Science Operations Announcements

Observing Databases offline Dec 5

December 2nd, 2022

The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Monday, December 5 while we perform software updates.

During this time the following services will be unavailable:

  • Observing Tool synchronizations and file transfers
  • Phase I Tool guide star probability queries
  • Non-sidereal target queries
  • Integration Time Calculators
  • Target of Opportunity triggers

GN ODB offline Sep 13

September 12th, 2022

On Tuesday September 13 the Gemini North observing database will be offline for hardware maintenance from approximately 10am - 11am HST.

During this time the following services will be unavailable:

  • Phase I Tool guide star probability queries
  • Observing Tool synchronizations and file transfers (Gemini North programs only)
  • Observing Tool non-sidereal target queries (Gemini North programs only)

Please check this site for further announcements.

PyRAF on Python 3

August 23rd, 2022

Following some collaboration with the "IRAF Community" project earlier this year, we are pleased to make available PyRAF 2.2.1, the first version to pass all our testing on Python 3. This runs roughly as fast as the Python 2 version, thanks to improvements by Ole Streicher.

This version is already included on the new IRAF VM for Apple machines (see yesterday's announcement). On Linux, it can be installed by specifying "python=3.7" instead of "python=2.7" in the "conda create" command -- see:
