Science Operations Announcements

Observing databases offline May 30

May 25th, 2018

The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Wednesday May 30 while we perform software updates.

During this time the following services will be unavailable:

  • Observing Tool synchronizations, file transfers, and non-sidereal target queries
  • Phase I Tool guide star probability queries

The new 2018B Observing Tool should be available on Thursday May 31 and will be required to access the observing databases.

Please check this site for further announcements.

Status of Gemini North

May 7th, 2018

A brief update on the status of Gemini North after Friday's earthquakes. The telescope, instruments, and enclosure were carefully inspected by the day-crew who were at the summit when both earthquakes hit. As of today, all systems have checked out with no reported damage, and we successfully opened and observed on-sky Friday night and over the weekend from the Hilo Base Facility.  We continue to closely monitor the on-going Kilauea volcanic activity and seismic tremors.

GN ODB Offline 2018-May-1

May 1st, 2018

The Gemini North Observing Database is offline due to a power outage on the summit of Mauna Kea and the following services are unavailable:

  • Observing Tool synchronizations, file transfers, and non-sidereal target queries
  • Phase I Tool guide star probability queries

Please check this site for further announcements.

GN Observing Database Offline Dec-5

December 4th, 2017

The Gemini North observing database will be offline on Tuesday December 5 from 10am - noon (HST) for hardware maintenance.

During this time the following services will be unavailable:

  • Phase I Tool guide star probability queries
  • Observing Tool synchronizations and file transfers (Gemini North programs only)
  • Observing Tool non-sidereal target queries (Gemini North programs only)
  • Please check this site for further announcements.

    Observing databases offline Nov 28

    November 26th, 2017

    The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Tuesday November 28 while we perform software updates.

    During this time the following services will be unavailable:

    • Observing Tool synchronizations, file transfers, and non-sidereal target queries
    • Phase I Tool guide star probability queries

    The new 2018A Observing Tool should be available on Wednesday November 29 and will be required to access the observing databases.

    Please check this site for further announcements.
