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CO lines and band heads

Content owned by aadamson

Vacuum wavelengths and frequencies

T. Geballe

v 12C16O 13C16O 12C18O 12C17O
µm cm-1 µm cm-1 µm cm-1 µm cm-1
2-0 2.2935 4360.1 2.3448 4264.7 2.3492 4256.7 2.3226 4305.6
3-1 2.3227 4305.4 2.3739 4212.4 2.3783 4204.6 2.3517 4252.3
4-2 2.3525 4250.8 2.4037 4160.3 2.4081 4142.7 2.3815 4199.1
5-3 2.3829 4196.5 2.4341 4108.3 2.4385 4100.9 2.4119 4146.1
6-4 2.4142 4142.2 2.4652 4056.4 2.4696 4049.2
7-5 2.4461 4088.2 2.4971 4004.7
8-6 2.4787 4034.3
9-7 2.5122 3980.5
 (all of the delta v = 2 bandheads occur near J=50)
3-0 1.5582 6417.8
4-1 1.5780 6337.2
5-2 1.5982 6257.2
6-3 1.6187 6177.7
7-4 1.6397 6098.8
8-5 1.6610 6020.5
(all of the delta v = 3 bandheads occur near J=33)

Fundamental (1-0) Band Lines 4.50-5.00µm

12C16O 13C16O
1-0 line µm cm-1 µm cm-1
R(22) 4.5010 2221.749 4.6055 2171.317
R(21) 4.5071 2218.746 4.6116 2168.427
R(20) 4.5132 2215.705 4.6179 2165.502
R(19) 4.5195 2212.626 4.6242 2162.541
R(18) 4.5259 2209.509 4.6306 2159.545
R(17) 4.5324 2206.354 4.6371 2156.514
R(16) 4.5389 2203.161 4.6437 2153.447
R(15) 4.5456 2199.931 4.6504 2150.346
R(14) 4.5547 2196.664 4.6572 2147.210
R(13) 4.5592 2193.359 4.6641 2144.039
R(12) 4.5662 2190.018 4.6741 2140.833
R(11) 4.5732 2186.639 4.6782 2137.593
R(10) 4.5804 2183.224 4.6853 2134.318
R(9) 4.5876 2179.772 4.6926 2131.010
R(8) 4.5950 2176.284 4.7000 2127.667
R(7) 4.6024 2172.759 4.7075 2124.290
R(6) 4.6100 2169.198 4.7150 2120.880
R(5) 4.6177 2165.601 4.7227 2117.436
R(4) 4.6254 2161.969 4.7305 2113.958
R(3) 4.6333 2158.300 4.7383 2110.447
R(2) 4.6412 2154.596 4.7463 2106.903
R(1) 4.6493 2150.856 4.7544 2103.326
R(0) 4.6575 2147.081 4.7625 2099.716
P(1) 4.6742 2139.426 4.7792 2092.397
P(2) 4.6826 2135.546 4.7877 2088.688
P(3) 4.6912 2131.632 4.7963 2084.947
P(4) 4.7002 2127.683 4.8050 2081.174
P(5) 4.7088 2123.699 4.8138 2077.368
P(6) 4.7177 2119.681 4.8227 2073.531
P(7) 4.7267 2115.629 4.8317 2069.662
P(8) 4.7359 2111.543 4.8408 2055.760
P(9) 4.7451 2107.424 4.8501 2051.828

Overtone (2-0) Band Lines 2.33-2.36µm

12C16O 13C16O
2-0 line µm cm-1 µm cm-1
R(0) 2.345305 4263.84
R(1) 2.343269 4267.54
R(2) 2.341275 4271.17
R(3) 2.339323 4274.74
R(4) 2.337413 4278.23
P(1) 2.34950 4256.22
P(2) 2.35167 4252.97
P(3) 2.35387 4248.32
P(4) 2.35612 4244.27
P(5) 2.35841 4240.14
CO lines and band heads | Gemini Observatory


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