Science Operations Announcements

Virtual machine image for running IRAF under recent MacOS releases

May 19th, 2020

A CentOS 7 virtual machine image (OVA file) is now available to facilitate running Astroconda IRAF under MacOS 10.15+, which no longer supports running the necessary 32-bit binaries natively. This comes with Anaconda 2019.10, Gemini IRAF 1.14, DRAGONS 2.1.0 and other packages from Astroconda pre-installed. Users of MacOS 10.14 affected by the Tk bug that causes a desktop session logout when displaying graphics may also want to install this guest distribution as a workaround.

Altair unavailable

January 30th, 2020

The Gemini North Adaptive Optics system, Altair, is currently offline due to problems with its deformable mirror electronics as well as few other mechanisms on the optical bench. We are working on resolving the issues as quickly as possible, but it is likely that Altair will be unavailable for at least another couple of weeks. Please email your contact scientist if you have any questions or concerns about the potential impact on your program.
