
Gemini Publications By Users

These pages allow you to search for publications in refereed journals based on data taken with the Gemini telescopes, whether published by the proposer or via subsequent use of the Gemini Observatory Archive (formerly Gemini Science Archive). More information about criteria for inclusion. If your published paper does not appear in the database, please contact the Librarian.

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Search Gemini Users Publications on ADS

Gemini Observatory is among the bibliographic groups on ADS. Search syntax “bibgroup:gemini” returns all Gemini users publications. However it may not be up-to-date as the list below.

Displaying 2481-2500 of 3908 results.
Red Supergiants as Potential Type IIn Supernova Progenitors: Spatially Resolved 4.6 μm CO Emission Around VY CMa and BetelgeuseSmith, N., Hinkle, K. H., and Ryde, N.2009-03The Astronomical JournalPHOENIXUS/DD
Redshift determination of the BL Lac object 3C 66A by the detection of its host galaxy cluster at z = 0.340Torres-Zafra, Juanita, Cellone, Sergio A., Buzzoni, Alberto, Andruchow, Ileana, Portilla, José G.2018-03Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGMOS-NAR
Redshifts, Sample Purity, and BCG Positions for the Galaxy Cluster Catalog from the First 720 Square Degrees of the South Pole Telescope SurveySong, J.; Zenteno, A.; Stalder, B.; Desai, S.; Bleem, L. E.; Aird, K. A.; Armstrong, R.; Ashby, M. L. N.; Bayliss, M.; Bazin, G.; Benson, B. A.; Bertin, E.; Brodwin, M.; Carlstrom, J. E.; Chang, C. L.; Cho, H. M.; Clocchiatti, A.; Crawford, T. M.; Crites, A. T.; de Haan, T.; Dobbs, M. A.; Dudley, J. P.; Foley, R. J.; George, E. M.; Gettings, D.; Gladders, M. D.; Gonzalez, A. H.; Halverson, N. W.; Harrington, N. L.; High, F. W.; Holder, G. P.; Holzapfel, W. L.; Hoover, S.; Hrubes, J. D.; Joy, M.; Keisler, R.; Knox, L.; Lee, A. T.; Leitch, E. M.; Liu, J.; Lueker, M.; Luong-Van, D.; Marrone, D. P.; McDonald, M.; McMahon, J. J.; Mehl, J.; Meyer, S. S.; Mocanu, L.; Mohr, J. J.; Montroy, T. E.; Natoli, T.; Nurgaliev, D.; Padin, S.; Plagge, T.; Pryke, C.; Reichardt, C. L.; Rest, A.; Ruel, J.; Ruhl, J. E.; Saliwanchik, B. R.; Saro, A.; Sayre, J. T.; Schaffer, K. K.; Shaw, L.; Shirokoff, E.; Suhada, R.; Spieler, H. G.; Stanford, S. A.; Staniszewski, Z.; Stark, A. A.; Story, K.; Stubbs, C. W.; van Engelen, A.; Vanderlinde, K.; Vieira, J. D.; Williamson, R.; Zahn, O.2012-12The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-SUS
Refining the Census of the Upper Scorpius Association with GaiaLuhman, K. L.; Esplin, T. L.2020-07The Astronomical JournalGNIRS/FLAMINGOS-2UH/US
Reionization history constraints from neural network based predictions of high-redshift quasar continua Durovčíková, Dominika; Katz, Harley; Bosman, Sarah E. I.; Davies, Frederick B.; Devriendt, Julien; Slyz, Adrianne2020-04Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyGNIRSUK/DD
Relation Between Stellar Mass and Star-Formation Activity in GalaxiesMobasher, Bahram, Dahlen, Tomas, Hopkins, Andrew, Scoville, Nick Z., Capak, Peter, Rich, R. Michael, Sanders, David B., Schinnerer, Eva, Ilbert, Olivier, Salvato, Mara, Sheth, Kartik2009-01The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NCA/US
Relative Orbit Orientation in Several Resolved Multiple SystemsTokovinin, Andrei, Latham, David W.2017-03The Astrophysical JournalDSSIUS
Relativistic redshift of the star S0-2 orbiting the Galactic Center supermassive black holeDo, Tuan, Hees, Aurelien, Ghez, Andrea, Martinez, Gregory D., Chu, Devin S., Jia, Siyao, Sakai, Shoko, Lu, Jessica R., Gautam, Abhimat K., O’Neil, Kelly Kosmo, Becklin, Eric E., Morris, Mark R., Matthews, Keith, Nishiyama, Shogo, Campbell, Randy, Chappell, Samantha, Chen, Zhuo, Ciurlo, Anna, Dehghanfar, Arezu, Gallego-Cano, Eulalia, Kerzendorf, Wolfgang E., Lyke, James E., Naoz, Smadar, Saida, Hiromi, Schödel, Rainer, Takahashi, Masaaki, Takamori, Yohsuke, Witzel, Gunther, Wizinowich, Peter2019-08ScienceNIFS+ALTAIRUS
Relics of Supermassive Black Hole Seeds: The Discovery of an Accreting Black Hole in an Optically Normal, Low Metallicity Dwarf GalaxyCann, Jenna M., Satyapal, Shobita, Rothberg, Barry, Canalizo, Gabriela, Bohn, Thomas, LaMassa, Stephanie, Matzko, William, Blecha, Laura, Secrest, Nathan J., Seth, Anil, Böker, Torsten, Sexton, Remington O., Kamal, Lara, Schmitt, Henrique2021-05The Astrophysical Journal LettersGNIRSUS
RELICS: Properties of z ≥ 5.5 Galaxies Inferred from Spitzer and Hubble Imaging, Including A Candidate z ∼ 6.8 Strong [O III] emitter Strait, Victoria; Bradač, Maruša; Coe, Dan; Lemaux, Brian C.; Carnall, Adam C.; Bradley, Larry; Pelliccia, Debora; Sharon, Keren; Zitrin, Adi; Acebron, Ana; Neufeld, Chloe; Andrade-Santos, Felipe; Avila, Roberto J.; Frye, Brenda L.; Mahler, Guillaume; Nonino, Mario; Ogaz, Sara; Oguri, Masamune; Ouchi, Masami; Paterno-Mahler, Rachel Stark, Daniel P.; Mainali, Ramesh; Oesch, Pascal A.; Trenti, Michele; Carrasco, Daniela; Dawson, William A.; Jones, Christine; Umetsu, Keiichi; Vulcani, Benedetta2021-04The Astrophysical JournalFLAMINGOS-2/GMOS-SLTP
RELICS: Strong Lensing Analysis of the Galaxy Clusters Abell S295, Abell 697, MACS J0025.4-1222, and MACS J0159.8-0849Cibirka, Nathália, Acebron, Ana, Zitrin, Adi, Coe, Dan, Agulli, Irene, Andrade-Santos, Felipe, Bradač, Maruša, Frye, Brenda, Livermore, Rachael C., Mahler, Guillaume, Salmon, Brett, Sharon, Keren, Trenti, Michele, Umetsu, Keiichi, Avila, Roberto, Bradley, Larry, Carrasco, Daniela, Cerny, Catherine, Czakon, Nicole G., Dawson, William A., Hoag, Austin T., Huang, Kuang-Han, Johnson, Traci L., Jones, Christine, Kikuchihara, Shotaro, Lam, Daniel, Lovisari, Lorenzo, Mainali, Ramesh, Oesch, Pascal A., Ogaz, Sara, Ouchi, Masami, Past, Matthew, Paterno-Mahler, Rachel, Peterson, Avery, Ryan, Russell E., Sendra-Server, Irene, Stark, Daniel P., Strait, Victoria, Toft, Sune, Vulcani, Benedetta2018-08The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NLTP
Resolved debris disc emission around η Telescopii: a young solar system or ongoing planet formation?Smith, R., Churcher, L. J., Wyatt, M. C., Moerchen, M. M., and Telesco, C. M.2009-01Astronomy & AstrophysicsTRECSUK
Resolved imaging of the HD 191089 debris discChurcher, L., Wyatt, M., and Smith, R.2011-01Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyTRECSUK
Resolved Mid-Infrared Emission in the Narrow-Line Region of NGC 4151Radomski, J. T., Piña, R. K., Packham, C., Telesco, C. M., De Buizer, J. M., Fisher, R. S., and Robinson, A.2003-04The Astrophysical JournalOSCIRUS
Resolved Nuclear Kinematics Link the Formation and Growth of Nuclear Star Clusters with the Evolution of Their Early- and Late-type HostsPinna, Francesca, Neumayer, Nadine, Seth, Anil, Emsellem, Eric, Nguyen, Dieu D., Böker, Torsten, Cappellari, Michele, McDermid, Richard M., Voggel, Karina, Walcher, C. Jakob2021-11The Astrophysical JournalNIFS+LGSSV/US/GS
Resolved properties of a luminous hinge clump in the compact group of galaxies NGC 6845Olave-Rojas, Daniela E.; Hernandez-Jimenez, José A.; Torres-Flores, Sergio ; Mora, Marcelo D. ; Firpo, Veronica2024-07Astronomy & AstrophysicsGMOS-SCL
Resolved spectroscopy of gravitationally lensed galaxies: global dynamics and star-forming clumps on ˜100 pc scales at 1 < z < 4Livermore, R. C., Jones, T. A., Richard, J., Bower, R. G., Swinbank, A. M., Yuan, T.-T., Edge, A. C., Ellis, R. S., Kewley, L. J., Smail, Ian, Coppin, K. E. K., Ebeling, H.2015-06Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical SocietyNIFS+ALTAIRUK
Resolved Spectroscopy of the T8.5 and Y0-0.5 Binary WISEPC J121756.91+162640.2ABLeggett, S. K., Liu, Michael C., Dupuy, Trent J., Morley, Caroline V., Marley, M. S., Saumon, D.2014-01The Astrophysical JournalGNIRSUH
Resolving Clumpy versus Extended Lyα in Strongly Lensed, High-redshift Lyα EmittersNavarre, Alexander; Khullar, Gourav; Bayliss, Matthew B.; Dahle, Håkon; Florian, Michael; Gladders, Michael; Kim, Keunho J.; Owens, M. Riley; Rigby, Jane; Roberson, Joshua; Sharon, Keren; Shibuya, Takatoshi ; Walker, Ryan2024-02The Astrophysical JournalGMOS-NUS
Resolving Decades of Periodic Spirals from the Wolf-Rayet Dust Factory WR 112Lau, Ryan M.; Hankins, Matthew J.; Han, Yinuo; Endo, Izumi; Moffat, Anthony F. J.; Ressler, Michael E.; Sakon, Itsuki; Sanchez-Bermudez, Joel; Soulain, Anthony; Stevens, Ian R.; Tuthill, Peter G.; Williams, Peredur M.2020-09The Astrophysical JournalOSCIR/TRECSCA/GS

Gemini Observatory Participants