2022A Call for Proposals
Gemini is now accepting proposals for observing time in Semester 2022A. The submission deadline varies with participant. A new version of the Phase I Tool (PIT) has been released to support proposal submissions.
Gemini is now accepting proposals for observing time in Semester 2022A. The submission deadline varies with participant. A new version of the Phase I Tool (PIT) has been released to support proposal submissions.
Gemini 2021B observing programs and schedule have been announced. Notification emails were sent to successful PIs on June 15, 2021. Please check the schedules page for more information. Note that the latest version of the Observing Tool is required to access and update 2021B programs.
The 2021B Gemini Observing Tool is now available for download. This update is required to access the Gemini Observing Databases.
The Installation Instructions are linked on the Observing Tool web page, and we recommend that everyone download their programs from the databases rather than import from saved XMLs.
See the the Release Notes for a complete list of changes.
The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Tuesday, June 8 while we perform software updates.
During this time the following services will be unavailable:
The new 2021B Observing Tool will be available after the update and will be required to access the observing databases.
A CentOS 7 virtual machine image (OVA file) is now available to facilitate running Astroconda IRAF under MacOS 10.15+, which no longer supports running the necessary 32-bit binaries natively. This comes with Anaconda 2019.10, Gemini IRAF 1.14, DRAGONS 2.1.0 and other packages from Astroconda pre-installed. Users of MacOS 10.14 affected by the Tk bug that causes a desktop session logout when displaying graphics may also want to install this guest distribution as a workaround.
The cases of COVID-19 have continued to grow in the Coquimbo region, in particular in La Serena, Coquimbo and Vicuña. After careful consideration of the pandemic situation in the Coquimbo region and to safeguard the health of the observatory staff, the April 2021 GeMS/GSAOI run has been cancelled. We hope that observations later in the semester will be possible.
Gemini is now accepting proposals for observing time in Semester 2021B. The submission deadline varies with participant. A new version of the Phase I Tool (PIT) has been released to support proposal submissions.
A new version of the Phase I Tool (PIT) has been released for submission of 2021A proposals and is available for download at http://software.gemini.edu/phase1/2021A/.
This version must be used for all Fast Turnaround, Director's Discretionary, and Poor Weather proposals.
Altair, Gemini North's Adaptive Optics System, has been under repair. It is now in a state where it can be used in Natural Guide Star (NGS) mode. We will resume offering Altair in NGS mode starting with the upcoming Fast Turnaround cycle.