
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 2221-2240 of 3914 results.
Astrometric Calibration of the Gemini NICI Planet-Finding CampaignHayward, Thomas L., Biller, Beth A., Liu, Michael C., Nielsen, Eric L., Wahhaj, Zahed, Chun, Mark, Ftaclas, Christ, Hartung, Markus, Toomey, Douglas W.2014-12Publications of the Astronomical Society of the PacificNICIOther
Spectroscopic Characterization of HD 95086 b with the Gemini Planet ImagerDe Rosa, Robert J., Rameau, Julien, Patience, Jenny, Graham, James R., Doyon, René, Lafrenière, David, Macintosh, Bruce, Pueyo, Laurent, Rajan, Abhijith, Wang, Jason J., Ward-Duong, Kimberly, Hung, Li-Wei, Maire, Jérôme, Nielsen, Eric L., Ammons, S. Mark, Bulger, Joanna, Cardwell, Andrew, Chilcote, Jeffrey K., Galvez, Ramon L., Gerard, Benjamin L., Goodsell, Stephen, Hartung, Markus, Hibon, Pascale, Ingraham, Patrick, Johnson-Groh, Mara, Kalas, Paul, Konopacky, Quinn M., Marchis, Franck, Marois, Christian, Metchev, Stanimir, Morzinski, Katie M., Oppenheimer, Rebecca, Perrin, Marshall D., Rantakyrö, Fredrik T., Savransky, Dmitry, Thomas, Sandrine2016-06The Astrophysical JournalGPIOther
Detection and Characterization of Exoplanets using Projections on Karhunen Loeve Eigenimages: Forward ModelingPueyo, Laurent2016-06The Astrophysical JournalGPIOther
Scattered Light from Dust in the Cavity of the V4046 Sgr Transition DiskRapson, Valerie A., Kastner, Joel H., Andrews, Sean M., Hines, Dean C., Macintosh, Bruce, Millar-Blanchaer, Max, Tamura, Motohide2015-04The Astrophysical Journal LettersGPIOther
Evidence for Misalignment between Debris Disks and Their Host StarsHurt, Spencer A.; MacGregor, Meredith A.2023-09The Astrophysical JournalGPIOTHER
Deep near-infrared adaptive-optics observations of a young embedded cluster at the edge of the RCW 41 H II regionNeichel, B., Samal, M. R., Plana, H., Zavagno, A., Bernard, A., Fusco, T.2015-04Astronomy & AstrophysicsGSAOI+GeMSOther
Retrieving C and O Abundance of HR 8799 c by Combining High- and Low-resolution DataWang, Ji, Wang, Jason J., Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste, Blake, Geoffrey A., Mawet, Dimitri, Baker, Ashley, Bartos, Randall, Bond, Charlotte Z., Calvin, Benjamin, Cetre, Sylvain, Delorme, Jacques-Robert, Doppmann, Greg, Echeverri, Daniel, Finnerty, Luke, Fitzgerald, Michael P., Jovanovic, Nemanja, Lopez, Ronald, Martin, Emily C., Morris, Evan, Pezzato, Jacklyn, Ragland, Sam, Ruane, Garreth, Sappey, Ben, Schofield, Tobias, Skemer, Andrew, Venenciano, Taylor, Wallace, J. Kent, Wizinowich, Peter, Xuan, Jerry W., Bryan, Marta L., Roy, Arpita, Wallack, Nicole L.2023-01The Astronomical JournalGPIOther
Model of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence with Coronagraphic ImagingVides, Christina L.; Macintosh, Bruce; Binder, Breanna A.; De Rosa, Robert J.; Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste; Savransky, Dmitry2019-11The Astronomical JournalGPIOther
Detection of a Low-mass Stellar Companion to the Accelerating A2IV Star HR 1645De Rosa, Robert J.; Nielsen, Eric L.; Rameau, Julien; Duchêne, Gaspard; Greenbaum, Alexandra Z.; Wang, Jason J.; Ammons, S. Mark; Bailey, Vanessa P.; Barman, Travis; Bulger, Joanna; Chilcote, Jeffrey; Cotten, Tara; Doyon, Rene; Esposito, Thomas M.; Fitzgerald, Michael P.; Follette, Katherine B.; Gerard, Benjamin L.; Goodsell, Stephen J.; Graham, James R.; Hibon, Pascale Hom, Justin; Hung, Li-Wei; Ingraham, Patrick; Kalas, Paul; Konopacky, Quinn; Larkin, James E.; Macintosh, Bruce; Maire, Jérôme; Marchis, Franck; Marley, Mark S.; Marois, Christian; Metchev, Stanimir; Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A.; Oppenheimer, Rebecca; Palmer, David; Patience, Jennifer; Perrin, Marshall; Poyneer, Lisa; Pueyo, Laurent; Rajan, Abhijith; Rantakyrö, Fredrik T.; Ren, Bin; Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste; Savransky, Dmitry; Schneider, Adam C.; Sivaramakrishnan, Anand; Song, Inseok; Soummer, Remi; Tallis, Melisa; Thomas, Sandrine; Wallace, J. Kent; Ward-Duong, Kimberly; Wiktorowicz, Sloane; Wolff, Schuyler2019-12The Astronomical JournalGPIOther
Gemini Planet Imager Spectroscopy of the Dusty Substellar Companion HD 206893 BWard-Duong, K.; Patience, J.; Follette, K.; De Rosa, R. J.; Rameau, J.; Marley, M.; Saumon, D.; Nielsen, E. L.; Rajan, A.; Greenbaum, A. Z.; Lee, J.; Wang, J. J.; Czekala, I.; Duchêne, G.; Macintosh, B.; Ammons, S. Mark; Bailey, V. P.; Barman, T.; Bulger, J.; Chen, C. Chilcote, J.; Cotten, T.; Doyon, R.; Esposito, T. M.; Fitzgerald, M. P.; Gerard, B. L.; Goodsell, S. J.; Graham, J. R.; Hibon, P.; Hom, J.; Hung, L. -W.; Ingraham, P.; Kalas, P.; Konopacky, Q.; Larkin, J. E.; Maire, J.; Marchis, F.; Marois, C.; Metchev, S.; Millar-Blanchaer, M. A.; Oppenheimer, R.; Palmer, D.; Perrin, M.; Poyneer, L.; Pueyo, L.; Rantakyrö, F. T.; Ren, B.; Ruffio, J. -B.; Savransky, D.; Schneider, A. C.; Sivaramakrishnan, A.; Song, I.; Soummer, R.; Tallis, M.; Thomas, S.; Wallace, J. Kent; Wiktorowicz, S.; Wolff, S.2021-01The Astronomical JournalGPIOther
Limits on the mass and initial entropy of 51 Eri b from Gaia EDR3 astrometryDupuy, Trent J., Brandt, G. Mirek, Brandt, Timothy D.2022-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGPIOther
Bringing “The Moth” to Light: A Planet-sculpting Scenario for the HD 61005 Debris DiskEsposito, Thomas M., Fitzgerald, Michael P., Graham, James R., Kalas, Paul, Lee, Eve J., Chiang, Eugene, Duchêne, Gaspard, Wang, Jason, Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A., Nielsen, Eric, Ammons, S. Mark, Bruzzone, Sebastian, De Rosa, Robert J., Draper, Zachary H., Macintosh, Bruce, Marchis, Franck, Metchev, Stanimir A., Perrin, Marshall, Pueyo, Laurent, Rajan, Abhijith, Rantakyrö, Fredrik T., Vega, David, Wolff, Schuyler2016-10The Astronomical JournalGPIOther
An Updated Visual Orbit of the Directly Imaged Exoplanet 51 Eridani b and Prospects for a Dynamical Mass Measurement with GaiaDe Rosa, Robert J.; Nielsen, Eric L.; Wang, Jason J.; Ammons, S. Mark; Duchêne, Gaspard; Macintosh, Bruce; Rameau, Julien; Bailey, Vanessa P.; Barman, Travis; Bulger, Joanna; Chilcote, Jeffrey; Cotten, Tara; Doyon, Rene; Esposito, Thomas M.; Fitzgerald, Michael P.; Follette, Katherine B.; Gerard, Benjamin L.; Goodsell, Stephen J.; Graham, James R.; Greenbaum, Alexandra Z. Hibon, Pascale; Hom, Justin; Hung, Li-Wei; Ingraham, Patrick; Kalas, Paul; Konopacky, Quinn; Larkin, James E.; Maire, Jérôme; Marchis, Franck; Marley, Mark S.; Marois, Christian; Metchev, Stanimir; Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A.; Oppenheimer, Rebecca; Palmer, David; Patience, Jennifer; Perrin, Marshall; Poyneer, Lisa; Pueyo, Laurent; Rajan, Abhijith; Rantakyrö, Fredrik T.; Ren, Bin; Ruffio, Jean-Baptiste; Savransky, Dmitry; Schneider, Adam C.; Sivaramakrishnan, Anand; Song, Inseok; Soummer, Remi; Tallis, Melisa; Thomas, Sandrine; Wallace, J. Kent; Ward-Duong, Kimberly; Wiktorowicz, Sloane; Wolff, Schuyler2020-01The Astronomical JournalGPIOther
Gemini multiconjugate adaptive optics system review - II. Commissioning, operation and overall performanceNeichel, Benoit, Rigaut, François, Vidal, Fabrice, van Dam, Marcos A., Garrel, Vincent, Carrasco, Eleazar Rodrigo, Pessev, Peter, Winge, Claudia, Boccas, Maxime, d'Orgeville, Céline, Arriagada, Gustavo, Serio, Andrew, Fesquet, Vincent, Rambold, William N., Lührs, Javier, Moreno, Cristian, Gausachs, Gaston, Galvez, Ramon L., Montes, Vanessa, Vucina, Tomislav B., Marin, Eduardo, Urrutia, Cristian, Lopez, Ariel, Diggs, Sarah J., Marchant, Claudio, Ebbers, Angelic W., Trujillo, Chadwick, Bec, Matthieu, Trancho, Gelys, McGregor, Peter, Young, Peter J., Colazo, Felipe, Edwards, Michelle L.2014-05Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGSAOI+GeMSOther
Gemini multiconjugate adaptive optics system review - I. Design, trade-offs and integrationRigaut, François, Neichel, Benoit, Boccas, Maxime, d'Orgeville, Céline, Vidal, Fabrice, van Dam, Marcos A., Arriagada, Gustavo, Fesquet, Vincent, Galvez, Ramon L., Gausachs, Gaston, Cavedoni, Chad, Ebbers, Angelic W., Karewicz, Stan, James, Eric, Lührs, Javier, Montes, Vanessa, Perez, Gabriel, Rambold, William N., Rojas, Roberto, Walker, Shane, Bec, Matthieu, Trancho, Gelys, Sheehan, Michael, Irarrazaval, Benjamin, Boyer, Corinne, Ellerbroek, Brent L., Flicker, Ralf, Gratadour, Damien, Garcia-Rissmann, Aurea, Daruich, Felipe2014-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGSAOI+GeMSOther
Discovery of a Substellar Companion to the Nearby Debris Disk Host HR 2562Konopacky, Quinn M., Rameau, Julien, Duchêne, Gaspard, Filippazzo, Joseph C., Giorla Godfrey, Paige A., Marois, Christian, Nielsen, Eric L., Pueyo, Laurent, Rafikov, Roman R., Rice, Emily L., Wang, Jason J., Ammons, S. Mark, Bailey, Vanessa P., Barman, Travis S., Bulger, Joanna, Bruzzone, Sebastian, Chilcote, Jeffrey K., Cotten, Tara, Dawson, Rebekah I., De Rosa, Robert J., Doyon, René, Esposito, Thomas M., Fitzgerald, Michael P., Follette, Katherine B., Goodsell, Stephen, Graham, James R., Greenbaum, Alexandra Z., Hibon, Pascale, Hung, Li-Wei, Ingraham, Patrick, Kalas, Paul, Lafrenière, David, Larkin, James E., Macintosh, Bruce A., Maire, Jérôme, Marchis, Franck, Marley, Mark S., Matthews, Brenda C., Metchev, Stanimir, Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A., Oppenheimer, Rebecca, Palmer, David W., Patience, Jenny, Perrin, Marshall D., Poyneer, Lisa A., Rajan, Abhijith, Rantakyrö, Fredrik T., Savransky, Dmitry, Schneider, Adam C., Sivaramakrishnan, Anand, Song, Inseok, Soummer, Remi, Thomas, Sandrine, Wallace, J. Kent, Ward-Duong, Kimberly, Wiktorowicz, Sloane J., Wolff, Schuyler G.2016-09The Astrophysical Journal LettersGPIOther
First Resolved Scattered-light Images of Four Debris Disks in Scorpius-Centaurus with the Gemini Planet ImagerHom, Justin; Patience, Jennifer; Esposito, Thomas M.; Duchêne, Gaspard; Worthen, Kadin; Kalas, Paul; Jang-Condell, Hannah; Saboi, Kezman; Arriaga, Pauline; Mazoyer, Johan; Wolff, Schuyler; Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A.; Fitzgerald, Michael P.; Perrin, Marshall D.; Chen, Christine H.; Macintosh, Bruce; Matthews, Brenda C.; Wang, Jason J.; Graham, James R.; Marchis, Franck Ammons, S. Mark; Bailey, Vanessa P.; Barman, Travis; Bulger, Joanna; Chilcote, Jeffrey K.; Cotten, Tara; De Rosa, Robert J.; Doyon, René; Follette, Katherine B.; Goodsell, Steven; Greenbaum, Alexandra Z.; Hibon, Pascale; Ingraham, Patrick; Konopacky, Quinn; Larkin, James E.; Maire, Jerome; Marley, Mark S.; Marois, Christian; Matthews, Elisabeth; Metchev, Stanimir; Nielsen, Eric L.; Oppenheimer, Rebecca; Palmer, David; Poyneer, Lisa A.; Pueyo, Laurent; Rajan, Abhijith; Rameau, Julien; Rantakyrö, Fredrik T.; Ren, Bin; Savransky, Dmitry; Schneider, Adam; Sivaramakrishnan, Anand; Song, Inseok; Soummer, Rémi; Tallis, Melisa; Thomas, Sandrine; Wallace, J. Kent; Ward-Duong, Kimberly; Wiktorowicz, Sloane J.; Zuckerman, Ben2020-01The Astronomical JournalGPIOther
Imaging the 44 au Kuiper Belt Analog Debris Ring around HD 141569A with GPI PolarimetrySebastián Bruzzone, Juan; Metchev, Stanimir; Duchêne, Gaspard; Millar-Blanchaer, Maxwell A.; Dong, Ruobing; Esposito, Thomas M.; Wang, Jason J.; Graham, James R.; Mazoyer, Johan; Wolff, Schuyler; Ammons, S. Mark; Schneider, Adam C.; Greenbaum, Alexandra Z.; Matthews, Brenda C.; Arriaga, Pauline; Bailey, Vanessa P.; Barman, Travis; Bulger, Joanna; Chilcote, Jeffrey; Cotten, Tara De Rosa, Robert J.; Doyon, Rene; Fitzgerald, Michael P.; Follette, Katherine B.; Gerard, Benjamin L.; Goodsell, Stephen J.; Hibon, Pascale; Hom, Justin; Hung, Li-Wei; Ingraham, Patrick; Kalas, Paul; Konopacky, Quinn; Larkin, James E.; Macintosh, Bruce; Maire, Jérôme; Marchis, Franck; Marois, Christian; Morzinski, Katie M.; Nielsen, Eric L.; Oppenheimer, Rebecca; Palmer, David; Patel, Rahul; Patience, Jennifer; Perrin, Marshall; Poyneer, Lisa; Pueyo, Laurent; Rajan, Abhijith; Rameau, Julien; Rantakyrö, Fredrik T.; Savransky, Dmitry; Sivaramakrishnan, Anand; Song, Inseok; Soummer, Remi; Thomas, Sandrine; Wallace, J. Kent; Ward-Duong, Kimberly; Wiktorowicz, Sloane2020-02The Astronomical JournalGPIOther
Retrieval study of cool, directly imaged exoplanet 51 Eri bWhiteford, Niall ; Glasse, Alistair ; Chubb, Katy L. ; Kitzmann, Daniel; Ray, Shrishmoy; Phillips, Mark W. ; Biller, Beth A. ; Palmer, Paul I. ; Rice, Ken; Waldmann, Ingo P. ; Changeat, Quentin; Skaf, Nour ; Wang, Jason ; Edwards, Billy; Al-Refaie, Ahmed2023-10Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGPIOTHER
Component masses of young, wide, non-magnetic white dwarf binaries in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7Baxter, R. B., Dobbie, P. D., Parker, Q. A., Casewell, S. L., Lodieu, N., Burleigh, M. R., Lawrie, K. A., Külebi, B., Koester, D., Holland, B. R.2014-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-N/GMOS-SOTHER

Gemini Observatory Participants