not received an email from FT regarding reviewing proposals, contact FT as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced by June 21.
  • The deadline for preparing observations (Phase II) is June 30. Accepted programs meeting this deadline will be active from 1 July until 30 September 2021.
  • FT observations will be merged with the queue and observed on queue nights.

Dual Anonymous Review Process (DARP)

  • Since Feb 2021, we hae been using a dual anonymous review process. New proposal templates for FT have been updated. 
  • Guideline for PIs
    • Enter information of the proposing team with the Phase I Tool (PIT) as usual.
    • Use the FT specific template.
    • The proposal template has been updated to be compliant with DARP starting on Feb 1, 2021
    • Download from
    • Avoid mentioning names and affiliations of the team in the PDF attachment that could be used to identify the proposing team.
    • Avoid claiming ownership of past work. (E.g., “my successful Gemini program in the previous semester (GS-18A-xxx)”, or “our analysis shown in Doe et al. 2020…”)
    • Including text in proposals discussing previous use of Gemini is ok, as long as that work is not referenced and program IDs are not listed.
    • Cite references in passive third person, e.g., “Analysis shown in Doe et al. 2020”, including references to data and software.
    • Do describe the proposed work, e.g., “We propose to do the following…”, or “We will measure the effects of …”
    • Unpublished work can be referred to as “obtained in private communication” or “from private consultation”.
  • Guideline for Reviewers
    • Accept the assigned proposals based on abstracts whether you can provide an unbiased review or not.
    • Review proposals solely based on the scientific merit of what is proposed.
    • Do not spend any time attempting to identify the PI or the team. Even if you think you know, you can be wrong.
    • Utilize neutral pronouns (they/the PI/the team) when you write comments.
    • Flag the proposals that have not been sufficiently anonymized but DO NOT penalize them by lowering grades. (The FT support team will check the flagged proposals and adjust grades only if necessary.)  
  • More detailed guidelines can be found in the PDF document linked here


  • PIs from all participant countries (except Chile) taking part in the FT program may apply for this cycle.
  • Chile has withdrawn from Fast Turnaround starting in 2021A.
  • We further welcome Japanese community PI proposals.
  • PIs from participant countries whose FT time for the semester has been used up should not apply for the remainder of the semester. Note that some participant countries only have very small amounts of FT time available each semester. Currently no partners have reached their limit. However, Brazil has only 1.5h remaining at GN and Korea has only 1.2h remaining at GS. See Rule #4 and Q&A for more information.

Acceptable RA ranges

  • Gemini North: Targets from about RA = 13.5 hr to 6 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note, however, that RAs near 13.5h will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (July) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 6h will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (Sept.) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.
  • Gemini South: Targets from about RA = 11.5 hr to 6 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note that RAs near 11.5h will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (July) and only at favorable declinations (Dec< 0) . Likewise, RAs near 6h will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (Sept) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.

Available instruments and observing modes

Gemini North

  • Please check the GN 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities. Try checking later this month for the 21B telescope schedule.
  • There is a telescope shutdown scheduled for 2 weeks in August.  
  • GMOS, GNIRS, NIFS, and NIRI are offered this cycle. Please check the 2021A telescope schedule (and 21B when it is published) for specific availability including 'Alopeke, GRACES, and MAROON-X. 
  • NIRI and NIFS are offered with Altair NGS AND LGS.  

Gemini South

  • Please check the GS 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities  Try checking later this month for the 21B telescope schedule. 
  • GMOS and F2 are offered this cycle. 
  • We are offering IGRINS and Zorro but please contact the FT team in advance with any specific questions (Fast.Turnaround at

Both telescopes

  • FT observations may not be executed during classical observing, or priority visitor (PV), depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • For visiting instruments not listed above, please contact the FT team to check availability (Fast.Turnaround at
  • The R600 grating in each GMOS instrument is NOT offered for FT (or regular queue) observations.
  • MOS observations are available for FT, subject to some caveats/restrictions.
  • As discussed in the rules and Q&A, please contact the Fast Turnaround team in advance of the deadline if you would like to propose for an unusual instrument configuration or observing mode.

Time available

  • 20 hrs per cycle at each telescope is available for FT observations. Very roughly, this implies:

    • 4 hrs of 20%-ile conditions (IQ=20, for example; see this web page)
    • 10 hrs of 50%-ile conditions
    • 14 hrs of 70%-ile conditions
    • 17 hrs of 85%-ile conditions
  • PIs may propose for up to the amount of time in their most restrictive observing conditions, subject to partner's time availability - see rule #4. For example, a proposal requesting CC50 IQ20 SB50 WVany conditions can request no more than 4 hrs of observing time.

PIT information

  • Proposals must be submitted using the version of the Phase I Tool specified on this web page
  • In the Time Requests tab, select "Fast Turnaround Observing at Gemini" as the proposal class and specify the reviewer (and mentor, if appropriate). Note that this is where the reviewer is defined; changes cannot be made after the proposal has been submitted.
  • For the pdf attachment to the proposal, the dedicated LaTeX/Word template specifically for FT proposals must be used: tex | sty | doc. This is compulsory for all FT proposals.
  • Submitting the same proposal more than once during a given month (e.g. after correcting/editing a submitted version) should be avoided if at all possible. Only submit when you are sure your proposal is ready to be reviewed.

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other FT pages - particularly the rules - for general information about the program. FT-specific proposal templates must now be used for all FT proposals; see the "PIT information" section below. The revised 2021A PIT must be used (it was most recently updated March 23).

Important dates

  • Proposal deadline: 23:59, Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), April 30.
  • Please ensure the latest version of the 21A PIT is used for submission.
  • Reviews must be complete by 23:59 HST, May 14. If you have submitted a proposal, but by the 2nd of the month have not received an email from FT regarding reviewing proposals, contact FT as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced by May 21.
  • The deadline for preparing observations (Phase II) is May 31. Accepted programs meeting this deadline will be active from 1 June until 31 August 2021.
  • FT observations will be merged with the queue and observed on queue nights.

Dual Anonymous Review Process (DARP)

  • Starting from Feb 2021, we have implemented a dual anonymous review process. New proposal templates for FT have been updated. 
  • Guideline for PIs
    • Enter information of the proposing team with the Phase I Tool (PIT) as usual.
    • Use the FT specific template.
    • The proposal template has been updated to be compliant with DARP starting on Feb 1, 2021
    • Download from
    • Avoid mentioning names and affiliations of the team in the PDF attachment that could be used to identify the proposing team.
    • Avoid claiming ownership of past work. (E.g., “my successful Gemini program in the previous semester (GS-18A-xxx)”, or “our analysis shown in Doe et al. 2020…”)
    • Including text in proposals discussing previous use of Gemini is ok, as long as that work is not referenced and program IDs are not listed.
    • Cite references in passive third person, e.g., “Analysis shown in Doe et al. 2020”, including references to data and software.
    • Do describe the proposed work, e.g., “We propose to do the following…”, or “We will measure the effects of …”
    • Unpublished work can be referred to as “obtained in private communication” or “from private consultation”.
  • Guideline for Reviewers
    • Accept the assigned proposals based on abstracts whether you can provide an unbiased review or not.
    • Review proposals solely based on the scientific merit of what is proposed.
    • Do not spend any time attempting to identify the PI or the team. Even if you think you know, you can be wrong.
    • Utilize neutral pronouns (they/the PI/the team) when you write comments.
    • Flag the proposals that have not been sufficiently anonymized but DO NOT penalize them by lowering grades. (The FT support team will check the flagged proposals and adjust grades only if necessary.)  
  • More detailed guidelines can be found in the PDF document linked here


  • PIs from all participant countries (except Chile) taking part in the FT program may apply for this cycle.
  • Chile has withdrawn from Fast Turnaround starting in 2021A.
  • We further welcome Japanese community PI proposals.
  • PIs from participant countries whose FT time for the semester has been used up should not apply for the remainder of the semester. Note that some participant countries only have very small amounts of FT time available each semester. Currently no partners have reached their limit. See Rule #4 and Q&A for more information.

Acceptable RA ranges

  • Gemini North: Targets from about RA = 10.5 hr to 4.5 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note, however, that RAs near 10.5h will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (June) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 4.5h will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (August) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.
  • Gemini South: Targets from about RA = 9 hr to 6 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note that RAs near 9h will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (June) and only at favorable declinations (Dec< 0) . Likewise, RAs near 6h will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (August) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.

Available instruments and observing modes

Gemini North

  • Please check the GN 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities later this month.
  • There is a telescope shutdown scheduled for 2 weeks in August starting on August 9th. 
  • GMOS, GNIRS, NIFS, and NIRI are offered this cycle. Please check the 2021A telescope schedule for specific availability including 'Alopeke, GRACES, and MAROON-X. 
  • NIRI and NIFS are offered with Altair NGS AND LGS.  

Gemini South

  • Please check the GS 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities. 
  • GMOS and F2 are offered this cycle. 
  • We are offering IGRINS and Zorro but please contact the FT team in advance with any specific questions (Fast.Turnaround at

Both telescopes

  • FT observations may not be executed during classical observing, or priority visitor (PV), depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • For visiting instruments not listed above, please contact the FT team to check availability (Fast.Turnaround at
  • The R600 grating in each GMOS instrument is NOT offered for FT (or regular queue) observations.
  • MOS observations are available for FT, subject to some caveats/restrictions.
  • As discussed in the rules and Q&A, please contact the Fast Turnaround team in advance of the deadline if you would like to propose for an unusual instrument configuration or observing mode.

Time available

  • 20 hrs per cycle at each telescope is available for FT observations. Very roughly, this implies:

    • 4 hrs of 20%-ile conditions (IQ=20, for example; see this web page)
    • 10 hrs of 50%-ile conditions
    • 14 hrs of 70%-ile conditions
    • 17 hrs of 85%-ile conditions
  • PIs may propose for up to the amount of time in their most restrictive observing conditions, subject to partner's time availability - see rule #4. For example, a proposal requesting CC50 IQ20 SB50 WVany conditions can request no more than 4 hrs of observing time.

PIT information

  • Proposals must be submitted using the version of the Phase I Tool specified on this web page
  • In the Time Requests tab, select "Fast Turnaround Observing at Gemini" as the proposal class and specify the reviewer (and mentor, if appropriate). Note that this is where the reviewer is defined; changes cannot be made after the proposal has been submitted.
  • For the pdf attachment to the proposal, the dedicated LaTeX/Word template specifically for FT proposals must be used: tex | sty | doc. This is compulsory for all FT proposals.
  • Submitting the same proposal more than once during a given month (e.g. after correcting/editing a submitted version) should be avoided if at all possible. Only submit when you are sure your proposal is ready to be reviewed.

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other FT pages - particularly the rules - for general information about the program. FT-specific proposal templates must now be used for all FT proposals; see the "PIT information" section below. The revised 2021A PIT must be used (it was most recently updated January 19).

Important dates

  • Proposal deadline: 23:59, Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), March 31.
  • Please ensure the latest version of the 21A PIT is used for submission.
  • Reviews must be complete by 23:59 HST, Apr 14. If you have submitted a proposal, but by the 2nd of the month have not received an email from FT regarding reviewing proposals, contact FT as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced by Apr 21.
  • The deadline for preparing observations (Phase II) is Apr 30. Accepted programs meeting this deadline will be active from 1 May until 31 Jul 2021.
  • FT observations will be merged with the queue and observed on queue nights.

Dual Anonymous Review Process (DARP)

  • Starting from Feb 2021, we have implemented a dual anonymous review process. New proposal templates for FT have been updated. 
  • Guideline for PIs
    • Enter information of the proposing team with the Phase I Tool (PIT) as usual.
    • Use the FT specific template.
    • The proposal template has been updated to be compliant with DARP starting on Feb 1, 2021
    • Download from
    • Avoid mentioning names and affiliations of the team in the PDF attachment that could be used to identify the proposing team.
    • Avoid claiming ownership of past work. (E.g., “my successful Gemini program in the previous semester (GS-18A-xxx)”, or “our analysis shown in Doe et al. 2020…”)
    • Including text in proposals discussing previous use of Gemini is ok, as long as that work is not referenced and program IDs are not listed.
    • Cite references in passive third person, e.g., “Analysis shown in Doe et al. 2020”, including references to data and software.
    • Do describe the proposed work, e.g., “We propose to do the following…”, or “We will measure the effects of …”
    • Unpublished work can be referred to as “obtained in private communication” or “from private consultation”.
  • Guideline for Reviewers
    • Accept the assigned proposals based on abstracts whether you can provide an unbiased review or not.
    • Review proposals solely based on the scientific merit of what is proposed.
    • Do not spend any time attempting to identify the PI or the team. Even if you think you know, you can be wrong.
    • Utilize neutral pronouns (they/the PI/the team) when you write comments.
    • Flag the proposals that have not been sufficiently anonymized but DO NOT penalize them by lowering grades. (The FT support team will check the flagged proposals and adjust grades only if necessary.)  
  • More detailed guidelines can be found in the PDF document linked here


  • PIs from all participant countries (except Chile) taking part in the FT program may apply for this cycle.
  • Chile has withdrawn from Fast Turnaround starting in 2021A.
  • We further welcome Japanese community PI proposals.
  • PIs from participant countries whose FT time for the semester has been used up should not apply for the remainder of the semester. Note that some participant countries only have very small amounts of FT time available each semester. Currently no partners have reached their limit. See Rule #4 and Q&A for more information.

Acceptable RA ranges

  • Gemini North: Targets from about RA = 8 hr to 2.5 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note, however, that RAs near 8 will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (May) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 2.5 will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (July) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.
  • Gemini South: Targets from about RA = 7 hr to 4 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note that RAs near 7h will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (May) and only at favorable declinations (Dec< 0) . Likewise, RAs near 4h will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (July) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.

Available instruments and observing modes

Gemini North

  • Please check the GN 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities. 
  • GMOS, GNIRS, and NIRI are offered this cycle. Please check the 2021A telescope schedule for specific availability including Alopeke, GRACES, and MAROON-X. 
  • NIRI + Altair NGS AND LGS is offered.  
  • NIFS is currently NOT offered.

Gemini South

  • Please check the GS 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities. 
  • GMOS and F2 are offered this cycle. 
  • We are offering IGRINS and Zorro but please contact the FT team in advance with any specific questions (Fast.Turnaround at

Both telescopes

  • FT observations may not be executed during classical observing, or priority visitor (PV), depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • For visiting instruments not listed above, please contact the FT team to check availability (Fast.Turnaround at
  • The R600 grating in each GMOS instrument is NOT offered for FT (or regular queue) observations.
  • MOS observations are available for FT, subject to some caveats/restrictions.
  • As discussed in the rules and Q&A, please contact the Fast Turnaround team in advance of the deadline if you would like to propose for an unusual instrument configuration or observing mode.

Time available

  • 20 hrs per cycle at each telescope is available for FT observations. Very roughly, this implies:

    • 4 hrs of 20%-ile conditions (IQ=20, for example; see this web page)
    • 10 hrs of 50%-ile conditions
    • 14 hrs of 70%-ile conditions
    • 17 hrs of 85%-ile conditions
  • PIs may propose for up to the amount of time in their most restrictive observing conditions, subject to partner's time availability - see rule #4. For example, a proposal requesting CC50 IQ20 SB50 WVany conditions can request no more than 4 hrs of observing time.

PIT information

  • Proposals must be submitted using the version of the Phase I Tool specified on this web page
  • In the Time Requests tab, select "Fast Turnaround Observing at Gemini" as the proposal class and specify the reviewer (and mentor, if appropriate). Note that this is where the reviewer is defined; changes cannot be made after the proposal has been submitted.
  • For the pdf attachment to the proposal, the dedicated LaTeX/Word template specifically for FT proposals must be used: tex | sty | doc. This is compulsory for all FT proposals.
  • Submitting the same proposal more than once during a given month (e.g. after correcting/editing a submitted version) should be avoided if at all possible. Only submit when you are sure your proposal is ready to be reviewed.

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other FT pages - particularly the rules - for general information about the program. FT-specific proposal templates must now be used for all FT proposals; see the "PIT information" section below. The revised 2021A PIT must be used (it was most recently updated January 19).

Important dates

  • Proposal deadline: 23:59, Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), February 28.
  • Please ensure the latest version of the 21A PIT is used for submission (note this has been updated since the previous FT cycle).
  • Reviews must be complete by 23:59 HST, Mar 14. If you have submitted a proposal, but by the 2nd of the month have not received an email from FT regarding reviewing proposals, contact FT as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced by March 21.
  • The deadline for preparing observations (Phase II) is Mar 31. Accepted programs meeting this deadline will be active from 1 Apr until 30 Jun 2021.
  • FT observations will be merged with the queue and observed on queue nights.

Dual Anonymous Review Process (DARP)

  • Starting from Feb 2021, we are implementing a dual anonymous review process. New proposal templates for FT have been updated. 
  • Guideline for PIs
    • Enter information of the proposing team with the Phase I Tool (PIT) as usual.
    • Use the FT specific template.
    • The proposal template has been updated to be compliant with DARP starting on Feb 1, 2021
    • Download from
    • Avoid mentioning names and affiliations of the team in the PDF attachment that could be used to identify the proposing team.
    • Avoid claiming ownership of past work. (E.g., “my successful Gemini program in the previous semester (GS-18A-xxx)”, or “our analysis shown in Doe et al. 2020…”)
    • Cite references in passive third person, e.g., “Analysis shown in Doe et al. 2020”, including references to data and software.
    • Do describe the proposed work, e.g., “We propose to do the following…”, or “We will measure the effects of …”
    • Unpublished work can be referred to as “obtained in private communication” or “from private consultation”.
  • Guideline for Reviewers
    • Accept the assigned proposals based on abstracts whether you can provide an unbiased review or not.
    • Review proposals solely based on the scientific merit of what is proposed.
    • Do not spend any time attempting to identify the PI or the team. Even if you think you know, you can be wrong.
    • Utilize neutral pronouns (they/the PI/the team) when you write comments.
    • Flag the proposals that have not been sufficiently anonymized but DO NOT penalize them by lowering grades. (The FT support team will check the flagged proposals and adjust grades only if necessary.)
  • More detailed guidelines can be found in the PDF document linked here


  • PIs from all participant countries (except Chile) taking part in the FT program may apply for this cycle.
  • Chile has withdrawn from Fast Turnaround starting in 2021A.
  • We further welcome Japanese community PI proposals.
  • PIs from participant countries whose FT time for the semester has been used up should not apply for the remainder of the semester. Note that some participant countries only have very small amounts of FT time available each semester. Currently no partners have reached their limit. See Rule #4 and Q&A for more information.

Acceptable RA ranges

  • Gemini North: Targets from about RA = 5 hr to 0.5 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note, however, that RAs near 5 will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Apr) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 23.5 will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (June) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.
  • Gemini South: Targets from about RA = 5.5 hr to 1.0 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note that RAs near 5.5h will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Apr) and only at favorable declinations (Dec< 0) . Likewise, RAs near 1.0h will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (June) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.

Available instruments and observing modes

Gemini North

  • Please check the GN 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities. 
  • GMOS, GNIRS, and NIRI are offered this cycle. Please check the 2021A telescope schedulse for specific availability including Alopeke, GRACES, and MAROON-X. 
  • NIRI + Altair NGS is offered.  Altair is not offered with any other instrument this cycle. LGS is NOT yet offered.

Gemini South

  • Please check the GS 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities. 
  • GMOS and F2 are offered this cycle. 
  • We are offering IGRINS and Zorro but please contact the FT team in advance with any specific questions (Fast.Turnaround at

Both telescopes

  • FT observations may not be executed during classical observing, or priority visitor (PV), depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • For visiting instruments not listed above, please contact the FT team to check availability (Fast.Turnaround at
  • The R600 grating in each GMOS instrument is NOT offered for FT (or regular queue) observations.
  • MOS observations are available for FT, subject to some caveats/restrictions.
  • As discussed in the rules and Q&A, please contact the Fast Turnaround team in advance of the deadline if you would like to propose for an unusual instrument configuration or observing mode.

Time available

  • 20 hrs per cycle at each telescope is available for FT observations. Very roughly, this implies:

    • 4 hrs of 20%-ile conditions (IQ=20, for example; see this web page)
    • 10 hrs of 50%-ile conditions
    • 14 hrs of 70%-ile conditions
    • 17 hrs of 85%-ile conditions
  • PIs may propose for up to the amount of time in their most restrictive observing conditions, subject to partner's time availability - see rule #4. For example, a proposal requesting CC50 IQ20 SB50 WVany conditions can request no more than 4 hrs of observing time.

PIT information

  • Proposals must be submitted using the version of the Phase I Tool specified on this web page
  • In the Time Requests tab, select "Fast Turnaround Observing at Gemini" as the proposal class and specify the reviewer (and mentor, if appropriate). Note that this is where the reviewer is defined; changes cannot be made after the proposal has been submitted.
  • For the pdf attachment to the proposal, the dedicated LaTeX/Word template specifically for FT proposals must be used: tex | sty | doc. This is compulsory for all FT proposals.
  • Submitting the same proposal more than once during a given month (e.g. after correcting/editing a submitted version) should be avoided if at all possible. Only submit when you are sure your proposal is ready to be reviewed.

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other FT pages - particularly the rules - for general information about the program. FT-specific proposal templates must now be used for all FT proposals; see the "PIT information" section below. The revised 2021A PIT must be used (it was most recently updated January 19).  We would also like to alert you to an upcoming change in the FT program - starting with the February CfP, we will be implementing a dual anonymous review process.  New proposal templates will become available and will be required. 

Important dates

  • Proposal deadline: 23:59, Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), January 31.
  • Please ensure the latest version of the 21A PIT is used for submission (note this has been updated since the previous FT cycle).
  • Reviews must be complete by 23:59 HST, Feb 14. If you have submitted a proposal, but by the 2nd of the month have not received an email from FT regarding reviewing proposals, contact FT as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced by Feb 21.
  • The deadline for preparing observations (Phase II) is Feb 28. Accepted programs meeting this deadline will be active from 1 Mar until 31 May 2021.
  • FT observations will be merged with the queue and observed on queue nights.


  • PIs from all participant countries taking part in the FT program may apply for this cycle.
  • We further welcome Japanese community PI proposals.
  • PIs from participant countries whose FT time for the semester has been used up should not apply for the remainder of the semester. Note that some participant countries only have very small amounts of FT time available each semester. Currently no partners have reached their limit. See Rule #4 and Q&A for more information.

Acceptable RA ranges

  • Gemini North: Targets from about RA = 3.5 hr to 22.5 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note, however, that RAs near 3.5 will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Mar) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 22.5 will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (May) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.
  • Gemini South: Targets from about RA = 4 hr to 23 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note that RAs near 4h will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Mar) and only at favorable declinations (Dec< 0) . Likewise, RAs near 23h will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (May) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.

Available instruments and observing modes

Gemini North

  • Please check the GN 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities. 
  • GMOS, GNIRS, and NIRI are offered this cycle. Please check the 2021A telescope schedulse for specific availability including Alopeke, GRACES, and Maroon-X. 
  • NIRI + Altair NGS is offered.  Altair is not offered with any other instrument this cycle. LGS is NOT yet offered.

Gemini South

  • Please check the GS 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities. 
  • GMOS and F2 are offered this cycle. 
  • We are offering IGRINS and Zorro but please contact the FT team in advance with any specific questions (Fast.Turnaround at

Both telescopes

  • FT observations may not be executed during classical observing, or priority visitor (PV), depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • For visiting instruments not listed above, please contact the FT team to check availability (Fast.Turnaround at
  • The R600 grating in each GMOS instrument is NOT offered for FT (or regular queue) observations.
  • MOS observations are available for FT, subject to some caveats/restrictions.
  • As discussed in the rules and Q&A, please contact the Fast Turnaround team in advance of the deadline if you would like to propose for an unusual instrument configuration or observing mode.

Time available

  • 20 hrs per cycle at each telescope is available for FT observations. Very roughly, this implies:

    • 4 hrs of 20%-ile conditions (IQ=20, for example; see this web page)
    • 10 hrs of 50%-ile conditions
    • 14 hrs of 70%-ile conditions
    • 17 hrs of 85%-ile conditions
  • PIs may propose for up to the amount of time in their most restrictive observing conditions, subject to partner's time availability - see rule #4. For example, a proposal requesting CC50 IQ20 SB50 WVany conditions can request no more than 4 hrs of observing time.

PIT information

  • Proposals must be submitted using the version of the Phase I Tool specified on this web page
  • In the Time Requests tab, select "Fast Turnaround Observing at Gemini" as the proposal class and specify the reviewer (and mentor, if appropriate). Note that this is where the reviewer is defined; changes cannot be made after the proposal has been submitted.
  • For the pdf attachment to the proposal, the dedicated LaTeX/Word template specifically for FT proposals must be used: tex | sty | doc. This is compulsory for all FT proposals.
  • Submitting the same proposal more than once during a given month (e.g. after correcting/editing a submitted version) should be avoided if at all possible. Only submit when you are sure your proposal is ready to be reviewed.

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other FT pages - particularly the rules - for general information about the program. FT-specific proposal templates must now be used for all FT proposals;see the "PIT information" section below. The revised 2021A PIT must be used.

Important dates

  • Proposal deadline: 23:59, Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), December 31.
  • Please ensure the latest version of the 21A PIT is used for submission.
  • Reviews must be complete by 23:59 HST, Jan 14. If you have submitted a proposal, but by the 2nd of the month have not received an email from FT regarding reviewing proposals, contact FT as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced by Jan 21.
  • The deadline for preparing observations (Phase II) is Jan 31. Accepted programs meeting this deadline will be active from 1 Feb until 30 Apr 2021.
  • FT observations will be merged with the queue and observed on queue nights.


  • PIs from all participant countries taking part in the FT program may apply for this cycle.
  • We further welcome Japanese community PI proposals.
  • PIs from participant countries whose FT time for the semester has been used up should not apply for the remainder of the semester. Note that some participant countries only have very small amounts of FT time available each semester. Currently no partners have reached their limit. See Rule #4 and Q&A for more information.

Acceptable RA ranges

  • Gemini North: Targets from about RA = 1.0 hr to 21.0 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note, however, that RAs near 1.0 will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Feb) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 21.0 will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (Apr) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.
  • Gemini South: Targets from about RA = 2.5 hr to 21.5 hr are acceptable during this cycle. Note that RAs near 2.5 will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Feb) and only at favorable declinations (Dec< 0) . Likewise, RAs near 21.5 will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (Mar) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.

Available instruments and observing modes

Gemini North

  • Please check back later for the GN 2021A telescope schedule
  • GMOS, GNIRS, and NIRI are offered this cycle. Please check the 2021A telescope schedulse for specific availability including Alopeke, GRACES, and Maroon-X. 
  • LGS/NGS (Altair) is not offered this cycle.

Gemini South

  • Please check back later for the GS 2021A telescope schedule for the instrument availabilities. 
  • GMOS and F2 are offered this cycle. 
  • We are offering IGRINS and Zorro but please contact the FT team in advance with any specific questions (Fast.Turnaround at

Both telescopes

  • FT observations may not be executed during classical observing, or priority visitor (PV), depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • For visiting instruments not listed above, please contact the FT team to check availability (Fast.Turnaround at
  • The R600 grating in each GMOS instrument is NOT offered for FT (or regular queue) observations.
  • MOS observations are available for FT, subject to some caveats/restrictions.
  • As discussed in the rules and Q&A, please contact the Fast Turnaround team in advance of the deadline if you would like to propose for an unusual instrument configuration or observing mode.

Time available

  • 20 hrs per cycle at each telescope is available for FT observations. Very roughly, this implies:

    • 4 hrs of 20%-ile conditions (IQ=20, for example; see this web page)
    • 10 hrs of 50%-ile conditions
    • 14 hrs of 70%-ile conditions
    • 17 hrs of 85%-ile conditions
  • PIs may propose for up to the amount of time in their most restrictive observing conditions, subject to partner's time availability - see rule #4. For example, a proposal requesting CC50 IQ20 SB50 WVany conditions can request no more than 4 hrs of observing time.

PIT information

  • Proposals must be submitted using the version of the Phase I Tool specified on this web page
  • In the Time Requests tab, select "Fast Turnaround Observing at Gemini" as the proposal class and specify the reviewer (and mentor, if appropriate). Note that this is where the reviewer is defined; changes cannot be made after the proposal has been submitted.
  • For the pdf attachment to the proposal, the dedicated LaTeX/Word template specifically for FT proposals must be used: tex | sty | doc. This is compulsory for all FT proposals.
  • Submitting the same proposal more than once during a given month (e.g. after correcting/editing a submitted version) should be avoided if at all possible. Only submit when you are sure your proposal is ready to be reviewed.

Gemini North and South are accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other FT pages - particularly the rules - for general information about the program. FT-specific proposal templates must now be used for all FT proposals; see the "PIT information" section below. The revised 2021A PIT must be used.

Important dates

  • Proposal deadline: 23:59, Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), November 30.
  • Please ensure the latest version of the 21A PIT is used for submission.
  • Reviews must be complete by 23:59 HST, Dec 14. If you have submitted a proposal, but by the 2nd of the month have not received an email from FT regarding reviewing proposals, contact FT as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced by Dec 21.
  • The deadline for preparing observations (Phase II) is Dec 31. Accepted programs meeting this deadline will be active from 1 Jan until 31 Mar 2021.
  • FT observations will be merged with the queue and observed on queue nights.


  • PIs from all participant countries taking part in the FT program may apply for this cycle.
  • We further welcome Japanese community PI proposals.
  • PIs from participant countries whose FT time for the semester has been used up should not apply for the remainder of the semester. Note that some participant countries only have very small amounts of FT time available each semester. Currently no partners have reached their limit. See Rule #4 and Q&A for more information.

Acceptable RA ranges

  • Gemini North: Targets from about RA = 0 hr to 18.5 hr are acceptable during this cycle.  Note, however, that RAs near 0 will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Jan) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 18.5 will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (Mar) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.
  • Gemini South: Targets from about RA = 0.5 hr to 18.5 hr are acceptable during this cycle, EXCLUDING RA < 5 for IQ70/CC70/SB80 or better conditions. Note that RAs near 0 will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Jan) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 18.5 will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (Mar) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.

Available instruments and observing modes

Gemini North

  • Please see the 2020B telescope schedule for detailed instrument availabilities. Check back later this month for the February-March (2021A) schedule. 
  • GMOS, GNIRS, and NIRI are offered this cycle.  Please check the 20B-21A telescope schedulse for specific availability including Alopeke, GRACES, and Maroon-X. 
  • LGS/NGS (Altair) is not offered this cycle.

Gemini South

  • Please see the 2020B telescope schedule for detailed instrument availabilities. Check back later this month for the February-March (2021A) schedule. 
  • GMOS and F2 are offered this cycle. 
  • We are offering IGRINS and Zorro. Please check the 20B-21A telescope schedulse for specific availability and contact the FT team in advance with any specific questions (Fast.Turnaround at

Both telescopes

  • FT observations may not be executed during classical observing, or priority visitor (PV), depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • For visiting instruments not listed above, please contact the FT team to check availability (Fast.Turnaround at
  • The R600 grating in each GMOS instrument is NOT offered for FT (or regular queue) observations.
  • MOS observations are now available for FT, subject to some caveats/restrictions.
  • As discussed in the rules and Q&A, please contact the Fast Turnaround team in advance of the deadline if you would like to propose for an unusual instrument configuration or observing mode.

Time available

  • 20 hrs per cycle at each telescope is available for FT observations. Very roughly, this implies:
    • 4 hrs of 20%-ile conditions (IQ=20, for example; see this web page)
    • 10 hrs of 50%-ile conditions
    • 14 hrs of 70%-ile conditions
    • 17 hrs of 85%-ile conditions
  • PIs may propose for up to the amount of time in their most restrictive observing conditions, subject to partner's time availability - see rule #4. For example, a proposal requesting CC50 IQ20 SB50 WVany conditions can request no more than 4 hrs of observing time.

PIT information

  • Proposals must be submitted using the version of the Phase I Tool specified on this web page
  • In the Time Requests tab, select "Fast Turnaround Observing at Gemini" as the proposal class and specify the reviewer (and mentor, if appropriate). Note that this is where the reviewer is defined; changes cannot be made after the proposal has been submitted.
  • For the pdf attachment to the proposal, the dedicated LaTeX/Word template specifically for FT proposals must be used: tex | sty | doc. This is compulsory for all FT proposals.
  • Submitting the same proposal more than once during a given month (e.g. after correcting/editing a submitted version) should be avoided if at all possible. Only submit when you are sure your proposal is ready to be reviewed.

Gemini North is accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. We are not yet accepting proposals for Gemini South. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other FT pages - particularly the rules - for general information about the program. FT-specific proposal templates must now be used for all FT proposals; see the "PIT information" section below. The revised 2020B PIT must be used.

Important dates

  • Proposal deadline: 23:59, Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), October 31.
  • Please ensure the latest version of the 20B PIT is used for submission.
  • Reviews must be complete by 23:59 HST, Nov 14. If you have submitted a proposal, but by the 2nd of the month have not received an email from FT regarding reviewing proposals, contact FT as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced by Nov 21.
  • The deadline for preparing observations (Phase II) is Nov 30. Accepted programs meeting this deadline will be active from 1 Dec 2020 until 28 Feb 2021.
  • FT observations will be merged with the queue and observed on queue nights.


  • PIs from all participant countries taking part in the FT program may apply for this cycle.
  • We further welcome Japanese community PI proposals.
  • PIs from participant countries whose FT time for the semester has been used up should not apply for the remainder of the semester. Note that some participant countries only have very small amounts of FT time available each semester. Currently no partners have reached their limit. See Rule #4 and Q&A for more information.

Acceptable RA ranges

  • Gemini North: Targets from about RA = 21.5 hr to 17 hr are acceptable during this cycle.  Note, however, that RAs near 21.5 will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Nov) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 17 will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (Jan) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.
  • Gemini South: N/A.

Available instruments and observing modes

Gemini North

  • Please see the 2020B telescope schedule for detailed instrument availabilities. Check back later this month for the February (2021A) schedule. 
  • GMOS, GNIRS, and NIRI are offered this cycle.  Please check the 20B telescope schedule for specific availability including Alopeke and GRACES. 
  • LGS/NGS (Altair) is not offered this cycle.

Gemini South

  • N/A

Both telescopes

  • FT observations may not be executed during classical observing, or priority visitor (PV), depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • For visiting instruments not listed above, please contact the FT team to check availability (Fast.Turnaround at
  • The R600 grating in each GMOS instrument is NOT offered for FT (or regular queue) observations.
  • MOS observations are now available for FT, subject to some caveats/restrictions
  • As discussed in the rules and Q&A, please contact the Fast Turnaround team in advance of the deadline if you would like to propose for an unusual instrument configuration or observing mode.

Time available

  • 20 hrs per cycle at Gemini North is available for FT observations. Very roughly, this implies:
    • 4 hrs of 20%-ile conditions (IQ=20, for example; see this web page)
    • 10 hrs of 50%-ile conditions
    • 14 hrs of 70%-ile conditions
    • 17 hrs of 85%-ile conditions
  • PIs may propose for up to the amount of time in their most restrictive observing conditions, subject to partner's time availability - see rule #4. For example, a proposal requesting CC50 IQ20 SB50 WVany conditions can request no more than 4 hrs of observing time.

PIT information

  • Proposals must be submitted using the version of the Phase I Tool specified on this web page
  • In the Time Requests tab, select "Fast Turnaround Observing at Gemini" as the proposal class and specify the reviewer (and mentor, if appropriate). Note that this is where the reviewer is defined; changes cannot be made after the proposal has been submitted.
  • For the pdf attachment to the proposal, the dedicated LaTeX/Word template specifically for FT proposals must be used: tex | sty | doc. This is compulsory for all FT proposals.
  • Submitting the same proposal more than once during a given month (e.g. after correcting/editing a submitted version) should be avoided if at all possible. Only submit when you are sure your proposal is ready to be reviewed.

Gemini North is accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. We are not yet accepting proposals for Gemini South. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other FT pages - particularly the rules - for general information about the program. FT-specific proposal templates must now be used for all FT proposals; see the "PIT information" section below. The revised 2020B PIT must be used.

Important dates

  • Proposal deadline: 23:59, Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), September 30.
  • Please ensure the latest version of the 20B PIT is used for submission.
  • Reviews must be complete by 23:59 HST, Oct 14. If you have submitted a proposal, but by the 2nd of the month have not received an email from FT regarding reviewing proposals, contact FT as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced by Oct 21.
  • The deadline for preparing observations (Phase II) is Oct 31. Accepted programs meeting this deadline will be active from 1 Nov 2020 until 31 Jan 2021.
  • FT observations will be merged with the queue and observed on queue nights.


  • PIs from all participant countries taking part in the FT program may apply for this cycle.
  • We further welcome Japanese community PI proposals.
  • PIs from participant countries whose FT time for the semester has been used up should not apply for the remainder of the semester. Note that some participant countries only have very small amounts of FT time available each semester. Currently no partners have reached their limit. See Rule #4 and Q&A for more information.

Acceptable RA ranges

  • Gemini North: Targets from about RA = 20 hr to 14.5 hr are acceptable during this cycle.  Note, however, that RAs near 20 will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Nov) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 14.5 will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (Jan) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month.
  • Gemini South: N/A.

Available instruments and observing modes

Gemini North

  • Please see the telescope schedule for detailed instrument availabilities. 
  • GMOS, GNIRS, and NIRI are offered this cycle.  Please check the 20B telescope schedule for specific availability including Alopeke, MAROON-X, and GRACES. 
  • LGS/NGS (Altair) is not offered this cycle.

Gemini South

  • N/A

Both telescopes

  • FT observations may not be executed during classical observing, or priority visitor (PV), depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • For visiting instruments not listed above, please contact the FT team to check availability (Fast.Turnaround at
  • The R600 grating in each GMOS instrument is NOT offered for FT (or regular queue) observations.
  • MOS observations are now available for FT, subject to some caveats/restrictions
  • As discussed in the rules and Q&A, please contact the Fast Turnaround team in advance of the deadline if you would like to propose for an unusual instrument configuration or observing mode.

Time available

  • 20 hrs per cycle at Gemini North is available for FT observations. Very roughly, this implies:
    • 4 hrs of 20%-ile conditions (IQ=20, for example; see this web page)
    • 10 hrs of 50%-ile conditions
    • 14 hrs of 70%-ile conditions
    • 17 hrs of 85%-ile conditions
  • PIs may propose for up to the amount of time in their most restrictive observing conditions, subject to partner's time availability - see rule #4. For example, a proposal requesting CC50 IQ20 SB50 WVany conditions can request no more than 4 hrs of observing time.

PIT information

  • Proposals must be submitted using the version of the Phase I Tool specified on this web page
  • In the Time Requests tab, select "Fast Turnaround Observing at Gemini" as the proposal class and specify the reviewer (and mentor, if appropriate). Note that this is where the reviewer is defined; changes cannot be made after the proposal has been submitted.
  • For the pdf attachment to the proposal, the dedicated LaTeX/Word template specifically for FT proposals must be used: tex | sty | doc. This is compulsory for all FT proposals.
  • Submitting the same proposal more than once during a given month (e.g. after correcting/editing a submitted version) should be avoided if at all possible. Only submit when you are sure your proposal is ready to be reviewed.

Gemini North is accepting proposals for the Fast Turnaround (FT) program. We are not yet accepting proposals for Gemini South. Here, we give information specific to this proposal cycle. Please see the other FT pages - particularly the rules - for general information about the program. FT-specific proposal templates must now be used for all FT proposals; see the "PIT information" section below. The revised 2020B PIT must be used.

Important dates

  • Proposal deadline: 23:59, Hawaiian Standard Time (HST), August 31.
  • Please ensure the latest version of the 20B PIT is used for submission.
  • Reviews must be complete by 23:59 HST, Sep 14. If you have submitted a proposal, but by the 2nd of the month have not received an email from FT regarding reviewing proposals, contact FT as soon as possible.
  • Results will be announced by Sep 21.
  • The deadline for preparing observations (Phase II) is Sep 30. Accepted programs meeting this deadline will be active from 1 Oct 2020 until 31 Dec 2020.
  • FT observations will be merged with the queue and observed on queue nights.


  • PIs from all participant countries taking part in the FT program may apply for this cycle.
  • We further welcome Japanese community PI proposals.
  • PIs from participant countries whose FT time for the semester has been used up should not apply for the remainder of the semester. Note that some participant countries only have very small amounts of FT time available each semester. Currently no partners have reached their limit. See Rule #4 and Q&A for more information.

Acceptable RA ranges

  • Gemini North: Targets from about RA = 18 hr to 12.5 hr are acceptable during this cycle.  Note, however, that RAs near 18 will only be accessible for a couple hours during the first half of the first month (Sep) and only at northern declinations (Dec> 0) . Likewise, RAs near 12.5 will only be accessible for a few hours during the final month (Nov) and again only in the above declination range. Note Rule #9; an FT program may not fully backload its three-month active period; at least one of its targets must be observable during its first active month. Gemini South: N/A.

Available instruments and observing modes

Gemini North

  • Please see the telescope schedule for detailed instrument availabilities. 
  • GMOS, GNIRS, and NIRI are offered this cycle.  Please check the 20B telescope schedule for specific availability including Alopeke and GRACES. 
  • LGS/NGS (Altair) is not offered this cycle.

Gemini South

  • N/A

Both telescopes

  • FT observations may not be executed during classical observing, or priority visitor (PV), depending on the prevailing conditions.
  • For visiting instruments not listed above, please contact the FT team to check availability (Fast.Turnaround at
  • The R600 grating in each GMOS instrument is NOT offered for FT (or regular queue) observations.
  • MOS observations are now available for FT, subject to some caveats/restrictions
  • As discussed in the rules and Q&A, please contact the Fast Turnaround team in advance of the deadline if you would like to propose for an unusual instrument configuration or observing mode.

Time available

  • 20 hrs per cycle at Gemini North is available for FT observations. Very roughly, this implies:
    • 4 hrs of 20%-ile conditions (IQ=20, for example; see this web page)
    • 10 hrs of 50%-ile conditions
    • 14 hrs of 70%-ile conditions
    • 17 hrs of 85%-ile conditions
  • PIs may propose for up to the amount of time in their most restrictive observing conditions, subject to partner's time availability - see rule #4. For example, a proposal requesting CC50 IQ20 SB50 WVany conditions can request no more than 4 hrs of observing time.

PIT information

  • Proposals must be submitted using the version of the Phase I Tool specified on this web page
  • In the Time Requests tab, select "Fast Turnaround Observing at Gemini" as the proposal class and specify the reviewer (and mentor, if appropriate). Note that this is where the reviewer is defined; changes cannot be made after the proposal has been submitted.
  • For the pdf attachment to the proposal, the dedicated LaTeX/Word template specifically for FT proposals must be used: tex | sty | doc. This is compulsory for all FT proposals.
  • Submitting the same proposal more than once during a given month (e.g. after correcting/editing a submitted version) should be avoided if at all possible. Only submit when you are sure your proposal is ready to be reviewed.


FT Call for Proposals | Page 5 | Gemini Observatory


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