Science Operations Announcements

CPO Datacenter Shutdown Oct 5-6, 2020

October 5th, 2020

The Gemini Cerro Pachón datacenter will be shut down on October 5 and 6, 2020 due to maintenance work on the power infrastructure. The Gemini South ODB is still accessible. The only service that is unavailable is the DSS Gemini image catalog server.  If automatic image display in the OT does not seem to be working, then select another image server.

Gemini South prepares to resume science operations

September 17th, 2020

While the Gemini-S telescope has been closed during recent months, our team has been working on preparing detailed plans for re-opening, as soon as the conditions in Chile would allow.

A decision has been taken that from September 28th we can start work on preparing the Gemini-S telescope for limited night-time operation. Assuming that all the preparations will go well, we may be back to observing at night by the second half of October.

Hurricane Douglas Update

July 24th, 2020

Gemini North will be closed the nights of Saturday and Sunday, July 25 and 26, due to Hurricane Douglas. The Gemini North datacenter may be taken offline if the severity of the forecast increases.

Any further updates will be posted to this page.

Gemini South observing database offline July 7

July 3rd, 2020

The Gemini South observing database will be offline for several hours on Tuesday, July 7, 2020 for maintenance. If you cannot connect then please try again in a few hours.

This should not affect access to the Gemini North database, though users of the OT may see some connectivity warnings.

Update: As of 14:00 Chilean time on July 7, 2020 the Gemini South observing database is back online. Please submit a Helpdesk ticket if you encounter any problems.

Observing databases offline June 2

June 1st, 2020

The Gemini observing databases will be offline for several hours on Tuesday, June 2 while we perform software updates.

During this time the following services will be unavailable:

  • Observing Tool synchronizations and file transfers
  • Phase I Tool guide star probability queries
  • Target of Opportunity triggers

The new 2020B Observing Tool will be available after the update and will be required to access the observing databases.
