Science Operations Announcements
Gemini South observing database offline November 5, 2019
DRAGONS First Public Release!
It is with great delight that we are announcing the first public release of Gemini's new Python-base data reduction platform, DRAGONS, Data Reduction for Astronomy from Gemini Observatory North and South. This project has been many years in the making. DRAGONS offers a more streamlined approached to the data reduction of Gemini data, compared to the Gemini IRAF package.
IMPORTANT: MacOS 10.14.6 and 10.15 incompatibilities with data reduction software
As of this week's v10.15 release, MacOS is no longer capable of running the 32-bit Astroconda IRAF distribution needed by Gemini IRAF. For the time being, Gemini IRAF users on Apple machines are advised to continue using MacOS 10.14 or earlier, or to install Astroconda in a virtual machine with a compatible OS. Gemini will look into providing a ready-made VM image to help with this while we are migrating our data reduction tools to Python.
Observing Databases Offline Oct 7 & New OT
The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Monday, October 7 while we perform software updates in preparation for GeMS NGS2 commissioning
During this time the following services will be unavailable:
- Observing Tool synchronizations and file transfers
- Phase I Tool guide star probability queries
- Target of Opportunity triggers
2020A Call for Proposals
Gemini is now accepting proposals for observing time in Semester 2020A. The submission deadline varies with participant. A new version of the Phase I Tool (PIT) has been released to support proposal submissions.
Suspension of Gemini North Operations Continues
Gemini North remains closed for observations. We would at this time have been in the scheduled engineering shutdown, but the continued lack of reliable access to Maunakea has delayed the start of that work. With the approaching Hurricanes Erick and Flossie bracketing the weekend, a small crew ascended to the summit this morning (31-Jul) to leave the facility in a safe state. Once we regain reliable summit access we will commence and complete the shutdown, but to limit the loss of time in 2019B have deferred the planned primary mirror coating until 2020.
2019B Programs and Schedule Announced
Gemini 2019B observing programs and schedule have been announced. Notification emails were sent to successful PIs on June 14, 2019. Please check the schedules page for more information. Note that the latest version of the Observing Tool is required to access and update 2019B programs.
2019B OT Released
The 2019B Gemini Observing Tool is now available for download. This update is required to access the Gemini Observing Databases.
The Installation Instructions are linked on the Observing Tool web page, and we recommend that everyone download their programs from the databases rather than import from saved XMLs.
See the the Release Notes for a complete list of changes.
Observing databases offline June 3
The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Monday, June 3 while we perform software updates.
During this time the following services will be unavailable:
- Observing Tool synchronizations and file transfers
- Phase I Tool guide star probability queries
- Target of Opportunity triggers
The new 2019B Observing Tool should be available on Tuesday, June 4 and will be required to access the observing databases.