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Getting Started with Gemini IRAF

Content owned by bill.vacca


This page provides information to assist users when processing data obtained with the Gemini telescopes with Gemini IRAF. If you are reducing Imaging data from GMOS, NIRI, Flamingos-2, GSAOI, or GNIRS (keyhole), then we strongly recommend that you use the new platform, DRAGONS. Tutorials are available on the DRAGONS Documentation Portal


Please see the requirements page for information relating to installing the Gemini IRAF package. For those new to IRAF, general IRAF documentation is available. In addition, a presentation called An Introduction to IRAF and the Gemini IRAF package was given at the 2014 AusGO/AAO Observational Techniques Workshop in Sydney, Australia, in conjunction with an interactive Python / PyRAF demonstration in the form of an IPython notebook (to run the IPython notebook, type ipython notebook in the directory where the IPython notebook is located then go to your browser). For instrument specific information, please follow the links below.

To get started with PyRAF:

To get started with one of the instruments:

  2. GMOS
  3. GNIRS
  4. GPI
  5. GSAOI
  6. MIDIR
  7. NIFS
  8. NIRI
  1. OSCIR
  2. QUIRC


Imaging Data

Spectroscopic Data


Imaging Data

Spectroscopic Data

IFU Data


Spectroscopic Data

Cross Dispersed (XD) Data

​Longslit Data

IFU Data


The GPI instrument builders and incidentally the campaign team has developed a powerful data reduction tool in IDL. At least for the duration of the GPI campaign, the software is maintained and developed by the campaign team.

The software and the documentation can be obtained at:

The GPI campaign team is providing a "source package" which contains all the source code and requires the user to have an IDL license to run the software. However, they also provide a "runtime package" both for Linux and Mac OS X that has compiled code and includes the IDL runtime library that can be run for free without a license. If you do not have an IDL license, use that second type of package.

All the tools are GUI-based. You do not need to know IDL.

A series of papers detailing GPI data and its analysis can be found in the GPI documents section


Imaging Data

  • All the available tasks in the GSAOI package can be found by typing help gsaoi at the IRAF / PyRAF prompt before loading the GSAOI package
  • Information about the reduction of all GSAOI data can be found by typing gsaoiinfo at the IRAF / PyRAF prompt
  • Disco-Stu, the Distortion Correction and Stacking Utility for GSAOI. This standalone package, written in python, will align and stack images that have already been processed by the Gemini IRAF gareduce task.
  • An example reduction script for processing GSAOI imaging data can be found by typing gsaoiexamples at the IRAF / PyRAF prompt


Imaging Data

Spectroscopic Data


IFU Data


Imaging Data

Spectroscopic Data


  • All the available tasks in the OSCIR package can be found by typing help oscir at the IRAF / PyRAF prompt before loading the OSCIR package
  • Information about the reduction of all OSCIR data can be found by typing oscirinfo at the IRAF / PyRAF prompt


  • All the available tasks in the QUIRC package can be found by typing help quirc at the IRAF / PyRAF prompt before loading the QUIRC package
  • Information about the reduction of all QUIRC data can be found by typing quircinfo at the IRAF / PyRAF prompt


  • All the available tasks in the FLAMINGOS package can be found by typing help flamingos at the IRAF / PyRAF prompt before loading the FLAMINGOS package
  • Information about the reduction of all FLAMINGOS data can be found by typing flamingosinfo at the IRAF / PyRAF prompt